Version 9.6




System Requirements Version 9.6


Version - Released 28 Sep 2015

This build has the following bug fixes:

  • 4292695 - Free Freight Order Rule Displaying Incorrect Amount in Ecommerce
    • When you have an Order Rule that gives free freight for an item for a specific Ship Via and you click "Quote Freight", all freight amounts were displaying as $0.00.  However, when you select a ship via, the correct amount was getting added to the order.
  • 6184606 - Object Reference Error When Paying AR Invoice
    • When using the Enterprise for Windows software, a user was receiving an error when attempting to pay the AR Invoice, even if all of the required informtion was populated.
  • 6415936 - Object Reference Error When Importing Sales Order with Two Lines for Same CusNo
    • Related to 6316215, this error was linked to the coding optimizations that were adjusted.
  • 6466907 - Different Culture Logging Errors
    • When installing Enterprise for Windows software on a server using one culture (US, for example) that was looking at a database on a server using a different culture (UK, for example), the software was having trouble translating between the two, resulting in failure.
  • 6542166 - Country Not Showing on OrderForm
    • The country was missing in the Bill To & Ship To section on both the Customer Service Order and Invoice Views.
  • 6577540 - A/P Transaction Report Includes Voided checks
    • Previous versions of the software included voided checks in this report when it should not.
  • 6663648 - Problem Converting Quote to Order
    • Was observing this problem when trying to convert a quote to an order using the Customer Service module, but only if the customer was over their credit limit, over their terms, the customer was on hold, or the order was on hold for any reason.
  • 6674583 - All Orders Showing on On Hold Report Instead of Just Orders On Hold
    • This was a Macola ES issue only; databases that were using Macola Progression or the BirdDog database formats were not experiencing this issue. A simple coding fix resolved it.
  • 6704246 - Pick Ticket Printing for Ship Complete Order with Back Order
    • Pick Tickets were being printed for orders that are marked "Ship Complete" and have back orders.
  • 6765198 - ISO Country Code Conflict Causing Site Crash When Going to Checkout
    • Minor shrapnel from our ISO code adjustment that allowed different methods of storing the country in the database (e.g., US vs UNITED STATES.)
  • 6793960 - Stop writing DELIVERED or FOB to User_Field_4
    • When converting a quote to an order, User_Field_4 in the oeordhdr_sql table was having DELIVERED or FOB written to it.
  • 6862032 - Ship To Info Missing  for Invoices in Order Search
    • Invoices returned by Customer Service Order Search were missing the ship to city, state, & zip. Orders were fine; it was just the invoices acting weird.
  • 6906662 - USPS Intl Tracking Number Sends User to Fedex
    • Clicking on a USPS International tracking number sent you to the FEDEX site.
  • 6910922 - Get Table Error Posting in ES
    • When attempting to use our Process Orders module for ES databases, was observing an error referencing a table that had been modified in a previous build of the software.
  • 6933258 - Index Out of Range Error When Posting ES Orders
    • Related to 6663648 above, this was a slightly different error based on a different table having been adjusted.
  • 7049520 - Select a New Customer Popup Vanishes Behind Top Menu
    • This was observed on the Customer Service module and generally wasn't an issue until a user dragged the popup menu up on the screen where it would disappear behind the top menu strip.
  • 7132383 - Order Entry Fails When Selecting Expired Card
    • When using an expired credit card, we were experiencing a complete failure of the Order Entry module.
  • 7218872 - Payflow URL Integration Changes
    • This handles the Payflow URL deprecations, specifically the following:,,, Effective August 3, 2015, these URLs are no longer functional which required an under-the hood change.
  • 7355778 - Customer Service only displaying Ecommerce Ship Vias
    • A previous version of the software caused a hiccup that was preventing all Ship Vias from showing in Customer Service.
  • 7357720 - Paypal Recording Incorrect Bill-to Address
    • Bill To Address was erroneously being written to the database as the shipping address, even when it had been changed at PayPal. This was only occuring with PayPal orders.
  • 7453796 - DHL Tracking Using Incorrect URL
    • When you clicked on "Click to Track" for a DHL tracking number in either Customer Service or in ecommerce, it took you to the wrong URL and received a DHL page not found message.
  • 7531440 - Puerto Rico Freight Rating Problems
    • When rating freight for Puerto Rico, if the ship-to country was set to Puerto Rico, then UPS and FedEx will rated but USPS did not.  If the country was set to USA and state was set to Puerto Rico, then USPS rated but UPS and FedEx did not.
  • 7573077 - Freight Switched From Pre-Paid to BLANK When Converting Quote to Order
    • This was only observed when converting a quote to an actual order using BirdDog; converting with Macola worked fine.

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Version - Released 17 Mar 2015

This build has the following features implemented:

  • 224987 - Add Ability to Target by Geography
    • This minor feature allows you to add new contacts according to their address using the Group Builder with the BRAIN module.

This build has the following bug fixes:

  • 6380180 - Invalid Entity Type When Importing Fields with Web Category Entity
    • This resolves an import error we were observing that was occurring only when the entity type was set to Web Category.
  • 6655299 - Country Columbia Won't Rate USPS Freight
    • When attempting to rate freight to Columbia, the US Postal Service was returning an Invalid Country Name error. This has been resolved.
  • 6341511 - Getting Site Error While Changing/Setting Customer
    • While not a consistent error, on occasion, we would see a site crash when switching between customers (using Change Customer). As of this build, this error has been fixed.
  • 6407466 - Job Master Not Logging Start of Process
    • Prior to this build, Job Master was no longer writing log entries to the database when a job was run. Additionally, it was not logging when Job Master actually started (or if it was not starting for some reason.) We've resolved that issue.
  • 6808119 - On-Page Documentation Needed for Deliver for Process Orders
    • Deliver Order was a newer addition to the Process Orders page and on-page documentation needed to be added.
  • 6740007 - Add Item Popup on PurchaseOrderEdit.aspx Lavel is Wrong
    • This resolves a label naming error.
  • 6738271 - Qty Does Not Line Up on Checkout for Items Without Images
    • On the Checkout page, items that did not have images were not lining up correctly in the totals box. All of the data was there correctly, but it looked odd. This is now fixed.
  • 6635554 - Changing Price Code Cost Type in Global Settings Doesn't Save
    • Adjusting the price code cost type on the website was proving to be difficult with this bug; the information could be changed manually in the database with no problem but the web software was not correctly saving these changes until this fix.
  • 6421684 - Website Crash on Revision From Version 9.1 to 9.6
    • During an upgrade from v9.1 to 9.6, the website software was not handling a change in column names or numbers well, which was resulting in a crash and an inability to move forward until the database was manually altered.

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Version - Released 23 Feb 2015

This build has the following features implemented:


This build has the following bug fixes:

  • 6196524 - Freight Still Rates Despite Being Turned Off in Site Settings
    • When the "Calculate Freight" option in Site Settings was turned off, not only does the Rate Freight button on the checkout page disappear, but the freight should not rate at all (presuming a valid shipping service and method is in the system.) Prior to this build, the Rate Freight button vanished correctly but the system was still trying to rate which was causing complications with logging.
  • 6366361 - Cannot Save Customer That Has Invalid Zip Code
    • In previous iterations of the software, a wildly inaccurate zip code could be added to a customer and the system would allow. Now, if the zip code uses a completely invalid format (insufficient number of numbers, for example), the change input on the customer is not accepted and you are flagged that it is wrong.
  • 6424603 - Error With Revision When Copying Security Roles
    • An error sometimes occurred when making a system level adjustment to security roles.
  • 6513562 - Multiple Workflow Tasks Being Generated
    • During the service process, Job Master was creating multiple tasks for Workflow projects when it should have only been creating a single task.
  • 6526777 - USPS Tracking Number Sending To FedEx
    • On the order form, a U.S. Postal Service tracking number took you to FedEx's "FedExTrack" page. We've fixed that.
  • 6633003 - Qty to Ship Header on OrderForm Wrong
    • This is a tooltip clarification to add more specificity.
  • 6664980 - Ordered By EMail Populating Incorrectly
    • Prior to this build, the Ordered By field would sometimes populate incorrectly with data from a previous customer, but only in certain scenarios. We have resolved this issue.
  • 6677882 - Posting Drops Comments on I-Type Orders
    • When using the Process Order feature, line and order comments were both being dropped from I-Type orders when they became Invoices.

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Version - Released 5 Jan 2015

This build has the following features implemented:


This build has the following bug fixes:

  • 5318695 - Using ImportContacts.aspx Not Importing to Correct Company
    • User Name or Login ID was required for import, even when a GUID was provided. On the import options that did not have a GUID, an error was being thrown that actually required it. We streamlined the process and corrected some minor coding issues.
  • 6407848 - Back Orders Not Correct When UOM's are Different
    • Back Order calculations were incorrect when the unit of measure and the price unit of measure were different.
  • 6587233 - Item's Handling Charge Not Added If Free Shipping Is Checked
    • If an item has a "handling charge" and the free shipping box is checked on the item, handling charge was not being added to the order.
  • 6591660 - Misspelled Word on ImportContactsToGroups.aspx
    • Resolving a simple typo.

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Version - Released 10 Dec 2014

This build has the following features implemented:

  • 5549067 - Add Terms Code, Amount, Customer Balance and ability to search by date to On Hold Orders report
    • This enhances the Orders On Hold report so it is now shows additional information as well as adding a filter for searching by date.

This build has the following bug fixes:

  • 5322909 - Orders On Hold Due to Specific Rule Generating Unnecessary Amount of Audit Records
    • Prior to this fix, orders that are on hold because of a specific order rule - in this case, it had a Ship To State trigger - was generating a new audit logging error every time Job Master ran (which was every 5 seconds.)
  • 6329333 - Guest Customers Being Charged Tax
    • This fixed an issue where guest customers used the tax code for the Guest customer instead of looking at the shipping address and using appropriate tax codes/schedules.
  • 6333636 - Job Master Send Email job Throwing Error on Some Queries
    • When a send email job was created, an error was being thrown instead of the email being sent. This has been resolved.
  • 6384218 - Object Reference Error When Converting Cart to Order When Customer has Invalid Customer Type
    • The above description explains the problem perfectly. As of this build, the software handles this much better.
  • 6374751 - Problems w/ Event Registration on IPhone & Android
    • When using cell phones (iPhones and Androids), the event registration process would not allow a customer to actually checkout.
  • 6398352 - Update DHL API URL
    • Some of our code was still pointing to an older API URL. That has now been fixed.
  • 6420930 - Ship Via Code Not Rating Causing Site Error
    • When trying to checkout, a ship via code not rating was causing a site crash. That has now been fixed.
  • 6422304 - Index was outside the bounds of the array When Testing Campaign.aspx
    • This error was being generated when the email server information in the global settings was blank. The real problem here is that this error was very non-specific and did not help identify exactly what the problem was. We've adjusted the code so it is much easier to identify and resolve the problem.
  • 6441861 - Required to Add Feature Item Even Though Req'd Isn't Checked
    • This bug made it a requirement to add certain feature options on feature items, even when those options should not have been required.
  • 6492834 - Global Settings Label is Wrong
    • Typo. A word was misspelled on a label.
  • 6535521 - User Login Matching Specific Criteria Causing Site Error
    • The particular customer assigned to this user was using a new pricing basis - Flat Discount Amount - that was not previously handled properly. As a result, the customer was getting a site error when he logged into his site and was unable to proceed forward.

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Version - Released 18 Nov 2014

This build has the following features implemented:

  • 6434803 - UPS Developer Kit APIs Migration.
    • This resolves a critical UPS revision that affects anyone using UPS change to their shipping APIs that takes affect on 25 November 2014.

This build has the following bug fixes:

  • 5937964 - Banner Rotator Not Displaying Images Correctly
    • Images were appearing chopped off while leaving half of the space blank prior to this fix.

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Version - Released 14 Nov 2014

This build has the following features implemented:

  • 6289194 - Use Bill To Page setting not being honored
    • Javascript on the cart was not properly honoring a site setting, which had the result of it showing Bill To on checkout when it was turned off.
  • 6328776 - Guest Checkout shouldn't show Saved Address DDL
    • A guest customer was seeing saved addresses when they should not. We have since revised the code so this will not happen again.

This build has the following bug fixes:

  • 5080761 - Object Reference Error when Going to Checkout with a Saved Cart
    • A saved cart that used now invalid Ship Via code could no longer be used as it caused a site crash when it was brought up. We have resolved that.

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Version - Released 30 Oct 2014

This build has the following features implemented:

  • 5813586 - Add Popup of Item Description on Categories17.aspx Page
    • When using the Categories17 content page layout, you can now have a popup that provides information on the item. This information is populated via the Meta-Description fields on the item and allows a customer to get more information without having to navigate to the item itself.
  • 6003867 - Add Vendor Support to Contact
    • Prior to this build, Contacts had links to associated customers. We have added a link to Vendor Maintenance in the event that the contact is a vendor instead of a customer.

This build has the following bug fixes:

  • 5435918 - Kit Item Showing In-Stock on Ecommerce But It Isn't
    • Prior to this build, a kit item would show in stock even if all of the components necessary for this kit were out of stock. Now, if both assembled kits and any components are out of stock, the item will show out of stock as well.
  • 6211755 - Received Unable to Decode PayPal Response Error on Checkout
    • PayPal changed some of their response codes so our system was not able to comprehend the new response if an error occured. We have changed our coding to bring it more in line with PayPal.
  • 6296242 - Ecommerce Incorrectly Handling Secure Web Links for Image Purposes
    • When URL links were read back in from the database for category pages after logging in, the system was placing http in the path instead of https, which was causing the pages to show as insecure.
  • 6361187 - Site Crash when Adding Item to Event Using Event Registration Module
    • A site crash was occurring when you added an item to an event. This was also causing a strange postback that turned text into HTML. We have since resolved this.

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Version - Released 15 Oct 2014

This build has the following features implemented:

  • 1853503 - Polish Product Category Price Code Editor with New Format
    • With this build, we completely rebuilt the price code system. It now includes the ability to add quantity rates for each iteration of the price code.
  • 4654312 - Support for Multiple Item Images
    • This feature allows you to add an unlimited number of images to an item and then have them display on the item form. With this, you can show multiple sides of an item instead of just a single, static image.
  • 6299258 - Add Server and Database name to Global Settings
    • The addition of the server name and the database is principally a troubleshooting tool as it allows us to quickly identify what database is causing the trouble and where it is located.

This build has the following bug fixes:

  • 6059296 - European Date Format Conflicting with Database
    • Differing cultures and date formats were causing sites to not start as our software was expecting American date format.
  • 6185909 - Changing Finance Charge G/L Account in Global Settings Not Saving
    • As stated in description. System now saves the changes instead of resetting it back to before.
  • 6206669 - Getting Access is Denied Due to Invalid Credentials When Logging In
    • Due to some coding errors, certain credentials were not being accepted as valid when trying to log in.
  • 6234085 - Adding Item to Web Page Corrupts the Long Description
    • When you added an item to a page and saved, the long description was transformed into what looked like a line of gibberish which made the page incomprehensible. It no longer does this.
  • 6243636 - Site Settings for Home Page Not Being Properly Detected
    • Sites were using the default home page code, even when it was set to a different web site code in site settings.
  • 6272613 - Item Import Not Importing Lead Time
    • Even when the lead time was set in the import file, the system ignored this during import.
  • 6296899 - Enlarge Image Option Missing on Categories Page
    • This option was not successfully merged into 9.6.4 so it was missing.
  • 6316215 - Order Import has Difficult w/Very Large Orders
    • Orders that had a large number of item lines was problematic as it progressively required more and more memory until it the system was broughtt to a complete halt. This system has now been optimized.
  • 6322701 - Invalid Response Code Error from Capturing Credit Cards Doesn't Identify Which Code
    • changed some of their response codes which, as a result, caused some trouble during authorizing or capturing credit cards. We've brought our system into line with their codes.

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Version - Released 16 Sep 2014

This build has the following features implemented:

  • 76377 - Enhance Posting to Handle Non-Stocked/Controlled Items Correctly
    • When posting a sales order that is non-stocked, the system updates cost on the order line to be a sum of the component's cost, updates item/location average cost/last cost of the non-stocked parent to be sum of the component's cost, creates a cost of goods sold entry to the parent's G/L account based on  the sum of the component's cost, and creates inventory credits tot he component's inventory account based upon their material cost type code and cost.
  • 825303 - A/R Summary Columns Now Have Current, 30, 60, and 90 Columns
    • The AR Summary page now uses a new web grid which is clickable and has footer totals for balance and period columns.
  • 4628065 - Workflow Create/Review/Update/Delete added
    • This build adds the workflow feature, which allows for automatization of many task processes.
  • 5248528 - Order Rule: Item Taxable Result
    • With this new result, you can create new order rules that can flip the taxable status for a specific item during the checkout process.
  • 5813544 - Add Sub Title and Medium Description to Item Edit
    • Exactly as indicated. You can now add a sub-title or a medium description to an item.
  • 5813770 - Add MetaDescription to Item Edit
    • Items can now have MetaDescriptions. This is useful for various content page layouts which rely on these descriptions.
  • 5829675 - Make Price Code grid more compact
    • We removed unnecessary columns, streamlined existing format, and altered the general format of the price code grid.
  • 5864617 - Order Rule to change Tax Code on Order
    • This result allows the system to change a tax code on an order during checkout provided it matches the rule criteria.
  • 5884372 - Polish layout of Additional Information tab on Order Entry
    • The Additional Information tab had several fields that were not lining up properly. We also added a 'reload cart' button to this page for sharing the cart with other people.
  • 6065337 - Add ability to include note when emailing Order / Invoice
    • As of this build, you can now include additional information on the email when you are sending an Order or Invoice. So, for example, if a customer asked you to send a quote, you could do so but include a personal note at the beginning of the email.

This build has the following bug fixes:

  • 473503- Infragistics Grids Look Wrong in Chrome.
    • Chrome (and Safari, actually) handle infragistics poorly which made many of our grids look broken. As a result, we had to find to a fix.
  • 5198793 - Freight Not Recalculating When Ship Complete is Changed
    • During multi-page checkout, selecting the Ship Complete option did not alter freight rates when ordering multiple items where at least one item is in stock but one or more is out of stock.
  • 5508256 - Credit Memos on Booking Analysis Handled Incorrectly
    • The line cost on booking analysis for credit memos was showing as a positive number instead of a negative one.
  • 5697600 - Settings not saving COGS account in the correct format
    • System was not translating zeros in G/L accounts correctly and were instead adding spaces. As a result, journals were not being written correctly.
  • 5782570 - Global Settings doesn't handle PO module not being setup
    • With the PO module for Macola turned off, attempting to access global settings for the website was causing a site crash.
  • 6010364 - Order Entry fails when adding related user that doesn't have an email address
    • Failure to have an email address on a new user was causing an error when placing an order in Customer Service.
  • 6083182 - Order Entry doesn't handle adding / editing a user where the email address already exists
    • Related to above, you could not add or edit a user if you entered an email address that was already in the system.
  • 6109187 - IE11: Grids Look Strange in this Browser
    • Internet Explorer 11 radically changed how they handle a number of things. As a result, all of our grids looked bizarre in that browser.
  • 6116251 - IE11: Cannot Add Items From Search Page
    • Internet Explorer 11 radically changed how they handle a number of things. As a result, a customer was unable to add items from a search page although if they drilled down to the item itself, it would add with no problem.
  • 6117100 - IE11: WebCategory Editor Controls Not Rendering Correctly
    • Internet Explorer 11 radically changed how they handle a number of things which resulted in our webcategory editor controls no longer appearing on the page. This meant that you had to use Firefox or Chrome to edit a page.
  • 6144046 - Error Changing Qty Ordered in CS/OE
    • If you changed the quantity ordered or quantity shipped in Order Entry, a conversion error was being thrown, preventing you from being able to affect these sorts of changes.
  • 6215146 - Unable to Login After Adding Item to Cart
    • A currency code error in site settings was preventing customers from either being able to login after adding items to their cart or adding items to their cart after logging in.

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Upgrade Notes

  • Requires .Net 4.5 be installed.
  • Requires new Infragistics DLLs. Must delete old ones first. K:\Infragistics\Bin\2011.1\CLR4.0
  • In IIS, edit the Application pool for the site so it runs in .NET Framework v4.x, then recycle that application pool
  • Remove all BirdDogSoftware.Globe.* files
  • If upgrading from 9.1, it will need to be at least version, if upgrading from 9.5, it will need to be at least version
  • A Customer's Default Freight Pay Code can now be NULL in BDCustomerSupport, meaning not set. In previous versions blank meant not set. This caused issues for customers where blank was a valid freight pay code. We recommend verifying that blank is not a valid freight pay code in your system (System Manager | Freight | Freight Pay Codes) and, if it is not, running the following query: update BDCustomerSupport SET Freight_Pay_Code_Default = NULL where Freight_Pay_Code_Default=''

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Version - Released 17 Mar 2015

This build has the following features implemented:

  • All Features and Bug Fixes for and earlier
  • 6321034 - Search is Too Specific
    • Invalid HTML characters were causing trouble with the search. So, a search for Hexadecimal Value 0x01 would return nothing, even if that was the actual title of the page, but a search for Hexadecimal itself would turn up that page.

This build has the following bugs implemented:

  • No new revision-specific bugs implemented

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Version - Released 24 Feb 2015

This build has the following features implemented:

  • All Features and Bug Fixes for and earlier

This build has the following bugs implemented:

  • No new revision-specific bugs implemented

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Version - Released 6 Jan 2015

This build has the following features implemented:

  • All Features and Bug Fixes for and earlier
  • 3676096 - Ability to Choose Default Selling UOM
    • As of this build, this allows you to set the default unit of measure that will be used when selling an item.
  • 3676106 - Customer Item -Default-Selling-UOM
    • As of this build, this allows you to set the default unit of measure that will be used when selling an item to a specific customer.
  • 3676164 - Multiple Customer/Item UOMs
    • This feature allows you to have multiple units of measure on "customer items" (which is to say, the item number a customer assigns to an item in your system.) Previously, this UOM would have simply defaulted to the system item's UOM.
  • 3676138 - Write off Transactions Codes and GL Codes
    • With this enhancement, a default transaction type code can be generated that Warehouse personnel may select while doing an enter transaction. This default transaction type populates G/L information automatically. Prior to this feature enhancement, G/L information was required at time of transaction, which was problematic for Warehouse personnel who did not possess the knowledge necessary to identify correct accounts.
  • 4563089 - Add Get Item For Free Order Result
    • This is a new Order Rules result. Using the Order Rules system, you can now setup special rules to add specific items to an order for free.
  • 4654175 - Search Function Changed to Repeaters with Paging
    • With this change, search results are no longer generated on a single page, but instead are split into multiple pages.
  • 5968222 - Multiple Item UOMs
    • This feature allows you to have multiple units of measure for an item as opposed to the standard three (Purchasing, Stocking and Selling.)
  • 6052273 - Have DHL throw error if zero quote returned
    • As of this build, if you are rating an order with the DHL shipping service, it will generate an error for zero quote when rating a package. Previously, it treated this as $0.00 shipping.
  • 6211818 - Add ability to Audit Invoices G/L Transactions
    • We now include links on invoice forms to related distribution journal so you can easily view G/L Transactions. This makes identifying journal errors much easier.
  • 6268109 - Add ability to choose Print Template on Customer Service Invoice and Order form
    • With this adjustment, you are now able to select from all available templates for an invoice or customer service orders instead of using a default one. This is ideal for situations where specific customers have unique template format or if you wish to customize the formats for various scenarios.
  • 6269483 - Add enabling / disabling of controls on the checkout page
    • This adds a Site Setting that will allow editing of whether customers see bill to address, ship to address, shipping method, PO fields, additional emails, coupon codes, customer comments and adding items to the cart.  
  • 6321034 - Search is too specific
    • Prior to this build, invalid search characters - even if they are in an actual web-page title - were not returning results because the search was too literal. We have since added coding that will faciliate better search parameters.
  • 6350281 - Mark freight quote as error if shipping method is set to modify freight cost and negotiated rates aren't returned
    • Prior to this build, if your negiotiated rates with a shipping service were not returned, the order was still processed and freight charged, albeit with default shipping rates instead of your negotiated ones. Now, an error is generated instead.
  • 6376409 - Handle a Potentially Dangerous Request.Path Value was Detected from the Client better
    • Invalid URLs that normally result in this error are handled much better. Previously, inputting an incorrect URL would give you the Page Not Found error but would also log the error multiple times. Now it only logs this error if the site is set to logging level 4 (which is generally only used by development or support.)
  • 6424662 - Branch Name is in Logging
    • This is mostly a development tool that identifies the specific build on the logging detail screen.

This build has the following bugs implemented:

  • 5719436 - Settings-CountryName-ValueToWrite (was 'Checkout Page Hangs if Ship-to Selected That Has Long Country Code')
    • Using a non-ISO code for a country in the database resulted in an order never being successfully generated. Instead, the page would "hang." Now, the order will be created correctly.
  • 6292632 - Large Image Displaying Instead of Medium on Item Page
    • This resolves an issue where the medium image was not being properly displayed.

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System Requirements Version 9.6

Web Browser Requirements

BirdDog's ERP system runs in any popular web browser. Customers who get BirdDog as a subscription (SaaS) do not need to install any software.

Web-browser Requirements for Ecommerce

Our publicly facing system can be accessed by any device with one of the following browsers:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 9.0 or later
  • Mozilla Firefox version 10 or later
  • Apple Safari version 5 or later
  • Google Chrome version 17 or later

Web-browser Requirements for Enterprise

Our ERP system can be accessed by any device with one of the following browsers:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 10.0 (IE 11 support will be added in 9.7)
  • Mozilla Firefox version 10 or later
  • Apple Safari version 5 or later
  • Google Chrome version 17 or later


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Server Requirements

Server Software & Database Requirements

Bought a BirdDog license? Review the server requirements for installing and running BirdDog
Customers who purchase a license can deploy the server components on-premise or at BirdDog's hosting facility. Our system can be deployed on a dedicated server or a virtual private server

Before you start

Before starting the installation process, we recommend you install all critical up-dates for the operating system and software components.
Before installing BirdDog system server software, make sure that the following software is installed and enabled:
  • Microsoft .NET framework version 4.0 or later
  • Microsoft Windows Installer version 3.1 or later
  • Critical system patches and updates for Microsoft products

Minimum Web Server Software Requirements

Wb Server must be web site ready. System Requirements must be met for the version of software being installed.

Hardware required:
  • Windows 2008 Server
  • Minimum: 2 GB of RAM, recommended: 4 GB of RAM
  • 2.4 GHZ Processor
  • .Net Framework 4.5.1
  • 300-500 MB of available hard disk space per installed instance of BirdDog
BirdDog server software can be installed on the following:
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008. Supports both x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) installs
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012. Supports both x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) installs

Database Server Requirements

Hardware requirements:
  • Minimum: 2 GB of RAM, recommended: 4 GB of RAM
  • 200 MB of available hard disk space. Depending on the number of transactions, additional hard disk space may be required to store large number of transactions
  • Document Management, additional hard disk space depending on the amount of documents. 5GB of documents will require 5GB of additional storage. Consider this, Using an estimate of 2,500 pages per file drawer and four file drawers per file cabinet, one can estimate that scanning two four drawer file cabinets full of documents (ten thousand single sided pages) will require 1 GB
The BirdDog database can be hosted by:
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005, any edition, with Service Pack 4
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008, any edition, with Service Pack 3
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, any edition, with Service Pack 2
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012, any edition, with Service Pack 1

Full-Text Search needs to be installed on your SQL Server for our software to function correctly


  • Software Installation requires Terminal Services access with administrator rights, username, password, and address. As well as Enterprise Manager and Macola access with administrator rights
  • Local installs require Terminal Services listed above as well as FTP access to web server where staging site will be held with read and write access. FTP address User Name and Password.


  • Staging sites are set up against the live database
  • SSL certificate is required for a secure website. If requested, BirdDog will provide assistance in obtaining a certificate. BirdDog is not responsible for provider selection, certificate selection or payment of SSL certificate
  • Pricing is taken directly from the data in Macola. BirdDog software can use both the price from the default location, usually as the suggested price, and use the pricing from the Macola price code for the actual sales price
  • The default location price is the price in the default item location file
  • The price code price is processed per settings from OE Price Code Maintenance, and O/E Setup for the order, or Priority, and selection method of the price codes
  • Tax schedules and detail codes must be set up in Macola for web site to calculate appropriate tax
  • Online credit card authorization requires BirdDog CardAuthorize module and Authorize.Net gateway
  • UPS & FedEx Tracking numbers are dynamically ‘clickable’ from web site after they are written to the Macola Manifest System
  • Freight rates are based on item weight from Macola and item information set up in WebManager

Website Hosting Options

  • BirdDog Hosted Solution- BirdDog Web manager is installed on your local Macola server. Data is synchronized to your website. Orders gathered on your web site are written directly into Macola Order Entry
  • Local Installation- web server requires high-speed (10 mgb or greater) database connection to Macola server


  • CreditCard Deluxe requires Authorize.Net gateway

Workstations (running Customer Service)

  • 2gb of RAM
  • 2GHZ or better CPU
  • high speed internet

CASH Point of Sale

  • Credit card transactions require a supported gateway. BirdDog recommends PC Charge Payment Server for point of sale transactions
  • If using Authorize.NET as your gateway, account type must be retail –not phone or ecommerce
  • Requires a network connection
  • Pricing is set in Macola


  • Software Installation requires Terminal Services access with administrator rights, username, password, and address. As well as Enterprise Manager and Macola access with administrator rights
  • Local installs require Terminal Services listed above as well as FTP access to web server where staging site will be held with read and write access. FTP address User Name and Password.
  • Macola table and field names have not been customized
  • Pricing is taken directly from the data in Macola. BirdDog software can use both the price from the default location, usually as the suggested price, and use the pricing from the Macola price code for the actual sales price
  • The default location price is the price in the default item location file
  • The price code price is processed per settings from OE Price Code Maintenance, and O/E Setup for the order, or Priority, and selection method of the price codes
  • Tax schedules and detail codes must be set up in Macola for web site to calculate appropriate tax
  • Online credit card authorization requires BirdDog CardAuthorize module and Authorize.Net gateway
  • UPS & FedEx Tracking numbers are dynamically ‘clickable’ from web site after they are written to the Macola Manifest System
  • Freight rates are based on item weight from Macola and item information set up in WebManager
  • PickingSystem requires inventory to be correct inside Macola

Custom Development

To ensure a timely completion of the import project our developers require a current backup of your Macola database to be used for internal testing. The ability to test the customizations against your data greatly speeds up the roll out process

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