Price Codes and Sales:
The "Apply Price Breaks" & "Apply Discounts" only work when a "Sale" price is enanbled. "Price Breaks" turns on the Price Codes. "Discounts" turns on the different discounts that are available for customers, freight, etc. If no "Sale" price is enabled, then these items are automatically turned on.
If a "Sale" is enabled, Price Codes only work if the Pricing Basis is set to Discount or Markup.
If the Pricing Basis is set to Price, then the Sale price overrides the Price Codes.
If a "Sale" is enabled and "Best" is selected while using multiple Pricing Basis Price Codes (i.e. Price & Discount), then the best price is selected from Sale, Discount, and/or Markup. (Price type Price Code is ignored.)
If a "Sale" is enabled and "Priority" is selected while using multiple Pricing Basis Price Codes (i.e. Price & Discount), then: if a "Price" type is hit first, then Sale price is used; if a "Discount" or "Markup" is hit first, then that price is used.