OmniCommerce in B2B Markets


BirdDog Software

The Benefits of OmniCommerce in B2B Markets

Convenience and service are just two aspects of Ecommerce that consumers have come to expect. Business to Business professionals can agree as well, consumer behavior drives how business work — and how they interact with their own manufacturers and distributors. 

With advances in technology and the shaping of a new marketing landscape, many businesses are embracing change and adopting strategies that meet customers where they are. Those who aren’t, are relying on traditional processes that aren’t producing return like they used to.

It’s important to ask yourself, “Where does my business lie on this spectrum?”

Change requires adaptability. And while it can be difficult at times, it also provides an opportunity to overcome exciting, new challenges — one being OmniCommerce. OmniCommerce can be defined as a retail strategy that delivers a seamless customer experience through all available shopping channels. 

Keep reading to learn how this practice is helping Business to Business companies adapt to changing markets and reach more customers.


1. Everything is taking place online.

Business to Business buyers begin their journey online. They research products across a variety of devices — desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones. Because this part of the buyer’s journey is taking place in multiple places at once, it’s important for your business to be a step ahead. Intuitive search practices, responsive sites, online customer service and inventory tracking supports and engages Business to Business buyers where they are, increasing your chances of a sale.


3. Timely delivery is key.

As a business, having a machine down or your best-selling item out of stock can immediately lose you a sale. If a Business to Business buyer is looking for an item and it’s unavailable, because of an extensive digital marketplace to choose from, they’ll click off and refer to the next competitor. Inventory visibility and transparency in when orders arrive are key in providing the ultimate customer experience. Anymore, delivery dates are a key factor in purchasing decision. Realizing this, as a Business to Business company, it’s your role to enhance fulfillment capabilities with buyers.


4. Stop calling OmniCommerce a buzzword. 

OmniCommerce isn’t an option anymore if you’re wanting your business to be successful — buyers are demanding it. And with 94 percent of B2B buyers researching product information prior to a sale, it’s more important than ever to be consistent across all channels in regards to content, services, account history, deliveries, returns and exchanges.


5. A tailored experience makes the sale.

Different buyers have different needs. Re-ordering a product and purchasing for the first time fall under two very distinct processes. A common pain point for Business to Business buyers is frustration with the unnecessary complexity of traditional procurement. In other words, customers are seeking solutions that affect the way they engage with customer service — or even the brand itself.


6. You can always improve lead-to-revenue capabilities.

In today’s world, the majority of B2B businesses rely on inefficient lead generation capabilities. Processes aren’t integrated and customers simply aren’t engaged in the channel(s) they prefer. It’s important to refer to lead management with a more holistic approach. Behavioral marketing, contextual personalization, integrated process and service are the key factors in driving a sale. As general as these may be, they can always be improved.


7. It’s possible to do it all within one platform.

We’re realized and studied the issues B2B businesses face reaching customers. Our OmniCommerce program gives you the ability to provide better customer service through an Ecommerce portal — saving you time, money and minimizing mistakes. With OmniCommerce,  you’re also able to serve your customers and Business to Business in ways they want you to with extensive digital integrations.

Our goal here at BirdDog is for our OmniCommerce to assist you in everything that you do — much like a best friend. And though we can’t approve your potential dating life or take a ride with you in your new set of wheels, we can help your manufacturing, wholesale or distribution business run smooth as silk. 


OmniCommerce combines the best resources, offering excellent customer service, broad product selection and transparent delivery options — in all channels. To learn how our OomniCommerce can help your B2B business specifically, give our team a call at (877) 794-5950 or click the button in the top banner to request a free demo!