BirdDog SDK | E-commerce SDK

BirdDog Framework SDK and E-commerce SDK are what development dreams are built on. Built entirely in .Net, these Object Oriented programming tools remove the frustration of talking to the Macola database by mapping Macola’s relational base to user-friendly BirdDog Objects.
With these tools, developers spin up applications quickly with the added assurance that BirdDog gives their custom applications the ability to upgrade effortlessly anytime their Macola versions change.

Macola Custom Programming

Don't have time or resources?  We offer custom programming for Macola and other ERP solutions.  Contact us for a quote on your next project.

Framework SDK

Give your in-house development team the structure they need to create custom applications that integrate with Macola.

  • BirdDog Framework is unparalleled in its logic and flexibility
  • The framework enables you to take your business applications where you've always wanted to go but couldn't.
  • The Framework ensures data is passed in a manner that is acceptable to Macola.
  • The framework is integrated with all Macola versions. Macola Progression, Macola Progression SQL, Macola ES.
  • Developed and tested over a 4 year period
  • Allows programmers to automate processes, eliminating human error
  • Understands Macola logic and rules-so you don’t have to
  • Item Object handles Macola feature/option items & serial items
  • Supports Macola’s Pricing Model
  • Includes Development Database and Unit Tests
  • Allows developers to quickly spin up new and dynamic applications 

To look at Customer # 100, without the BirdDog SDK you do this:

dim rs as Recordset "SELECT * FROM ARCusFil_Sql WHERE Cus_No = '000000000100'"


print rs!Cus_No 'This will print 000000000100 unless we do some formatting on it

print rs!Cus_Name

print rs!Adr_1

print rs!Zip

print rs!Start_dt 'This will print 20031105 for November 5th, 2003 unless we do some formatting on it


With the SDK you do this:

dim oCustomer as New Customer


oCustomer.Load("100") 'No need to format the Customer #, BirdDog knows!


print oCustomer.Cus_No ' This will print 100, BirdDog knows how to format Customer numbers

print oCustomer.Cus_Name

print oCustomer.Adr_1

print oCustomer.Zip

print oCustomer.Start_Date 'Thise will print 11/5/2003, BirdDog knows how to format dates


E-commerce SDK 

  • Allows developers to create new web applications quickly
  • Start with a fully functional eCommerce Web application and customize it to fit your specific needs
  • Complete web catalog
  • Customizable Shopping cart technology with support for Single or Multi-Page Checkout
  • Fully integrated with Order Entry
  • Developed and tested over a 10-year period
  • Allows programmers to automate the process, eliminating human error 
  • Sophisticated Content Management System with lots of customization options, including the ability to add custom fields to Web Pages and Items 
  • Re-Categorize Macola items in the manner that works best for your company