New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
10179074 - Create On-Screen Documentation for User Management
Added a bunch of tooltips and explanatory information.
10645075 - Create Bank Book Transaction Import
Added a new import to both Enterprise and Enterprise for Windows that uses the Banking Tools license. This will allow you to import a batch of bank book transactions from a simple CSV file. Note that this is for BirdDog and Progression database engines only.
10968334 - Add Ability to Manage Indexes to the Entity System
Much of this functionality was added to the system in 9.9.7, but this finishes up some polishing issues. We updated the Entity import to the newer format and included a number of explanatory information in it. This project also added the abiltity to add and edit unique indices on multiple fields.
10980829 - Add Help to Google Product Feed
The Google Product Feed job did not have any explanation about how to use it. This changes that.
11120030 - Cart Doesn't Display Discount
When adding a coupon that provided a discount, said discount was not showing on the cart properly. The discounted amount was showing, but depending on how the coupon was configured, this discount was not always obvious.
11230067 - Add Entity Search to System Manager Dashboard
Updated Entity Search, Entity Maintenance, Relationship Type Maintenance, and Field Maintenance to all work without an Ecommerce license.
11448582 - Google Site Map
For your website structure to be easily recognized by the Great and Terrifyingly Powerful Google, a proper site map should be submitted to them; prior to this build, creating such a file was time-consuming and stress-inducing, so we instead created this job that, when set up properly, will generate a proper XML file that you can then submit to our Google Overlords. Instructions about how to setup this file are included on the "Create site map for web site search crawlers such as Google" job.
11472822 - Update Price Code Import to Update Existing Price Codes to Not Overlap
Previously, importing price codes that had a start date beginning before the old code's end date required either the new codes to have a start date after the old code's end date, or the old code needed to be manually adjusted to change the end date first; this project changes that so the software will automatically change your old code's end date to immediately before the new code's start date.
11526465 - Add Cookie Notification
When showing up to a site for the first time, we now provide the message: "We use cookies to track usage and preferences." An "I understand" button is also present, and the cookies message is displayed at the top of every page until the user clicks "I Understand."
11533628 - Need Switch for Cost of Goods View in Customer Service
In Site Settings, we added a switch that will turn off viewing the Cost of Goods for Customer Service | Order Entry & Order View. This prevents Customer Service Reps from being able to see item costs.
11734594 - Need to Move the "Sign in to Continue" Text on Login.aspx into the Content Management System
Altered the functionality of our login page(s) to give webmasters the ability to change the verbiage on the appropriate page(s) according to their site needs. This works best with brand new databases, so a long-time website may require additional touch-up to ensure this works correctly.
11824269 - Update Web Item Import to Latest Format
Previously, we had two different item imports: Import Items and Import Web Items. We've removed the Import Web Item entirely and updated the existing Import Item to use our newer, better import format. This import has also been added to the website instead of being an Enterprise for Windows only import.
11826240 - Sales Order Import Needs to set Sales Tax Percent Column
The sales order import was properly setting the tax amount. However, tax percent was not being set so when the order was processed in Macola the sales tax amount was being updated incorrectly. Note that his currently only works with a single Tax code; multiple tax codes or a tax schedule on a sales order import causes issue.