To return a datasource, override the DataSource routine:
This is an example of a Query DataSource, it will return a list of all records in the IMLocFil_Sql table
Overrides ReadOnly Property DataSource() As Object
Dim sSql As String
sSql = "SELECT * FROM IMLocFil_Sql"
Dim oDS As DataSet = AppCon.GetAppCon.DataBase.GetDataSet(sSql)
Return oDS
End Get
End Property
This is an example of an Object DataSource, it uses the ILocationCollection from the BirdDog Framework to return a list of all Locations
Public Overrides ReadOnly Property DataSource() As Object
Dim colItemLocs As ILocationCollection = AppCon.GetAppCon.Factory.ILocationCollection
Return colItemLocs
End Get
End Property