Create | Update | Delete (CRUD)


All objects in the BirdDog Software Framework inherit from IDomainObject which has standard properties:

  • BeginEdit
  • CancelEdit
  • Delete
  • ApplyEdit

Using the Factory and these properties any object can be Created | Loaded | Edited | Deleted | Saved.

Create or Load and then save to database:

Dim oUser As IUser


    oUser = AppCon.GetAppCon.Factory.UserLoaded("

Catch ex as Domain.RecordNotFoundException

    oUser = AppCon.GetAppCon.Factory.UserNew(, "pass")

End Try

With oUser

    .BeginEdit 'This is not required...gets called automatically when you change a property


    .LName = "User"

    .ApplyEdit 'Saves to the database

End With


Load and then delete:

Dim oUser As IUser


    oUser = AppCon.GetAppCon.Factory.UserLoaded("



Catch ex as Domain.RecordNotFoundException

    'Doesn't exist

End Try