Content Page Layouts


A Content Layout determines the manner in which a page's content will be displayed. To set a page's Content Layout, under Maintain/Web Categories, for the page in question, enter the name of the desired Content Layout in the "Layout" field of the Page Information tab.

Most layouts can display category and item lists in up to twelve (though no more than three to four are recommended) multiple columns, based on the "Display Columns" field as set on the layouts in System Management | Document Layouts.

Remember when viewing our samples that we are showing both Items and Categories on the page. When building your page you would normally just have one or the other.

  • Categories8

    This Content Layout allows items to be selected for a side-by-side comparison.
  • Categories13

    This Content Layout displays sub-categories in an "accordion" menu.
  • Categories14

    "Image Gallery" layout, using the small-image of subcategories and/or items as the thumbnail and the Large image as the displayed Gallery image.
  • Categories14b

    "Image Gallery" layout with grid, using the small-image of subcategories and/or items and large image for popup. Small image width is restricted for cleaner columns in categories14b, not in categories14.
  • Categories17

    This Content Layout displays the items, and items of each sub-category in a grid.
  • Categories19

    "Merchandise" Layout allows items to be selected from a dropdown menu.
  • Categories20

    Two-level "Merchandise" Layout allows sub-categories and their items to be selected from dropdown menus, with item image swap on hover.
  • Categories26

    This "Q & A" Content Layout displays sub-category "question" links at the top that link to the same-page "answers" below.
  • Categories26b

    This "Q & A" Content Layout displays category-separated sub-category "question" links at the top that link to the same-page "answers" below.
  • Categories27

    This Content Layout contains a basic Request for Information form.
  • Categories27b

    This Content Layout contains an abbreviated Request for Information form.
  • Categories29

    This Content Layout displays the category, and a list of sub-categories, in an "article" or "blog" format that includes author and date.
  • Categories31

    This basic Content Layout shows a customer-definable "donation" item (requires a $0-price item) in its item grid.
  • Categories32

    This Content Layout contains a basic "Custom Quote" form.
  • Categories36

    Multi-level "Merchandise" Layout allows sub-categories and their items to be selected from dropdown menus, while the selected item's images are shown as icons, that when hovered over, change the page's image to show the item's image.
  • Categories37

    Store Locator / Find the Truck. This layout displays locations on a map using groups in Brain.
  • Categories38

  • Categories39

    Layout that displays a list of webcategories and items where the webcategory and item field Tags contains the value that is on the parent webcategory field Tags.
  • ThemePicker

    This Content Layout allows you to preview your site with different Themes and Master Pages.
  • Older 9.5 Layouts