

Exposes a Category object of type IWebCategory

This page has two primary list controls, the first, dlCategories is bound to Category.Categories, which is a type IWebCategoryCollection and contains objects of type IWebCategory

The second, dlItems, is bound to Category.Items, which is a type IItemCollection and contains objects of type IItem

You can remove these controls and place your own controls on the page as long as you set the Datasource to these properties:

<asp:Repeater runat="server" DataSource='<%# Category.Categories %>'>

            <a href='<%#%20Container.DataItem.Template%20%>.aspx?Category=<%# Container.DataItem.WebCategoryID %>'><%#  Container.DataItem.Description %></a>


In this control, everything in the ItemTemplate will be rendered once for each Category in the Categories collection.  Container.DataItem will reference an object of type IWebCategory

<asp:Repeater ID="Repeater1" runat="server" DataSource='<%# Category.Items %>'>

        <asp:HyperLink ID="imgItem" runat="server" NavigateUrl='<%#ItemLink(Container.DataItem) %>'
                                ImageUrl='<%# "images/" & Container.DataItem.LowResPicture%>' BorderStyle="none"
                                Text='<%# Container.DataItem.ShortDescription %>' Visible='<%# Container.DataItem.LowResPicture <> "" %>' />


In this control, everything in the ItemTemplate will be rendered once for each Item in the Items collection.  Container.DataItem will reference an object of type IItem.