Order that routines get fired

  1. Page_Load Event
    1. ValidatePage
    2. BeforePageLoad
    3. SetupProcessOrderButton
    4. PageLoad
      1. First Page Hit
        1. HideErrorMsg
        2. FormLoad
          1. PopulateComboBoxes
          2. UpdateCreditCardFields
          3. LoadCreditCards
          4. LoadShipToDropDown
          5. PopulateShippingTextBoxes
          6. PopulateBillingTextBoxes
          7. PopulateCustomFields
          8. SetupPaymentMethod
          9. LoadShipViaCombo
          10. SetDefaultShipVia
            1. SetShipViaCode(Current Value in the Cart)
              1. SetShipVia - Verifies that the Control Selected Value matches the current Cart Ship Via Code
            2. SetShippingPrice(Current Value in the Cart)
              1. UpdateFreight(Current Value in the Cart)
          11. SetTaxCode
      2. Subsequent Page Hits (Button click or control change with AutoPostBack="true")
        1. FormSave
          1. SaveCreditCardInformation
          2. PutBillingAddressInCart
          3. UpdateShipTo
          4. PutShippingAddressInCart
          5. PutOtherFieldsInCart
          6. PutCustomFieldsInCart
          7. PutCreditCardFieldsInCart
          8. UpdateCartFields
          9. UpdateCartLines
          10. SetShipViaCode(Currently Selected Value of Drop Down List / Radio List)
            1. SetShipVia - Verifies that the Control Selected Value matches the current Cart Ship Via Code
          11. SetShippingPrice(Currently Selected Value of Drop Down List / Radio List)
            1. UpdateFreight(Currently Selected Value of Drop Down List / Radio List)
          12. If RateShipViaCodes Then LoadShipViaCombo
          13. SetTaxCode
    5. AfterPageLoad