
Missing or Expired Sales Tax Certificate (Ship To)

This Order Rule can be used to charge sales tax on an order if the tax certificate is missing or expired.
Set up:
  1. Triggers:
    • Description: Missing or Expired Sales Tax Certificate (Ship To)
    • Criteria: blank
  2. Results:
    • Description: Order Taxable
    • Criteria: blank
If the following conditions are met, the order will be taxed if the tax certificate is missing or expired.  Tax will be based on the Bill-to's tax code setting.
  1. Bill-to:
    • Taxable: unchecked
    • Tax Code (or Tax Schedule): set to taxable code
  2. Ship-to:
    • All ship-to's must be set to "NON" or "Select Tax Code"
    • CAUTION: If any ship-to has a tax code, then tax will be charged according to the selected ship-to's tax code setting even if the tax certificate is valid
  3. Tax Certificate:
    • Missing
    • Expired and "Hold for Review" checked