New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
8370674 - Add Collector to Customer View & Edit
There is a field on the AR/ARSummary.aspx page called "Collector". That field needed to be added to the Customer View & Edit pages.
9860312 - All-In-One Installer
This is our new, semi-automated install process that will all you to get Enterprise for Windows, Job Master and the website installed at the same time. Other necessary components, such as the Crystal Reports runtime, which is normally run manually, is instead installed in the background during this process. Consult our instructions to use this new program.
11040105 - Revise Initial Sync to Not Require ALL History Tables
When running an initial sync using the all in one installer, the process attempts to download all synced tables from the master "hub" location which is problematic depending upon the size of the master database. Now, during the install process, a one-time job is triggered on the "hub" side that marks all necessary history tables for down to this remote "spoke" database. This will allow the down to work in smaller pieces instead of trying to mass copy everything all at once and bring the SQL server to its knees. Development also reviewed the code and reduced the number of initial number actually required.
11066280 - Error Downloading Customer Types Because Description is Limited to 15 Characters
Enhancements to various code lengths in our starter BDEngine database to allow for various applications that we handle via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11131236 - Switch to Using Linkage Records to Track Errors
Previously, if there was an error during download, the system didn't update last run time. This allowed us to retry everyting on the next run. However this also had us re-downloading records that worked which greatly increased the download time.
11188328 - Quote With Avatax Needs a CommandLine Call
Added a command line call to Enterprise for Windows for printing quotes to assist with AvaTax implementations.
11238621 - Customer Terms Code Field Length Too Short in BDEngine
More code length adjustments in the starter BDEngine database.
11280773 - Add cut off date to select for billing dialog and command line
Select for billing dialog assumed "today" as the cutoff date which was problematic when orders have been entered with a future date; the order was getting selected but the lines were not.
11290418 - Don't download orders unless they are marked Send to Service Pro
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System and syncing orders between the Sage 100 ERP and Service Pro, the system now completely ignores orders that are not marked to send to Service Pro.