Macola 10 Integration
BirdDog makes Macola 10 integration easy. Customers find that our Macola connector simplifies workflows and reduces manual data entry, which allows employees to work on other tasks. BirdDog has connectors for Amazon, WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento, and other e-commerce platforms. We also have a Macola API.
Ready to take e-commerce to the next level? BirdDog E-commerce works directly with Macola to create a website based on Macola's data. BirdDog E-commerce is a full-service solution that allows full integration.
Product Information Management
Using our PIM (Product Information Management Software) with Macola will allow you to create one system that feeds all channels, including third-party sites like Amazon. Consolidate all the information about the products you sell in a single application. Avoid the headaches of having your product data strewn across multiple applications, such as Excel spreadsheets, Word documents, PDFs, and separate databases.
BirdDog E-Commerce
Learn more about BirdDog E-commerce, where you can dynamically connect pricing, payments, inventory, customers, orders, and more from your back office ERP system to your website. BirdDog E-commerce is an all-in-one tool that can manage and publish large inventory catalogs to a website, provide a complete content management system for publishing content, quickly brand websites, and track your performance with analytics, all while streamlining your business process. Expand your business and grow online with BirdDog E-commerce.