Bug Fixes: Version - Released 11 September 2015

Friday September 11 2015

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
76377 - Enhance Posting to Handle Non Stocked / Controlled Items Correctly
When posting a sales order line that is a non-stocked item, the system now: updates cost on the order line to be the sum of the component's cost; updates item/location average cost/last cost of the non-stocked parent to be sum of the component's cost; creates COGS entry to the parent's G/L account based upon the sum of the component's cost; create inventory credits to the component's inventory account based upon their material cost type code and cost. Some information was being recording incorrectly in older builds.
6366421 - Checkout Needs To Honor Country Setup
Under-the-hood adjustments. If a country has no states, then the State DDL will be hidden and not required. The same holds true with postal codes.
6395297 - JobMaster Error Releasing On Hold Orders
The system was encountering trouble attempting to release on hold orders if any of those orders were being edited. Now, it correctly just ignores the order being edited and continues on wiht the other orders.
6592471 - Scan Via Item's UPC Code Doesn't Work
When using a handheld barcode scanner, the system was not correctly connecting the UPC code on the ItemForm with the actual item and thus was unable to add the item. Now the system will recognize either the item number or the UPC Code (provided the latter is added to the ItemForm.)
6523098 - Verify Handling of Dim Weight Items with US Post Office
US Post Office Freight API change meant we were no longer sending package dimensions to them correctly.
6673724 - Adding a Line Item to a PO After Deleting a Line Item Throws an Error
When creating a PO, if a line was deleted on this PO, all line numbers after it did not reset and when you attempted to add another line, a duplicate line number error was generated.
6858610 - Incorrect Syntax Error (Revision failed when attempting to update schema) When 9.8.0 Applied to Blank DB
Observed only when applied to a blank database, this made it impossible for a website to actually start.
6931474 - Large Numbers are Chopped Off Funny on Billing Distribution Pages
Strange formatting existed for numbers that exceeded 7 (e.g. 10,000.00) or more. Before this fix, everything after the decimal point was on a different line.
6975539 - Item Search Results Missing Item Number
The column header on the search results stated 'Item Number' but was not actually showing this number; instead, only the short description was present.
6991152 - Label is Wrong on /Purchasing/PurchaseOrders.aspx
Adjusted a label for accuracy; stated "Lines returned" when you were searching for POs, not lines.
6999538 - Order Entry PO Validators Causing Postback Issues
Validators were not generating expected postback until after you changed a dropdown list twice. It simply ignored the first one.
7016225 - Cross-Sell Popup Displays Wrong Text
When you add an item to the cart that has a cross-sell item but no up-sell items, the popup for the cross-sell item displayed, "Upgrade Now."  This has been corrected to the proper "Additional Items" popup.
7020423 - Entity Search Won't Return Over 100 Rows
In Entity Search if you selected more than 100 in "Max Returned", the page errored out after a lengthy wait.
7035319 - Checkout BillTo Same As Shipping Causing Hidden Validation Errors
Unchecking "Bill To is same as ShipTo" and Checking caused hidden validation failures and made it so the order could not be placed.
7035412 - Auto Correct Incorrectly Changes to Lowercase
Auto correct in Event Registration was messing up people's spelling of their names.  Changes McIntosh to Mcintosh, for example.
7035930 - Checkout Refresh Cart Lines On Shipping Change
We added logic to update cart lines box when shipping information changed.
7046932 - Order Entry Cart Line Not Changing Price When UOM Changes
Changing the unit of measure on an item in Customer Service Order Entry (from BX to EA, for example) was not correctly changing the price. This was also the case when we added a new UOM to the item on the Enter Orders page.
7056067 - Order Entry Should Notify of Duplicate PO Not Stop the Order From Being Placed
A previous bug fix caused Order Entry to no longer allow an order to be placed with a duplicate PO. This was incorrect behavior and has been corrected. 
7103193 - Error During Checkout Because of Missing Credit Card Expiration Month
This error was only showing up on custom checkout pages. The lack of an expiration month on a saved credit card was causing an error.
7118184 - Tooltip on Add Freight Account is Wrong
Tooltip incorrectly referenced Credit Card Account instead of Freight Account. This was just an oversight and did not affect functionality.
7123107 - Ecommerce Legacy Images AlternateText
Adjusted to populate "AlternateText" for images to use Short Description.
7205720 - Quotes Should Not Be Able to be Selected During Billing Process
Quote-type orders were being Selected during the Select Orders for Billing process, which is then placed them in a strange state that no longer allowed them to be converted to Orders.
7238732 - Unable to Process Web Orders
When on the Orders on Hold page, attempts to take an order off hold was causing a site failure due to some underlying code that was altered in a previous version.
7262312 Add help to purchase order screen
New tooltips were added to the edit Purchase Order screen explaining the purpose of the less obvious fields.
7316597 - Sales Tax Reporting is Returning NaN Instead of Calculated Information
Coding issue that was not displaying correct information; info was correct in the database however.
7320254 - Add Better Error Handling and Logging to Field Conversion
Mostly an under-the-hold adjustment, this provides easier to understand error messages during the field conversion process.
7377527 - Observing Unexpected Type-Ahead Failure When Using Bar Code Scanner in Enter Order
The type-ahead information was not going away when a bar code scanner was used to add items to the cart and multiple uses caused multiple instances of this fail.
7450734 - ItemForm Price Showing $0.00
Prices for items were showing as $0.00 on the itemform page but were displaying correctly on categories pages.
7517958 - Web.config Being Generated With customErrors Turned Off
While not a crippling issue, this problem allowed customers to see SQL-intensive errors instead of a friendlier 'something went wrong' message should a site crash occur.
7577305 - Site Crash on Enter Orders if Ship Vias Not Setup
Observed with new databases. If ship vias were completely blank or not setup, attempts to go to Enter Orders caused a site crash and did not provide adequate information about what was actually wrong.