Version 9.7

Wednesday March 25 2015





System Requirements Version 9.7


New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
  • 4144521 - Remove Credit Card Processing when placing a Quote in Customer Service
    • When placing a Quote in Customer Service (even if the Terms are Credit Card), the system does not process an Authorization or a Capture. When converting a Quote to an Order, if the Terms are Credit Card, the Credit Card system Authorizes or Captures (according to how the system is set up in site settings) before converting to an Order.
  • 5980141 - Make View Details control Price visibility
    • This enhancement alters how View Details permission on Items works. It now controls price visibility. Users that do not have View Details to an Item will no longer see Price.
  • 6023678 - Support Macola ES with Synergy Enterprise
    • This enhancement adds a Synergy Integration tab on the Global Settings page and further allows a site to 'sync' with a Synergy database.
  • 6286778 - Progression to ES conversion
    • This enhancement allows us to convert from Macola Progression to ES. The option was present in previous versions of the software but significant structural changes in version 9 required us to update how this worked which allowed us to streamline and optimize this capability.
  • 6514345 - Enable Commercial Plus Pricing for US Post Office Cost
    • The U.S. Post Office has made some changes to how they handle Commerical Plus Pricing. This enhancement allows us to utilize that feature.
  • 6541700 - Don't Apply Revision Test Setting in Web.config
    • This adds a setting to the BirdDog.config that allows you to set "ApplyDataBaseRevision" to "False" to disable the revision system from running.
  • 6655810 - Blogging Enhancements
    • This enhancement accomplishes multiple things: 1) Add Authored Date sorting to Site Settings and Web Category editor; 2) Hide Categories with Authored date that is in the future if the current user only has the Anonymous or Default role; Make author's name a link to a list of that author's articles; Add Bio to Contact Screen and display as the long description on the Author page.
  • 6659847 - Add Better Weighting of Search Terms
    • Updated search to weight exact matches of multiple search terms higher than searches with terms near each other or just individual terms.
  • 6689343 - Defaults Selected in Configuration Options
    • This is for use in the Feature Options on Items and allows you to select a default option; previously, all options would begin as unselected when a customer clicked on this item.
  • 6698018 - Add List Price to Order Entry / Order Edit
    • As of this build, there is now a read-only column for List Price on Order Entry and Order Edit as well as a button that will reset the price on a line item to the List Price. This enhancement also highlights the quantity to ship field when it does not match the quantity ordered.
  • 6814137 - Add Receivers to PO View
    • Invoiced and Received amounts now show on the main Purchase Orders page, with the quantity invoiced showing on the individual PO page.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 15 June 2015

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
  • 6494942 - Add better result messages to Fill Back Order process
    • This is for the Enterprise for Windows software and updates the final message received when Fill Back Order is run. The Process now reports number of orders processed and the number of orders filled.
  • 6580197 - Thread was being aborted. at JobPage.btnDelete_Command
    • This error is unnecessary as it adds nothing to the process and thus, was removed from logging.
  • 6612810 - Logging Issues: Nothing for Payment, Too Verbose for Tax
    • Entirely too many tax-related logs (many of which were redundant) were being generated with each transaction. Pertinent payment-related logs were being drowned out by these.
  • 6659499 - Error message isn't cleared after query is corrected
    • On the the Query page, an on-page alert informs you if a query is invalid but, prior to this build, did not go away after you corrected the query.
  • 6769507 - Update Suggested Purchases to show Items with Infinite Inventory by default
    • This page defaulted to 999 Months Inventory while Items with infinite inventory calculate as 999,999 month's inventory which caused them to be excluded by default.
  • 6846105 - Order Rules Inverted Checkbox Missing Tooltip
    • Tooltip was added back to this checkbox.
  • 6879061 - Add Detailed Not Picking Messages to On Hold Order Report
    • With this enhancement, all orders being put on hold because they can't pick will have a reason that begins with 'Not Picking' and then supplies a detailed reason such as 'Not Picking - The postal code 73139 is invalid for TX United States.' or 'Not Picking - Item No XYZ123 has zero weight.'
  • 6889027 - Tooltip Needed on ExportQueryEmail.aspx
    • Tooltip was added to this checkbox.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 18 September 2015

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
  • All bug fixes from have been integrated into this build.
  • 5794368 - Convert ProcessBilling.aspx to Create a Job Instead of Run the Process
    • This was adjusted for performance. Most servers returned a time-out error when attempting to run the Process Billing routine, so we now have the system create an automated job that will handle this posting routine instead.
  • 6150413 - Add all Suggested Purchases Filters to Create PO screen
    • When we added a handful of new filters to the Suggested Purchases page, the Create PO page was not given the same attention and was thus missing some minor functionality.
  • 6357145 - Optimize Inventory Allocation Test Into a Single SQL Call
    • This was an under-the-hood coding change updating the posting routine to check for regular inventory transactions and transfer inventory transactions into a single query, thus reducing the amount of time required for each post.
  • 6518285 - Customer Number and Vendor Number Search Not Apostrophe Safe
    • The site was throwing an ugly error if an apostrophe was in the customer number search. We've changed this to simply not return any results.
  • 6537719 - Ordered By Needs to be Auto Post Backs and Edits Need to Change Order
    • Using Customer Service Enter Orders, the Ordered By dropdown list was not changing correctly when a customer was changed. Related to this, when an existing Ordered By's infor was edited, the changes to that was not immediately showing.
  • 6635316 - Order Line Tax Schedule should match Item / Location not Order header if Item / Location has a Tax Schedule
    • Tax was being generated incorrectly when tax schedules were assigned to item/location.
  • 6638507 - Google Analytics Code Not Being Added on Post Back
    • Adjusted the code to avoid allowing Analytics from being dropped following a page post back.
  • 6669191 - Invoice Should Display Current Paid Amount, Not Original Cash Applied
    • Prder posting was not handling O/E cash correctly when dealing with previously posted O/E cash or partially applied O/E cash
  • 6689343 - Defaults Selected in Configuration Options
    • With this bug fix, a default option may be setup when creating a feature item. Prior to this, a feature could be set as required but none of the options within were automatically selected.
  • 6761866 - Suggested Purchases Label Is Wrong
    • Revised label for clarity.
  • 6761931 - Tab on Individual Order Rule is Wrong
    • Added space to tab label.
  • 6846105 - Order Rules Inverted Checkbox Missing Tooltip
    • Missing tooltip added.
  • 6859176 - Error with ServiceGenerateMetaKeywords
    • Unnecessary error logging that was occurring every minute, thus radically increasing the BDLogging table.
  • 6889027 - Tooltip Needed on ExportQueryEmail.aspx
    • Missing tooltip added to appropriate job page.
  • 6929218 - Customer Search Doesn't Work for Zip Code
    • When searching for a customer by zip code on the Select Customer page in the Customer Service module, we were observing a site error.
  • 7000435 - Price Missing on Item Page
    • If there is no medium image, the itemform page did not display the price.  This was a problem with the Knockout Javascript that was breaking the page.
  • 7050580 - Mass Create Item Locations Job Doesn't Work
    • The job "Mass Create Item Locations" didn't do anything when it ran.
  • 7011481 - Error Observed When Logging Out From Website
    • This was caused by some shrapnel from when we overhauled our roles and permissions system some time ago. When a user was idle for any significant period of time, the system would effectively automatically logout that user and load an anonymous user ID that technically did not exist. As a result, when the user actually clicked on the logout button, the system was confused and threw an error.
  • 7015894 - Get Error Printing Pick Ticket Where Qty Less Than 1
    • This was observed when using the Enterprise for Windows program and transpired only when the quantity was less than zero.
  • 7057803 - Campaign Email Opt Out Not Working
    • Campaign emails were still going to users who had their opt in email fileds set to False.
  • 7079654 - EntWin Crashes When Going to Jobs
    • A previous build of Enterprise for Windows software included a dll file that the system could not read correctly, which was causing a blow up when trying to visit the Jobs page.
  • 7109123 - Link on Categories26b Functions Incorrectly if Short Descriptions of Links Are Same
    • When using this categories page and using sub-pages have the same name, clicking on the second link takes you to the first one, not the one you clicked on.
  • 7182344 - Incorrectly logging Invalid Sort Method:ItemNumber
    • This fixed a logging error on Web Category collection. As part of the fix for this, we also updated logging to include milliseconds.
  • 7213164 - Error Viewing Item with Upsell/Cross-sell Items
    • The Item Page update had a coding conflict that was only affecting items that had upsell or cross-sell items connected to them. Not only have we corrected this error, but we have also added an automated test to our build process that will prevent this from being overlooked in the future.
  • 7237385 - Email Campaigns Were Not Being Sent
    • An under-the-hood fix to resolve an issue with email campaigns not functioning correctly. THey were recording the number of contacts but not actually sending the email.
  • 7239436 - Order Integrator not Creating New Customer Number
    • Order Import was not creating new customer numers if none existed in the csv inport file.
  • 7282731 - On Site Checkout Available When Paypal Only
    • The "On Site" checkout method is still available even when Paypal is the only payment method.
  • 7298912 - Add NULL safe Order Rule Triggers/Results for running multiple versions against the same DB
    • This will prevent issues with an order failing because an order rule was not on hold that does not exist in a certain version. This adjustment was created mostly to keep our Quality Testing team from seeing weird errors from rules setup using other branches. However, it will also assist customers if they ever setup a new rule on a staging site that doesn't exist in the version they are running in production.
  • 7234003 - Remove G/L Accounts Menu Items for Macola ES Users
    • G/L Accounts website functions are not supported for Macola ES users (since ES does a good job of handling this.)  Menu items for these functions still showed prior to this fix.
  • 7333486 - Get Error Going to Item Page
    • We were observing an error when going to an item page that was based on updates to the underlying software made in a previous version. This was only happening on items that had a bill of material.
  • 7606521 - New User Without BillTo Info Experiencing Trouble
    • When a customer created a new user and attempted to go to checkout without first populating billing address information, the site entered a redirect loop that prevented further progress. This only occurred when the Use Bill To option was checked in Site Settings.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 23 October 2015

This build has the following features implemented: 
  • 4138659 - Add Support for Marketing Information on Orders
    • This enhancement allows a Customer Service representative to annotate what marketing campaign was responsible for the customer's purchase. The information can then be tracked by your marketing department to best identify what campaigns were most effective.
  • 6233774 - Load AnonymousUser with the ID from SiteSetting
    • Before this change there was a single Anonymous User for all sites. This caused heartburn at customers running multiple web sites (Siskiyou) with the need for different Anonymous permissions on each site. Now the Anonymous user comes from site settings instead of being hard coded.
This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
  • 6597352 - Email Problems with Guest Checkout
    • Order Confirmation emails were not being sent correctly for customers who used guest checkout to purchase items.
  • 7048611 - Order Search Should Default to All Countries
    • In Customer Service | Order Search / Search Criteria, the Customer Country and Ship To Country did not default to All Countries; instead, it defaulted to United States.
  • 7298908 - SaaS System Throws Error Placing Order
    • When using a BirdDog engine database, we were observing an error when a customer was attempting to place an order in Ecommerce. This error prevented the order from actually being processed.
  • 7627946 - State Not Getting Set When Changing Customer in Order Entry
    • When you change customers on the Order Entry page, the Bill-to & Ship-to states were not getting loaded correctly and were showing Alabama. Also, the Credit warning messages were not getting reset. They showed the previous customer's message (or lack thereof).
  • 7729328 - Problem Creating New Customer in Ecommerce
    • When creating a new customer in Ecommerce, if you omitted necessary info and then tried to enter it, the page hung and did not create the new customer.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 19 November 2015

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
  • 7011481 - Get Error When Logging Out
    • When logging out as a customer, a User not found error was appearing, which caused some confusion. This appeared for both users and customers.
  • 7757329 - Sale Price Notation Missing from Item
    • Enhancements to the underlying code resulted in this notation no longer appearing on the Item page. 

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New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
  • 1559895 - Sales Rep Email Address Not Required
    • Prior to this enhancement, the email address was a required field in order to create a new sales rep on the website. Now, you can skip that if necessary.
  • 6052273 - Have DHL Throw Error if Zero Quote Returned
    • With this enhancement, the system now rejects a DHL quote out of hand if it returns as $0.00. This was an issue if using our Best Way freight option that selects the lowest freight price from various shipping methods.
  • 6416015 - New Gallery Layout
    • This feature added a new categories page, Categories14b, which works like Categories14, but organizes sub-category or item "thumbnail" images in a grid that resizes oversized images to fit, allowing for a consistent look without having to manually resize thumbnail images.
  • 6537838 - Complete integration of 3rd Party Freight Accounts and Order Entry
    • 3rd Party freight accounts were added to Customers in a prior version, however the integration with Order Entry was never completed. With this enhancement when a Freight Pay Code that has its Charge Method set to "Freight charged to customer's account" is selected it will display a drop down displaying all of the Customer's freight accounts for the shipper of the currently selected ship via code.
  • 6606880 - Add List to Customer Service So CSRs Can Easily Find Unfinished Orders
    • Added the Unfinished Orders report to Customer Service which allows a CSR to easily pull up orders they were working on that have not been placed.
  • 6751013 - Add PO Number to Purchase Order Search Screen
    • Added Purchase Order number to the existing filters on the Purchase Order search screen.
  • 6799781 - Order Rules Trigger: Order Weight
    • This build adds a new trigger to the order rules system and allows you to tailor your rule according to order weight. Do you provide free freight if an order exceeds a certain weight? This makes that easy.
  • 6805462 - Import Tool Support for Reference Designators
    • Using our import software, we have now added the ability to quickly mass import reference designators onto the Bill of Material.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 7 April 2015

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
  • 4262767 - PO Changes Should Updated Item/Location
    • A released purchase order that had the quantity of an item adjusted was not correctly updating the quantity on the item / location
  • 6611087 - Date Culture Format Problems
    • Fixes issues when the SQL server and the Web server were running in different cultures. Web site now runs in the culture of the SQL server.
  • 6728760 - Sales Tax Calculations Differ Between Cart Line and Order Line
    • This was a matter of rounding and decimal places. Sales tax on the cart line was being rounded to two places but on the order line was rounded out to four places which, in some instances, could cause sales tax to change from what was seen on Order Entry and the final order.

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New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
  • 4889266 - Order Pick Put on Hold Reason
    • This feature now identifies the reason an order is put on hold. Previously, this would print a report on why an order was not going to print every time Print Pick Tickets was ran. It now puts the order on hold with the appropriate reason so the Sales Manager can review the order using the On Hold Orders report in Customer Service.
  • 6378399 - My Account Settings
    • This feature adds certain options on the Ecommerce tab of Site Settings that will grant web administrators further tools to determine what elements a customer sees when they login. If customers should not be able to change a shipping address, for example, or see old invoices, you can lock that part of the site down.
  • 6511311 - Add Calculated Discount Property to Order Entry
    • Added Discount_Percent_Calculated to ICartLine and IOrderLineBase (IOrderLine and IInvoiceLine can use it) - If Discount_Percent is not zero, returns Discount_Percent; otherwise returns discount from the original unit price to the current price. Purpose of this new value is to support Invoice layouts that display List Price, Discount, and Net Price.
  • 6516243 - Order Entry Add Ship To Via Order Info
    • Ship To addresses can be added and saved on the Order Entry screen. Once saved, they can be used in later, successive orders for this customer.

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Upgrade Notes


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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 25 Feb 2015

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
  • 4549976 - Meta Tag Text Not Displaying in Item Edit
    • Information added to the meta tags were successfully being written to the database, but were not showing on the Item Edit page.
  • 6176767 - Convert Lines Threshold Sorting to a Filter on Suggested Purchases/Create PO
    • This is simply a modification of existing code to streamline how the sorting filter works on the Suggested Purchases and Create POs pages.
  • 6523057 - Update Freight Account to Allow Freight Price Range to End Before 150lb
    • When editing freight price ranges, you are no longer required to pad out to 150 lbs. This brings the freight module more in line with certain shipping options that have cut-off weights; this was specifically designed to support US Post Office freight ranges better.
  • 6537243 - Ordered By Object Being Cleared Incorrectly
    • Prior to this build, the Ordered By field would sometimes populate incorrectly with data from a previous customer, but only in certain scenarios (new customer did not have certain data in the system). We have resolved this issue.
  • 6598067 - Site Won't Start if LastLicenseCheck Setting Doesn't Exist
    • Before this change, a new site would not start if the LastLicenseCheck field in the BDSettings table did not exist.
  • 6578555 - Handle Full Text Search Not Installed Better
    • In previous iterations of the software, not having Full Text Search installed on Microsoft SQL did not allow the web site to start. We have added code that handles this better. Full Text Search is still required for many of the searches, but will no longer keep the web site from starting.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released: 18 Mar 2015

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
  • All Features and Bug Fixes for and earlier
  • 6321034 - Search is Too Specific
    • Invalid HTML characters were causing trouble with the search. So, a search for Hexadecimal Value 0x01 would return nothing, even if that was the actual title of the page, but a search for Hexadecimal itself would turn up that page.

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System Requirements Version 9.7

BirdDog's ERP system runs in any popular web browser. Customers who get BirdDog as a subscription (SaaS) do not need to install any software.

Server Requirements

Server Software & Database Requirements

BirdDog Software can be deployed on a dedicated or virtual server that meets the following requirements:

Minimum Web Server Software Requirements
Web Server must be web site ready. System Requirements must be met for the version of software being installed.

Hardware required:
  • Windows 2008 Server
  • Minimum: 2 GB of RAM, recommended: 4 GB of RAM
  • 2.4 GHZ Processor
  • .Net Framework 4.5.1
  • 300-500 MB of available hard disk space per installed instance of BirdDog
BirdDog server software can be installed on the following:
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008. Supports both x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) installs
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012. Supports both x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) installs
Database Server Requirements
Hardware requirements:
  • Minimum: 2 GB of RAM, recommended: 4 GB of RAM
  • 200 MB of available hard disk space. Depending on the number of transactions, additional hard disk space may be required to store large number of transactions
  • Document Management, additional hard disk space depending on the amount of documents. 5GB of documents will require 5GB of additional storage. Consider this, Using an estimate of 2,500 pages per file drawer and four file drawers per file cabinet, one can estimate that scanning two four drawer file cabinets full of documents (ten thousand single sided pages) will require 1 GB
The BirdDog database can be hosted by:
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2005, any edition, with Service Pack 4
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008, any edition, with Service Pack 3
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, any edition, with Service Pack 2
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012, any edition, with Service Pack 1

Full-Text Search needs to be installed on your SQL Server for our software to function correctly.

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Web Browser Requirements

Web-browser Requirements for Ecommerce
Our publicly facing system can be accessed by any device with one of the following browsers:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 9.0 or later
  • Mozilla Firefox version 10 or later
  • Apple Safari version 6 or later
  • Google Chrome version 17 or later
Web-browser Requirements for Enterprise
Our ERP system can be accessed by any device with one of the following browsers:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11
  • Mozilla Firefox version 10 or later
  • Apple Safari version 5 or later
  • Google Chrome version 17 or later

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