Bug Fixes: Version - Released 14 April 2016

This build has the following bug fixes implemented:
7576225 - Free Freight Item Getting Gas Surcharge When Order Picked
When an item that has free freight got picked, it was getting a gas surcharge added to the freight charge.
7829670 - Checkout Page Purchase Order Number Invalidation Problem
The Checkout page "Purchase Order #" text box validation process was misbehaving in a couple of different ways. First, no matter what you typed in it, it said it was an invalid PO number. Second, if you entered something and click "Place Order" before moving the cursor out of the text box, the order would place (with a message that the PO# was invalid). If you clicked out of the text box, the page would post back in a couple of seconds with the message that the PO# is invalid. Then, when you clicked "Place Order", nothing happened. You could not place the order until you cleared the PO# text box.
7866107 - Tooltip: Guest Checkout on Site Settings Needs Adjusting
We greatly enhanced the existing tooltip to include additional information and a better explanation of how it should be used as well as instructions for guest checkout setup.
7884087 - Tooltip: Add new Entity Does Not Match BirdDog Standard
Minor typographical error resolved.
7892548 - Theme Does Not Pull From Section
Theme setting was being ignored in favor of the main site setting theme.
7900335 - Cart Was Correctly Calculating Discount But Was Not Showing The Work
Under the hood coding issue; on the cart or checkout pages, coupons or special codes using order rules were correctly calculating discounts on items or carts, but it was not immediately clear on the page what was happening. This modified those pages so the work would be shown.
7931659 - Orders to Post Warning Popup Missing Comma
Resolved a typographical error in the popup.
7931823 - Tooltip: Add Cash Receipt to Batch Has Unnecessary Comma
Minor typographical error resolved.
7974069 - Shipping Method Disappearing in Order Rules Results
For Order Rule Result "Order Shipping Method", the Criteria disappears when you click Save, which was resulting in the loss of existing work.
7980805 - Cart Form Not Handling Enter Correctly
This was occuring whenever you changed the quantity of an item in a cart and clicked on Enter instead of the Update Cart button. The system was incorrectly redirecting you to the Search page instead of updating the line item quantity.
7984428 - Payment Information on Thank You Page Incorrect
If an order was placed using non-credit card terms, the "Payment Information" info on the Thank You page was incorrectly displaying "Unknown | Last Digits" instead of the appropriate payment method (e.g., "Paypal").
7992914 - MS Edge: Search Does Not Return Anything
Microsoft Edge, the latest browser from the wizards who gave us Internet Explorer, was not correctly returning anything when one did a search using our software. Now it does.
7994236 - Turn Off AutoComplete for CS/OE Credit Card Number
The autocomplete function (especially in IE) for credit card numbers in Customer Service | Order Entry was suggesting previously entered CC numbers that did not belong to the current active customer which was causing some minor confusion. Now that field is not treated like a regular form field and thus, autocomplete will not recognize it as such.
8169270 - Item Features Not Displaying on Item Page
This was only relevant for Feature items. A minor coding error was resulting in the feature options not showing up correctly on the item page, which meant a customer could not select an item correctly.
8246035 - My Favorites Page Not Adding Items to the Cart
When you tried to add items to the cart from the MyFavorites.aspx page, you received a message, "No Items were selected to Add To Cart".
8275632 - Not Tracking Google Analytics Ecommerce Transactions Correctly
On the Thank You page, the price for items in the Google Tracking Code was being set to 0.000000.
8319630 - Invoice From Order Converted From Quote Doesn't Show Payments
This was only happening in this exact scenario: if a quote was generated without credit card terms and then converted to order, after the invoice was posted and a payment was applied to it, the payment was not showing up correctly on our Invoice form.
8363461 - Order Entry Errors with Saved Credit Cards
A conflict with how the State was being saved - long format like Oklahoma instead of the code OK - was ensuring that the order could not actually be placed.