Upgrade Notes
As indicated with project #10123750, the following will need to be run against your database if you are already using Shipping Interface and are not a brand new customer.
The view named vShipping needs 2 changes: The residential column could be:
ISNULL(C.user_def_fld_5, 'N') AS Residential" or "CASE ISNULL(H.cus_alt_adr_cd, '') WHEN '' THEN CASE ISNULL(C.user_def_fld_5, 'N') WHEN 'Y' THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END ELSE CASE ISNULL(S.user_def_fld_5, 'N') WHEN 'Y' THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END END AS Residential
Either of these should be changed to:
CASE ISNULL(H.cus_alt_adr_cd, '') WHEN '' THEN case when isnull(cs.Residential,1)=0 then 'N' else 'Y' end ELSE case when isnull(sts.Residential,1)=0 then 'N' else 'Y' end END AS Residential
The from clause will look like:
FROM dbo.OEORDHDR_SQL AS H INNER JOIN dbo.ARCUSFIL_SQL AS C ON H.cus_no = C.cus_no LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.SYCDEFIL_SQL AS Code ON H.ar_terms_cd = Code.sy_terms_cd AND Code.cd_type = 'A' LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ARALTADR_SQL AS S ON H.cus_no = S.cus_no AND H.cus_alt_adr_cd = S.cus_alt_adr_cd
should be replaced with
FROM dbo.OEORDHDR_SQL AS H (nolock) INNER JOIN dbo.ARCUSFIL_SQL AS C (nolock) ON H.cus_no = C.cus_no LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ARALTADR_SQL AS S ON H.cus_no = S.cus_no AND H.cus_alt_adr_cd = S.cus_alt_adr_cd LEFT OUTER JOIN BDCustomerSupport cs (nolock) on cs.Cus_No=h.cus_no LEFT OUTER JOIN BDShipToSupport sts (nolock) on sts.Cus_No=h.cus_no and sts.ShipTo_No=h.cus_alt_adr_cd LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.SYCDEFIL_SQL AS Code ON H.ar_terms_cd = Code.sy_terms_cd AND Code.cd_type = 'A'
Again, this only applies if the customer is using Shipping Interface.
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Server Requirements
Software Requirements
BirdDog Software can be deployed on a dedicated or virtual server that meets the following requirements:
Minimum hardware required:
- Windows 2008 R2 Server
- Minimum: 8 GB of RAM, recommended: 16 GB of RAM
- Minimum .Net Framework 4.7.2
- 300-500 MB of available hard disk space per installed instance of BirdDog
BirdDog software can be installed on both x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) versions of the following:
- Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012
- Microsoft Windows Server 2016
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019
Database Server Requirements
Hardware requirements:
- Minimum: 8 GB of RAM, recommended: 16 GB of RAM
- 200 MB of available hard disk space. Depending on the number of transactions, additional hard disk space may be required to store large number of transactions.
- Document Management, additional hard disk space depending on the amount of documents. 5GB of documents will require 5GB of additional storage. Consider this, Using an estimate of 2,500 pages per file drawer and four file drawers per file cabinet, one can estimate that scanning two four drawer file cabinets full of documents (ten thousand single sided pages) will require 1 GB.
The BirdDog database can be hosted by:
- Microsoft SQL Server 2012, any edition
- Microsoft SQL Server 2014, any edition
- Microsoft SQL Server 2016, any edition
- Microsoft SQL Server 2017, any edition
- Microsoft SQL Server 2019, any edition
Full-Text Search needs to be installed on your SQL Server for our software to function correctly.
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Web Browser Requirements
Web-browser Requirements for Ecommerce
Our publicly facing system can be accessed by any device with one of the following browsers:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer version 9.0 or later
- Mozilla Firefox version 10 or later
- Apple Safari version 6 or later
- Google Chrome version 17 or later
Web-browser Requirements for Enterprise
Our ERP system can be accessed by any device with one of the following browsers:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11
- Mozilla Firefox version 10 or later
- Apple Safari version 5 or later
- Google Chrome version 17 or later
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