Version 9.9

Tuesday August 27 2019


Features or bug reports that are considered sensitive will not be viewable except by customers who are logged in.









System Requirements Version 9.9


Bug Fixes: Version - Released 20 March 2020

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
8921639 - New Web Editor Polish
A number of minor adjustments and coding fixes to the web editor were required. Previously, clicking Cancel on a web editor took you to the wrong page, clicking add child brought up a dialog that you could not cancel out of, and saving a page with a code would take you to the page with the GUID instead of the code. We also made some adjustments to the mirror work flow.
9811444 - "Select Customer" Search Not Working
If you had more than 20 customers assigned to a user, the SelectCustomer.aspx page changed from a list of the customers to a Search for them. The Search did not return anything, making it so you couldn't actually change the customer.
11087989 - Feature Option Items Not Including Component Weight
Items setup as feature option items (so you have to select specific options when purchasing the item) were not correctly calculating weight for the order; the weight being reported was only the master item and was not including any components.
11112903 - Audiences Not Showing in Web Category Editor
Audiences were not being displayed in the Audiences tab in the web editor.
11368193 - Can't Place Orders on Mobile
Recent updates to mobile browsers broke the way we were doing some validation causing mobile device such as a phone (Android or iPhone) or iPad to not be able to advance all the way to Place Order. Even worse, there was no logging to tell an admin why you could not advance.

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New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
8634080 - Add Support for Google Tag Manager
We added the choice for Google Tracking Code to the SEO tab on Site Settings and updated the site to properly honor the choice. This added support for Google Analytics funnel tracking.
9842473 - Add Ability to Hide Fields From Search
Added a "Hide from Search" checkbox on the Field Maintenance page.
10463917 - Development for "Search by PO# Functionality"
Added the ability for a customer to login to their account and search for a specific PO number in their existing orders.
10768397 - Support Updating Entities with the Entity Import
With this build, we added the ability to import an entity, and then do another import updating that entity.
10793762 - Update Import Contacts to Latest Import Format
In previous builds of the web software, Import Contacts required the BRAIN license and could only be accessed in BRAIN. Now, it is located in System Management with all other Imports and uses the newer import format. We have also increased the field length of Company Name and Title. Finally, if ID, login or a unique field is included in the import, we update instead of create to avoid having duplicate contacts in the system.
11707060 - Two Way Price Transfer
As of this build, we now transfer cost both ways between the Sage 100 ERP and Service Pro when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System; we have also added a switch on the connector that, when enabled, transfers price both ways as well.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 6 April 2020

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11441290 - Deprecated APIs for Shopify
Shopify only supports APIs for a year, so as of this build, we updated the BirdDog Connector Sub-System for Shopify to use the Shopify API 2019-10.
11824940 - Email Links Aren't Alway Being Made Absolute
In with project 11321494, we removed DART SMTP. That had the unfortunate side effect of breaking how we handled links in emails. This fixes them again.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 12 March 2020

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11681945 - RevisionFailedException The index 'idxBDItems25' is dependent on column 'Item_No'
In very specific scenarios against old versions of the BirdDog Engine database schema some customers were receiving an index exception.
11807249 - BDPageHits Throws Error on IPv6 IP Address
BDPageHits.ClientIP needed its length increased to handle IPV6 addresses.

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New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
11155041 - BD Item Location Support Loc Column Too Short
The M1 ERP required us to adjust the size of this column for use with the BirdDog Connector Sub-System. This change prompted the version change to 9.9.6.
11321494 - Remove DART SMTP Provider
Removal of a legacy component. Part of our move towards supporting .Net Core and Docker.
11556192 - Email Completed Import Results With Verbosity Setting
Significant coding enhancements to how certain jobs report results. If you have a BRAIN license and use that functionality, the job will now always send a task. We also added a verbosity setting that allow you to establish when emails are sent - All (notification on every run, regardless of activity); Activity (notification only when something is actually imported); Errors (notification only when there is an error); or None (which is pretty self-explanatory.) This works on the following jobs: Autoship, Commit Sales Tax, Membership Renewal, Post Sales Tax, Process Open Orders, Process Page Hits, and Process Purchased Documents.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 24 April 2020

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11798005 - Ship-to Address Not Showing on Checkout if Saved Ship-to is Default
If the default shipping address is set to a saved ship-to (not "No Default"), then no shipping address was displayed in the Shipping Address section on the Checkout page.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 10 March 2020

This branch has the following features implemented: 
11622490 - Service Pro Using Customer Defaults Instead of Data From Customer
Newly created customers in Service Pro were being downloaded with the BirdDog Connector Sub-System using customer defaults set in the connector instead of using the values from the Service Pro connector.
11660106 - Pass Phone Number (Customer and Ship To) from Sage to Service Pro
As of this build, we are now passing this information up to Service Pro from Sage 100 when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11716335 - Customer PO Changes in Sage Not Syncing to Service Pro
When Customer PO is set in Service Pro and synced down to Sage 100 using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System, changes to this data in Sage was not being correctly written back up to Service Pro. This is new functionality.
11727731 - Need Better Error Message When Trying to Sync Order With Tax Code to Sage 100
In Service Pro, it is very easy to accidentally set a customer to use a Tax Code instead of a Tax Schedule. This is illegal in Sage 100, so trying to sync orders down using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System threw an error that was not very helpful. We revised that error for clarity.

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New Features

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11311879 - Update Error Logging to Work Like MSI's Existing Integrations
Using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System: added setting which allows log entries to be posted up to Service Pro; added a setting to the Service Pro connector which allows you to set the logging level of entries that get pushed up to Service Pro's logs from BirdDog's logs.
11528672 - Rates Table is not Syncing - Macola ES
In Macola ES, the "Rates" table needed to be added to the sync process.
11560459 - Two Way Customer Integration Between Sage 100 and Service Pro
In previous versions of the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against Sage 100, generating a customer needed to happen entirely on the Sage 100 side; with this build, you can now create them in BirdDog applications such as Ecommerce or Customer Service or our third part connectors that support creating customers such as Shopify, Woo Commerce, Magento, and Service Pro and they will sync down correctly to Sage.
11613883 - Item in a Webcategory Trigger Does Not Handle Webcategory Codes
The "Process On Hold Orders" job was throwing an error because the query had the page code in it and it was looking for the webcategoryID guid; we revised this to look for both.
11616150 - BDOrderAppointments Insert NULL Error
The BirdDog Connector Sub-System was erroneously trying to write information from Service Pro into a specifc table that is not actually tracked or used anywhere.
11624311 - Remove Order Not Marked to Send to Service Pro
Due to some coding from previous versions, we were continually logging orders that were not marked to send to Service Pro using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System when the process ran. This led to some confusion as some users thought it meant there was a problem; to clear up the confusion, we no longer put that warning in the report.
11646848 - Unexpected NULL Preventing Download From BirdDog
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System, after generating a new customer Ship-To in Sage 100, this Ship-To was not uploading to Service Pro like it should.
11706494 - Magento Connector Setup Screen Some Item Options Revert to Default on Save
While setting up the Magento Connector Sub-System, clicking on save was causing several of the dropdown lists to revert to data options that you had not actually selected.
11710708 - TaskID Lookup Failure For SO_ShipToAddress_UI Should Not Bomb Sage 100 Connector Run
Added exception handling to keep upload customers and ship tos from stopping the process when using BirdDog Connector Sub-System against a Sage 100 environment.
11715608 - TaskID Lookup Failure for SO_SalesOrder_ui Should Not Bomb Sage 100 Connector Run
Similar to 11710708 above. Added exception handling to keep sales orders from stopping the process when using BirdDog Connector Sub-System against a Sage 100 environment.
11721307 - Sage 100 Connector Not Handling Bad Ship-To Address Correctly
An order generated in Service Pro using a newly created customer with some sketchy data was causing the Sage Connector Sub-System to throw an ugly error.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 3 March 2020

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11419187 - Synergy Database has Wrong Collation Type
Some Synergy databases had a different colation from the Macola ES database which kept customers from being added.
11484348 - Update Invalid ServicePro Work Order Line Data to Warning
Changed an error alert to a warning.
11494078 - Sage Using Older Date Sometimes in Order Creation
When bringing down orders into a Sage 100 environment using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System, in specific scenarios, the order date was being recorded incorrectly.
11512856 - Only First Price Code Uploading from M1
Only the first price code was uploading properly when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against an M1 environment and had an actual discount/markup/price. All others uploaded but have those fields blank.
11567995 - Items Downloading Every Time
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against an M1 environment, items were being pulled down every single time the connector was being run, but it was not reporting them. As a result, the run connector process was taking an extremely long time to complete.
11593198 - Invalid column name 'ID'. Invalid column name 'RowVersion'. Invalid column name 'CreatedTime'. Invalid column name 'LastUpdatedTime'. Invalid column name 'CreatedByID'.
Some incorrect assumptions were made regarding revcode logic which was causing this ugly fail when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against Service Pro and Sage 100 environments.
11779984 - Orderline Inserted Between Existing Orderlines in Sage Causes Error When Syncing
Inserting an order line between two existing order lines in a Sage order caused a "Cannot insert duplicate key row" error when syncing the order to Service Pro through the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11783059 - Sage Customer Columns Are Not Always in the Same Order
The underlying tech that was used to pull data from Sage 100 using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System was column order specific. This was based on the assumption that every Sage install had the table columns in the same order which turned out to be an invalid assumption. This bug fix switched it to use column names instead of the column index.

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New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
10369940 - Woo Commerce Connector Enhancements
Major coding enhancements for the BirdDog Connector Sub-System when used against a Woo Commerce environment. Instructions on setup and use can be found here.
11348594 - Add Support for Sales Order Header and Line User Defined Fields to Sage 100 and Service Pro
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System to sync between Sage 100 and Service Pro environments, customers often have user defined fields (UDFs) created in both that they would like to sync; the default Connector Sub-System did not handle such UDFs until this build. Instructions for setting up the connector to handle these kinds of UDFs can be found here.
11365993 - Allow Valid Lines to Flow Through to Sage Even When Another Line Errors
Previously, if a line item on an order being brought down to Sage 100 via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System errored out, the entire order failed to come down. Now, as long as lines of that order are valid, the order will come down with them and alert the user of those that failed and why.
11494917 - Add Better Warning for Duplicate Ship To Code on Service Pro
The existing warning for this type of error was not understandable enough.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 24 April 2020

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11825522 - Get Error Going to Checkout Page if cicntp Entry Missing
If the entry in cicntp was missing for a DEL type entry in Addresses table, you got an error trying to go to the checkout page.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 10 March 2020

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11431949 - Ship Via Code Errors Should Be Warnings
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against a Macola environment, Ship Via Code errors were unnecessarily preventing the process from completing. These needed to be warnings instead of errors.
11570088 - Unhandled Exception Uploading Invoices With Line Items Already Fulfilled
The BirdDog Connector Sub-System, when used against a Shopify environment, was handling already fulfilled invoices incorrectly, which resulted in the process erroring out in an ugly way.
11799959 - Payment Multipled by Qty of Items on Imported CSV
If there was more than 1 item on the order import CSV, the payment amount was being multiplied by that number when imported into Macola 10.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 17 December 2019

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11099656 - Getting 'Could not get line id for invoice' Error When Uploading Invoice to Magento
Every time the BirdDog Connector Sub-System was run against a Magento environment, the system was throwing this error for invoices that needed to be uploaded.
11373131 - Ship Tos Aren't Actually Being Selected on Customer Service Enter Orders
When ordering using a Ship To, the actual Ship-To was not being properly selected and the order was defaulting to the bill-to address instead.
11404071 - MVC Order Entry Not Recognizing UOM change
Changes made to the unit-of-measure on a MVC order entry page were not being correctly recognized when made.
11507308 - Error For Insufficient JobMaster Read/Write Permissions is Too Technical
When the user for the Job Master service didn't have the correct read/write permissions during an automated import, the system threw a very technical error ... which was useless to a non-developer. We revised it to be more clear to a regular software user.
11507562 - License Issues Preventing Imports in 3rd Party Ecommerce Connector
Certain required links were not available when using this license. We've changed that.
11518868 - Service Data for Export Query Results(CSV) Unclear
The Service Data for this query job referenced File Name when it should have referenced File Destination.
11518893 - Error on Export Query Results Job Needs to Be More Clear
Improved this error message for clarity.

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New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
9224234 - Create Job to Keep TimeDim Table Current
TimeDim_Sql table is used by processes such as OLAP Data Warehouses to convert Macola Dates into real dates and easily track Year, Quarter, Month, and other info on a date. There is a process in Macola to extend this table, but it has to be ran manually. We automated that process with a job.
10010022 - Add Related Entity Field Type to Enable Values List to be Populated from a Different Entity
When using BirdDog's Field and Entity system there are many cases where you want a field to be a drop down list populated from another table of information. Imagine you add a field named Color or Brand and you want to limit the list to a pre-defined set. Prior to this enhancement you could easily do this with Field Values. However, if you had the same field with the same list on multiple Entities you would have to duplicate the work of maintaining the Field Values list. With this enhnacement you can create an Enitity with the appropriate values and then reference it from as many different fields as needed.
10862150 - Add Support for BirdDog Fields to the Email Template System
Added support to email templates for fields.
11024139 - Add Fields to Cart JSON for Checkout Process
Add support for displaying BirdDog fields from Cart and Cart Line on the cart and checkout pages.
11162425 - Add ICart.SubTotalByOrderedBeforeDiscount
Added a new property to cart, invoice and order to show the sub-total before a discount was applied.
11240717 - M1 Country Codes Using ISO 3166 Alpha-3 Code
The Magento ERP uses ISO 3166-2 codes instead of ISO 3166-3, and we were initially expecting the latter. A coding change was required to allow some data to pass successfully from Magento to the M1 ERP using our BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11330922 - Upload Item Data A La Carte
Prior to this update, uploading item info to Magento via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System was an all or nothing choice. If you chose to upload it would upload and overwrite everything. Now you can, for example, maintain your description on Magento and tell the connecctor to still upload price.
11490500 - Add More Fields to Imports
Additional fields in the Customer and Ship-To imports were added; specifically, these imports added Start Date, Require PO, Search Name, Address3, and Tax Exempt Number for the Customer import and Address3 for the Ship-To import.
11501841 - Change Column Name from Service Pro Type to Service Pro Item Type
A column name in one of our imports needed to be changed.
11507410 - Email Address in Select Import From Directory Needs to Exist as User in BirdDog Database
When setting up an import from a directory, the last part of the service data is an email address to notify. This email, however, needed to be in the system as a User which is not immediately apparent. Now that User no longer needs to exist in the system, it will be auto-created if it doesn't exist.
11563946 - Add Quantity Columns to the Item Location Import
In addition to the fields added above in 11490500, we also added this field on this import.

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Upgrade Notes

Due to constantly evolving technology, the database compatibility level will need to be adjusted to 110 (SQL Server 2012) or greater. You can do this manually or by running a query.


This presumes your SQL Server has also been upgraded; if it has not, you'll need to simply run the query below.

  • In SQL Server Management Studio, right-click on the database and select Properties
  • Click on the Options tab
  • In the Compatiblity level dropdown, change to SQL Server 2012 (110) (or greater if that's available)


  • Alter Database (YOUR DB) set compatibility_level = 110

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 5 August 2020

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11828222 - Error - Cannot Insert NULL into BDOrderSegments
In certain scenarios using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System pointed at Service Pro, the error "Cannot Insert NULL into BDOrderSegments" would be thrown; this fixes that issue.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 10 March 2020

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11583870 - MVC Imports Page Visibly Throwing a Non-Breaking Error
MVC Imports page was throwing an error on the page; it still functioned correctly, but looked terrible.
11667943 - Sequence Contains No Elements Error With CC Deluxe
While transitioning to new accounts, some customers were getting this error when trying to use existing customer credit card information against this new account which was due to they system trying to find the existing credit card token with instead of automatically generating a new one. This prevented them from being able to pull funds.
11669905 - Column Names are Case Sensitive But Shouldn't Be
Changing the column name headers on a Sales Order import CSV to lowercase caused the import to completely fail.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 14 December 2019

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
10663497 - BDSetup25 Next Customer Number NULL Error
If the Customer Number field in the BDSetup25 table was empty, the web site was throwing a site crash error when you attempted to navigate to System Management | Global Settings ... which meant you couldn't actually set that field outside of direct manipulation of the database.
11091465 - De-Activate Sync Triggers Not Working
In Enterprise for Windows, when clicking on Maintain | Sync | De-Activate Sync Triggers, the software was throwing a "Couldn't update website" error instead of removing these triggers.
11497096 - SvcPro Order Changed After Order Posted Locally Error Should Be Warning
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against Service Pro, invoiced orders were being repeatedly logged as having been posted instead of the system reporting a single warning about this invoice and then moving on.
11514538 - Cannot Run Entwin Without Explicit Run As Administrator
Running Enterprise for Windows was requiring you to 'Run As Adminstrator,' even when the Windows user had complete admin rights (for Trusted Connection) or the SA user had complete SQL rights (when using the sa user and password.)
11519020 - Site Settings Background Image Doesn't Actually Work
On the Look & Feel tab of Site Settings, the Background Image field did not actually pull the contents of that field when called by the website.
11520735 - Run Connectors Not Properly Updating Site Name
When uploading Sage 100 Customer Ship-To information via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System to Service Pro, we were not overwriting existing Site Name information on the Service Pro side. The system correctly uploaded the initial information, but any changes made on the Sage side were not being pushed up.
11524091 - Error Running EntWin Calling For DB Compatability Setting to 110 or higher when DB SET to higher
Inexplicably, when a database's compatibility setting was set to higher than 110 (so greater than SQL Server 2012), the system was alerting you and stating it needed to be set to 110. This was originally observed when the database in question was using SQL Server 2016.
11606627 - Incompatibility Message Need Changed
The existing message that was popping up when running 9.9.2 versus a database set to a compatibility mode earlier than 110 (SQL Server 2012) had information in it that caused some confusion with customers. We adjusted it for clarity.
11620951 - Database Cus_No Length Set to 20, but Engine is Cus_No 23
Older versions of BirdDog only customers have a customer number length of 20, versus the current length of 23. The system was not handling that correctly.
11621946 - Payment Not Coming Down From Shopify
Shopify made a change to their code, which resulted in payments no longer being pulled down properly when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 16 October 2019

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
10124410 - Bad Message for Ord_Type 3
When capturing a range of credit cards, if a credit memo is in the range you would get the error: Not Processing Order Because Order.Ord_Type=3. Now it says: Not processing order because the order type is:Credit Card
10663497 - Site Errors Out if Next Customer Number in BDSetup Empty
If BDSetup25's Next Customer Number is set to NULL and you clicked on System Management | Global Settings, the site errored out. Now, it handles that much more gracefully.
10965798 - Line Deleted in SvcPro Order Causes Download Error
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against Service Pro, if you deleted a line item on the order on the Service Pro side after it had already been downloaded, the system would ultimately add the line item back on the BirdDog side instead of also deleting the line.
11013677 - New Customer Creation Defaults to Alabama
When you created a new customer in Ecommerce, the State defaulted to Alabama. This caused problems if the new user didn't catch this and change it to their actual statem so we changed the State DDL to default to blank and then require a state be selected before the page saves.
11097235 - Issue with Transaction Time for Kits Invoiced in Birddog
We were getting different results in the item inventory transaction table during the order/invoice/post process when invoicing is done in Macola vs. Birddog for kit components. This was only for kit components as regular items invoiced fine.
11132004 - EntWin Logging Throws There is no row at position 0 Error
When using Enterprise for Windows, clicking on Help | Application Logging, then double-clicking on top log threw this error and crashed the program. Oddly enough, all of the other logging seemed to work normally.
11191199 - Getting System.Exception: Error: Not Found When Running Shopify Connector
We were not handling bad data well when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against Shopify.
11199490 - Line Deletions in Macola are Not Carrying Over to Service-Pro
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System to sync orders from Service Pro to Macola, line items removed from an order on the Macola side were repopulating on the Macola order instead of staying removed there and being removed on the Service Pro order.
11252074 - Code Length Error When Downloading Magento Customer to Macola
Revised how we handle certain data when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System to bring down extremely long customer names from Magento into Macola.
11284441 - M1 Connector Not Syncing PartUnitSalePrices
Using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against the M1 system, the process was not syncing this piece which is where the prices from the Unite Sale Price Info grid comes from.
11286479 - Changed Order Date in Sage Not Writing Properly to Service Pro
When you set the order date on a Sage 100 order to something other than today, the BirdDog Connector Sub-System did not push up to Service Pro at all. Instead, it wrote as "today."
11293339 - Linkage to Sage 100 Order Lines Using the Incorrect Field
Fixed mapping error betwen BirdDog and Sage 100 when using the Connector Sub-System.
11307304 - Countries Menu Item Grayed Out
Previously, a specific license was required to have access to the Countries menu in Enterprise for Windows. We've since revised this so it is now considered a system-level function.
11311264 - M1 v8 Connector Not Syncing Certain Pricing
Version 8 of M1 handles pricing slightly differently than version 9, which required us to adjust how the BirdDog Connector Sub-System syncs part unit sales prices.
11312580 - Sage ShipTo Codes That are 0s Not Handled Properly by BirdDog
0, 00, 000 are illegal as ship to codes in Macola so our code didn't expect to see it, but Sage 100 allows it, so we adjusted how we handle that.
11319798 - Ship-To Code Does Not Populate in Sage, But Address Info is Correct
When a ShipTo is selected in Service Pro, the order ws brought down to Sage 100 via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System with the proper address information ... but the ship-to code itself did not come down and populate on the Sage order screen.
11327448 - Shopify Error Should be a Warning
When changes are made to an order on the Macola side that was successly downloaded from Shopify via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System, the system (correctly) tried to write those changes back to Shopify ... but can't because Shopify won't let you change anything but comments on a Shopify Order. In the process of trying this, it threw an error and would not let you progress forward. Now, it just warns you.
11327576 - Tax Codes Setting Reverts to Default in Countries View If Saving After Already Set
Changing the tax code on a state in Enterprise for Windows was not saving properly; if you re-edited the state, the tax code had reverted to default.
11327658 - Only Send Transactions For Taxable States Field Does Not Maintain Selected State
Tax accounts for Avalara AvaTax that had the "Only Send Transactions for Taxable States" checkbox were not properly keeping that checkbox marked after you had saved it.
11328971 - Country Download Errors Stopping LastSuccessfulDownloadTime to Update
Rather than killing the process dead when syncing between Sage 100 and Service Pro via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System, we now log a warning instead.
11343169 - Padded Customer Numbers Throwing Errors When Uploading to Magento
Too many leading zeros for M1 customer numbers (added automatically by the BirdDog Connector Sub-System for SQL purposes) was causing errors when uploading to Magento via this system.
11343319 - Not Getting Salesperson from M1 When We Run the Connector
As indicated, the Salesperson was not being properly downloaded when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11340795 - SvcPro Connector Customer PO No Field Too Long When Downloading to Macola
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against Macola, an error is thrown if the Customer's PO_no in an order from Service Pro is too long.
11344105 - New Order Integrator Missing Option for Send to Service Pro
Orders imported into a BirdDog system that are intended to be sent to Service Pro via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System did not have an appropriate option to be marked True. This option is required for the Connector to function properly so it was added.
11347263 - M1 Connector Doesn't Like Invalid Data in PartUnitSalePrices
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against a M1 database, orphaned records for items that no longer existed in the system was causing a hard system failure.
11347438 - Typo in Instructions for Import Customer CSV
Fixed the typo.
11349804 - Orders in Sage with Send to Service Pro Field Blank Actually Sending
In 9.9.1, we stopped sending orders from Sage 100 to Service Pro using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System if they weren't marked to be Sent; in some rare instances, however, orders were still being sent because in the database, they were returning blank instead of Yes or No.
11351680 - ServicePro Does Not Accept Items Starting with White Space Error Should be Warning
While other ERP systems, such as Sage 100, do allow you to have an item number with a leading space in front of it, Service Pro does not, so when using BirdDog Connector Sub-System to sync to that, we now log a warning about this data instead of throwing an error.
11352609 - Getting CurrencyCode is required for Macola ES Error with Shopify-ES Connector
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against Shopify, the system was throwing this error every time the sync process ran.
11376235 - AvaTax Connector Not Handling Missing Country Code
An order with a country code of USA (instead of the expected US) was causing the AvaTax connector to fail badly. We added logic to look up countries by alternate names along with the existing ISO code lookup. We also added better logging for when countries or states cannot be found.
11376303 - Freight Amount Disappears From Orders Invoiced With Avatax
We updated BirdDog freight pay codes when using the Macola ES database. N becomes "Prepaid and Add," X becomes "No Freight Pay charge." We also updated the freight pay code on new sales orders to N as it was blank previously.
11391877 - Creation User Missing Blows Up TaskForm.aspx
This error happened only under specific circumstances: if you created a task with a user and then deleted that user, the site would crash when attempting to view that task later. Now, it handles this error more gracefully.
11391923 - Ship-To's From Customers Not Sent Error Each Run Causing Unwanted Database Growth
When using a query to restrict the customers being uploaded to Service Pro via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System, all of the ship-tos from customers not included in this query were still trying to upload every run. This caused errors and unwannted database growth.
11399922 - Price code Allows End Date Before Start Date
This is completely illegal and should not have been allowed.
11400472 - EntWin Caches Pricing Between Connector Runs
Enterprise for Windows was not properly recognizing pricing changes so they were not properly being uploaded to Shopify via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11405424 - Ship To Revisions Doesn't Handle Apostrophes
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against an M1 system, we weren't handling apostrophes in the ship to code gracefully.
11415513 - Subquery Returned More Than 1 Value
A customer with an unexpected SQL synonym on a table caused one of our queries to throw an error.
11428660 - Customer Fields Not Uploading Correctly
Revised how we sent some customer information to the M1 ERP via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11429042 - Quantity Ordered Cannot Be Zero
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against a Macola system, we were allowing orders with line items that quantities of 0 to come down, which is not legal in Macola. Now, it gives a warning instead and will not attempt to download that line.
11445194 - Ship-To Number is Populating Site Name, Should be Ship-To Name
When Customers and Ship-Tos were coming from Sage 100 into Service Pro via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System and Sites on SP were created from those Ship-Tos, the Site Name was not populating correctly. The Ship-To Number was populating BOTH the Site Number and Site Name, which is not correct. Now, the Ship-To Name populates the Site Name, and the Ship-To Number populate the Site Number.
11457817 - Credit Card Capture Errors Not Formatted Correctly
Some of the errors in question (but not all) were too technical and thus not very helpful when troubleshooting exactly what went wrong.
11459419 - Location Field Size Needs Adjusted to at Least 5
Previously, our database structure presumed that Location codes would be 3 characters, but the ECi M1 ERP allows for larger codes. This made uploading information from M1 with the BirdDog Connector Sub-System difficult so we revised starter database information and what our code expects.
11464057 - Errors When Downloading Shopify Orders vis Job Master
Added better NULL handling to Shopify order downloads when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11484198 - Improve Error Message - Line with no ID
We improved the message received when an order from ServicePro does not actually have any order lines on it, something that is illegal in many ERPs.

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New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
10190060 - Need to send Tax Codes and Schedules on Customers and Ship Tos
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against M1, we were not pushing up tax codes and tax schedules on customers and ship-tos properly.
10561251 - Shopify Connector Needs to Handle Cancelled and Fraudulent Orders
Orders cancelled in Shopify no longer causing the BirdDog Connector Sub-System to error out. Now, it will warn you once that this error has been cancelled once. Note that if the order has been previously downloaded into your ERP, you'll need to manually delete it there as well.
11062909 - Enhance Import Example Files
Multiple import files were upgraded to our newer format that includes better examples and on-page explanations. The specific imports that were adjusted in this way are Customers, Item Locations, Items, and Orders. Instructions for using the imports can be found here.
11121767 - Add Automated Imports for Master Files
We added several new jobs for automating several of the imports we enhanced in 11062909. The specific imports that can be automated in this way are Customers, Item Locations, Items, and Orders. Instructions for using the imports, including the automated jobs, can be found here.
11187283 - Make Sage Credit Limit and Credit Balance work like Macola
We now upload Sage 100 Credit Limit and Credit Balance to Service Pro when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System. We already did this for Macola to Service Pro using this system, but due to Macola Progression not handling cents, it rounds off credit limit and credit balance in that scenario.
11196492 - Need to Capture ALL Info From Shopify Order
All useful fields are now downloaded from Shopify via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System. This allows for information such as a customer-generated PO number in Shopify to be brought down during the sync process.
11254945 - Error Message Should Report ServicePro Order Number Instead of OrderId Number
To make tracking down order download errors while using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against Service Pro, we now report with the order number instead of the Service Pro-specific order ID number.
11290040 - Check Created From Web on M1 Sales Order
M1 has a check box on the sales order for "Created from Web". We now check this for orders created in BirdDog when bringing them down with the Connector Sub-System.
11307396 - Support Ignore Integration Custom Field
We've added the functionality that will allow specific orders in Service Pro to be wholly ignored by our BirdDog Connector Sub-System when running the process. This requires MSI to add a custom field called IgnoreIntegration to their order header; if this field exists and the value is true, the Service Pro connector completely ignores the work order for downloads and uploads.
11346119 - Add Automated Imports for Ship-Tos
Similar to 11121767 above, we added functionality to automating shipping locations for customers. These presume that the customer already exists within the database. Instructions for using the imports, including the automated jobs, can be found here.
11388330 - Remove DART FTP Provider
We are moving towards 100% support for .Net core. This is requiring the removal of some older components that are incompatible.
11419852 - Add Sort Name on Customer Record to Service Pro Integration
Customers in Macola Progression have a Sort Name. Prior to this build, we were not pushing data in this field up to Service Pro when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System. Now, it will populate on the identically named Sort Name field of Service Pro.
11430100 - Pricing from M1 ERP
Major improvements were made to how we download price information from M1 via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11475423 - Item Quantity Not Coming to BD With v8 M1
All of our previous coding for the BirdDog Connector Sub-System for M1 was initially using version 9 of the software. As a result, item quantity was not properly being pulled down from the M1 database.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 30 August 2019

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
10548445 - Add Default Sales/COGS GL accounts to Sage 100 connector Setup
When using BirdDog Connector Sub-System against Sage 100, if the GL Account Code format was changed, it broke the linkage and would not allow you to continue to download.
10873167 - Miscellaneous Item is Missing the Sales Account and the Linkage for G/L Account
Orders in Sage 100 involving Miscellaneous Items was causing errors when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11072086 - Old, Open Orders are Not Downloading from Service Pro 10 to Macola
Fixed handling for orders that came from a Service Pro 8 upgrade.
11129086 - Comments Causing Infinite Loop
Using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System for Sage 100 and Service Pro, adding comments that had a very large number of spaces to an order was causing the connector to fail during download.
11166596 - Get CREATE UNIQUE INDEX Error Updating to 9.9.0
When updating a site from a previous version of BirdDog to 9.9.0, sometimes you got this error.
11199770 - Orders with Zero Lines Cause Bad Behavior
When the line is deleted from Macola Order, Macola deletes order, but then the BirdDog Connector Sub-System tried to add new line and order breaks, throwing errors on Line.
11225908 - Improve ServicePro Bad Data Handling
Error handling was not complete enough to provide good details so we updated.
11230885 - EntWin | System | Settings Are Missing
In 9.9.0, we accidentally dropped this menu item in Enterprise for Windows. This adds it back.
11237742 - Convert Service Pro Connector to Only Use Service Pro Timestamps
Coding enhancements that allow for better tracking of Service Pro data when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11239101 - Salesperson and Tax Changed in SvcPro Not Syncing to Macola via Connectors
Orders generated in Service Pro with Salesperson and Taxes changed from default were syncing down to Macola with default information instead of these changes when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11251214 - Connector: Not Bringing All Tax Codes from M1 to BD
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System, tax codes that do not have a tax code line in M1 were not being downloaded.
11253037 - Not All Line Items Coming Down From SvcPro Order to Macola
Due to the way Service Pro code handles incoming API calls, our initial code using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System was pushing only 20 line items to the order.
11278641 - MVC Enter Order Page Customer Search is Useless
When clicking on Select Customer in the MVC Enter Orders, the page throws errors and doesn't return any results. Regular customer search (outside of Enter Orders) works fine.
11280420 - MVC Enter Order Screen Broken, Add Line Select Location Not Working
When clicking on Select Customer in the MVC Enter Orders, the page throws errors and doesn't return any results. Regular customer search (outside of Enter Orders) works fine.
11280459 - Avatax Print Quote is Not Functioning
When printing quotes using the Avalara Avatax system and BirdDog's default quote report, tax was not showing and there was no tax on the actual order.
11283395 - BDGreatestSeenTimes Needs Unique Key to Prevent Duplicate Records
A new table added to the BirdDog Connector sub system was missing a needed unique index.
11285701 - JM: Getting "Invalid Logging Level: 0" Error, Despite BirdDog.config
Despite having populated the birddog.config file in JobMaster and ensured the logging level is set there, this error was still being thrown.
11290763 - Line_No of Existing Lines Being Changed
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against Service Pro, in some specific scenarios, certain lines on orders were being deleted during the connector process erroneously.

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New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
8370674 - Add Collector to Customer View & Edit
There is a field on the AR/ARSummary.aspx page called "Collector". That field needed to be added to the Customer View & Edit pages.
9860312 - All-In-One Installer
This is our new, semi-automated install process that will all you to get Enterprise for Windows, Job Master and the website installed at the same time. Other necessary components, such as the Crystal Reports runtime, which is normally run manually, is instead installed in the background during this process. Consult our instructions to use this new program.
11040105 - Revise Initial Sync to Not Require ALL History Tables
When running an initial sync using the all in one installer, the process attempts to download all synced tables from the master "hub" location which is problematic depending upon the size of the master database. Now, during the install process, a one-time job is triggered on the "hub" side that marks all necessary history tables for down to this remote "spoke" database. This will allow the down to work in smaller pieces instead of trying to mass copy everything all at once and bring the SQL server to its knees. Development also reviewed the code and reduced the number of initial number actually required.
11066280 - Error Downloading Customer Types Because Description is Limited to 15 Characters
Enhancements to various code lengths in our starter BDEngine database to allow for various applications that we handle via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11131236 - Switch to Using Linkage Records to Track Errors
Previously, if there was an error during download, the system didn't update last run time. This allowed us to retry everyting on the next run. However this also had us re-downloading records that worked which greatly increased the download time.
11188328 - Quote With Avatax Needs a CommandLine Call
Added a command line call to Enterprise for Windows for printing quotes to assist with AvaTax implementations.
11238621 - Customer Terms Code Field Length Too Short in BDEngine
More code length adjustments in the starter BDEngine database.
11280773 - Add cut off date to select for billing dialog and command line
Select for billing dialog assumed "today" as the cutoff date which was problematic when orders have been entered with a future date; the order was getting selected but the lines were not.
11290418 - Don't download orders unless they are marked Send to Service Pro
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System and syncing orders between the Sage 100 ERP and Service Pro, the system now completely ignores orders that are not marked to send to Service Pro.

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Bug Fixes: Version - Released 30 August 2019

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
10670569 - Customer Upload Query in Connectors doesn't handle Macola ES
Coding fix to resolve an issue specific to Macola ES when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
10780931 - Could Not Get Shopify Id for Item #PROMO
Bad data was preventing the BirdDog Connector Sub-System to choke when trying to download orders when specific parameters were met.
10803277 - Location Description Needs to Longer for M1
The M1 system allowed for a much longer description for locations than previously expected, so attempts to download data from it via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System caused errors.
10825989 - Custom Pricing and Description Not Updating Line Items from Sage to SP
When setting up custom pricing in the Sage 100 ERP system and using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System to sync up to Service Pro, this pricing was not being pushed up at all.
10826048 - Run Connectors on Initial M1 Process Requires GL Account
A blank BDEngine database hit by the BirdDog Connector Sub-System for M1 for the first time prompted the creation of a new GL account to be used as default. No reference existed to this GL account in Maintain Connectors or exactly what this GL account was for.
10835995 - Location in Sage 100 Can Have Blank Name, Description, and Address
In the Sage 100 ERP, certain features that BirdDog expects to be populated can be left blank; as a result, when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System to upload this information, an error was stopping the process dead in its tracks. Now the system handles this much more gracefully.
10836638 - Customer is Uploading to Shopify but No Info is Going Other Than Name
Using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System for Shopify and uploading a customer using query as the method for deciding which customers to upload, the only info that was being uploaded was the customer's name. There is no address or email address or any of that information being uploaded with the customer.
10837968 - Location, SalesPerson and Tax Code Errors in Sage 100 Connector
Similar to 10835995 above, in the Sage 100 ERP, certain features that BirdDog expects to be populated can be left blank; as a result, when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System to upload this information, an error was stopping the process dead in its tracks. Now the system handles these much more gracefully.
10839888 - Sales Person on Magento Connector Requiring Max Length of 3 on ES Database
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System to connect Magento and Macola ES, the system was not handling differing lengths for the Salesperson code correctly.
10841391 - Duplicate Key Exception Writing Price Codes
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System with a M1 system, the connector was erroneously reporting this exception while writing price codes.
10850339 - M1 Connector Didn't Bring Over Default Location
When setting up an item in M1, you can assign a "default bin". This now corresponds to our default location. Previously, an item that had multiple locations with location 01 was marked as the default could be downloaded with another location erroneously marked as the default.
10912001 - Bill_To_State too long (Max length=3), value: TH-10
Larger than expected bill to state codes - in this example, Thailand - were not being handled correctly when coming down from Shopify via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
10914150 - ALTER TABLE ALTER COLUMN Cus_No Failed Because One or More Objects Access This Column.
Coding fix to handle bad data when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System to sync Service Pro with the Sage 100 ERP.
10924592 - Ship To Name not passing from Service Pro to Sage 100
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System, the address set on a sales order in Service Pro was coming down to Sage 100, but the Ship To name was not correctly passing on.
10934495 - Misc Item /Shop Not Allowing Quantity to Write Into Sage From Service Pro Order
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System to sync Service Pro and the Sage 100 ERP, Miscellaneous Items from Sage were not being handled properly as they do not have an actual location in that system but are expected to for Service Pro.
10934649 - Kits Not Functioning Properly in Sage/SP Connection.
Orders generated in Service Pro and downloaded to Sage 100 via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System were not populating kit items correctly in the latter.
10936541 - Input String Was Not in a Correct Format
When using the Sage 100 to Service Pro connector, certain orders were not downloading correctly due to this error.
10938093 - Only Inventory Option of SvcPro Misc Item Integration Pushes to SvcPro
In the Sage 100 ERP, Miscellaneous Items have several sub-categories. Only the Inventory sub-category was correctly being synced up to Service Pro when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
10941107 - Incorrect Syntax During Upload to Service Pro
Coding fix to handle bad data when using BirdDog Connector Sub-System against Service Pro.
10978954 - Getting 'Request does not match any route' When Uploading CusNo via Query
Coding fix to resolve an error for bad data when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against Magento.
10983239 - GL Accts Not Populating on Maintain Connector Due to Item Broken Rules
Unexpected GL structure from Sage 100 was causing the BirdDog Connector Sub-System to fail when trying to sync these accounts up to Service Pro.
10983403 - String or Binary Data Would be Truncated Error
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System with a M1 system for the first time, this error was being generated and preventing forward progress.
10993514 - Second Item Line on SvcPro Order Not Bringing Down Custom Pricing
Orders created in ServicePro with multiple lines and custom pricing that were downloaded into the Sage 100 ERP via BirdDog Connector Sub-System were not bringing down the custom pricing for the second line item. Just that line item, though; the others were fine.
10998206 - SvcPro Order Comments Not Coming Down to Macola
Orders generated in Service Pro that have line or order comments and were being synced down to Macola via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System now correctly bring those comments down as well as the other expected information.
11013394 - Shopify Connector Tries to Download Orders Lower Than the "Starting Shopify Order#" Field is Set to
In the Maintain Account portion of the BirdDog Connector Sub-System for Shopify, you can set the Starting Shopify Order ID. The system will ignore all orders before this number, but was previously still trying to download them.
11014220 - Cannot Insert Duplicate Key Row in Object 'dbo.BDConnectorLinkages' with Unique Index 'idxBDConnectorLinkagesConnectorIDTypeLocalIDLocalID2LocalID3LocalID4LocalID5'
Fixed logic issue causing duplicate index
11015464 - Get Error After Order Fulfilled in Shopify
Using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System for Shopify, an error was being generated each time a new order was fulfilled that prevented the connector from successfully running again until this error was fixed.
11025590 - Issues with Prospect Quotes
Prospect Quotes are an unsupported order type for the BirdDog Connector Sub-System for Sage 100, but they were still being picked up which was causing errors.
11027763 - Don't Send Order to Service Pro Unless All Items Have a Linkage
If an order generated in the Sage 100 ERP has items that have not had their Service Pro type set, the BirdDog Connector Sub-System will report a warning that this line item need to have its Service Pro type set.
11036899 - Phantom Linkages Aren't Being Deleted
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System, deleting a line on a sales order deleted the line, but the linkage record never got deleted as well which was causing issues with that order if it was later edited again.
11037623 - Need To Truncate Item Descriptions Coming From SP To Macola
Service Pro accepts significantly larger item descriptions than Macola so, when downloading items from the former into the latter using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System, the system automatically truncates these descriptions to fit Macola standards.
11045199 - Connector is Trying to Pull Down Cancelled Orders from Magento
The BirdDog Connector Sub-System no longer attempts to download cancelled orders from Magento.
11074812 - Discounts in Shopify Order are Ignored on Macola Order
Orders generated in Shopify and downloaded to Macola via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System were ignoring discounts and re-calculating prices.
11098758 - Sage Order Date Does Not Match the ServicePro Order Date on Orders Created in ServicePro
Orders created in ServicePro and downloaded into the Sage 100 ERP via BirdDog Connector Sub-System were writing a date that is actually older than the real created date.
11129733 - Increasing the Version Number of an Inspection Breaks the Integration
Items in ServicePro that have been adjusted to be a new version were not downloading correctly via BirdDog Connector Sub-System even though the item number itself was not changing.
11135226 - JobMaster Treating No Logging Level in Birddog.config as Logging Level 0
If the config file did not have a logging level, Job Master wasn't logging anything at all, which made troubleshooting issues difficult to say the least. Now, if no logging level is set, Job Master will report that in the presumption that you'll fix it so it can properly log errors.
11135789 - Ignore Duplicate Databases in the Config File
Now that Job Master also reads the same config file that we use for the website, there existed the possibility that a Job Master instance could have two different config files in the same folder. If those two config files had the same database, some jobs could run twice against the same database at the same time, thus stepping on one another. Now, if the system detects two config files with the same database information, it ignores the duplicate entirely.
11158188 - Content-Type Header is Empty Error when Uploading Customer to Magento
Some customers did not sync down from Magento properly when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11165205 - Order Line Broken Rules Don't Give the Detail of the Error
Improved logging for certain orders to better facilitate troubleshooting.
11282286 - Tax Code Being Set When It Should be Tax Schedule
In rare instances, Service Pro was allowing an order to have both Tax Codes and Tax Schedules on the same order, which is illegal in most systems. Now, when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System to download such an order, the tax code is ignored in lieu of the tax schedule.

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New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
9769863 - Avalara CertCapture
This new feature allows you to add and maintain tax exemption certs with Avalara's new CertCapture system. Our system will inform existing customers with certs when their expiration date is approaching or remind them if their tax exempt status has lapsed, as well as assist them in obtaining a new status. Consult the instructions to setup and use this feature.
10238896 - Mechanism to Filter Product Lines
In the BirdDog Connector Sub-System, we added the option to upload items via web categories or query in addition to the standard All or None.
10400197 - Add Setting to AvaTax to Not Send Transactions for Customers with Tax Exempt Certs on File
With this new feature, if you are using the Avalara Sales Tax Connector, the software can be set to not send transaction information for a customer with valid tax exempt certs.
10578945 - Add Query Editor to EntWin
Using the web software, we can add and edit existing Queries in System Management but there was no way to do this in Enterprise for Windows and that functionality was required for the BirdDog Connector Sub-System. Now, under Processes | Query | Maintain Queries, you can add new or edit existing SQL queries that can be saved and reused.
10614172 - Upload Contacts as Customers All Linked to Original Macola Customer
This enhancement allows you to upload Macola ship-tos to your Magento system via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System as individual customers. Orders generated with one of those customers in Magento will be synced down to the original Macola customer.
10827209 - Move Service Pro Order Status to Sage 100 Custom Field
Prior to this enhancement, there was no way of knowing when a sales order pulled down from Service Pro to the Sage 100 ERP via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System could be billed. With this enhancement, that information is synced down to Sage along with all other appropriate information. This does require some setup; you can find the instructions for that here
10843912 - PartBinDetails Table Does Not Exist
In the BirdDog Connector Sub-System while using it against M1, if a specific module was turned off in M1, the system was erroring out because it could not access that module.
10867050 - Email Address Field Does Not Accomodate Emails Longer than 40 Characters
We observed this with the BirdDog Connector Sub-System while using it against Shopify; when this error happened, the connector download completely stopped and could not finish until that error was resolved.
10890224 - Display Warning in Enterprise for Windows Run Connectors Menu Command if Connectors Job Exists and Is Enabled
Attempting to manually run the BirdDog Connector Sub-System in Enterprise for Windows when a Run Connectors job is enabled now reminds you that the job is active; this prevents you for accidentally causing the data being transferred from stepping all over itself and giving you a migraine when you try to fix it. In order to manually run the connector, the job has to be disabled.
10977288 - Add Setting to Only Send Transactions to AvaTax for Taxable States
With this new feature, if you are using the Avalara Sales Tax Connector, the software can be set to only send transaction information to Avalara for states that have been set as taxable and have a default tax code or schedule.
10981179 - Upload Balance to Service Pro
Customer balance is now uploaded to Service Pro via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11003411 - Unable to Save Site Settings If Certain Codes Not Selected
This enhancement causes site settings to not require vendor defaults and to only require customer defaults if ecommerce is enabled. Also updates all of the settings on the functionality tab to false.
11012231 - Add Curl Command to Level 4 Logging
Sometimes it is difficult to know what was sent to the ERP via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System. Set logging level to 4 and we'll output a properly formatted curl command of what was sent. This makes it easier to communicate with your ERP developer on what is being sent back and forth.
11012396 - Support Comment (/C) Items
Previously, the BirdDog Connector Sub-System supported all miscellaneous items in the Sage 100 ERP system except the Comment type. Now it handles that too.
11044872 - Default Quote Report Missing Sales Tax
Prior to this enhancement, we did not support calculating tax on Quotes; now we do.
11055634 - Add Cart Line Fields to Checkout Process
Added the ability to display Item Fields in cart and checkout item grids. Requires customization of the cart and/or checkout pages to implement.
11062676 - Magento Orders Coming Down as Quotes
This enhancement adds the ability to choose order type to the BirdDog Connector Sub-System when used with Magento.
11079978 - Change Tracking Causing Errors in M1
In our original implementation of change tracking on M1 via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System, we added a BDVersion column to all of the M1 tables that we needed to monitor for changes. We later found out that this breaks M1 in some instances. The one known instance is where you open an existing item in M1 and then attempt to "Save As" a new item number. This enhancement will stop using the BDVersion column. Change tracking has been moved to new tables with triggers to track the changes.
11112173 - Add Last Time Run to Connector Accounts Page
Previously, you had to run a query against the database to view this information and it quickly became apparent that having this more easily accessible was a necessity for troubleshooting issues. As a result, we added it to Enterprise for Windows | Maintain | Setup | Connector Accounts for your connector.
11188743 - Update Job Master and Ent Win to Use the Custom Assembly Setting for Loading Custom Jobs and Commands
This new feature allows our more technically capable customers to program their own custom jobs for the Job Master service. I

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System Requirements Version 9.9

BirdDog's ERP system runs in any popular web browser. Customers who get BirdDog as a subscription (SaaS) do not need to install any software.

Server Requirements

Software Requirements
BirdDog Software can be deployed on a dedicated or virtual server that meets the following requirements:

Minimum hardware required:
  • Windows 2008 R2 Server
  • Minimum: 8 GB of RAM, recommended: 16 GB of RAM
  • Minimum .Net Framework 4.7.2
  • 300-500 MB of available hard disk space per installed instance of BirdDog
BirdDog software can be installed on both x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) versions of the following:
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019
Database Server Requirements
Hardware requirements:
  • Minimum: 8 GB of RAM, recommended: 16 GB of RAM
  • 200 MB of available hard disk space. Depending on the number of transactions, additional hard disk space may be required to store large number of transactions.
  • Document Management, additional hard disk space depending on the amount of documents. 5GB of documents will require 5GB of additional storage. Consider this, Using an estimate of 2,500 pages per file drawer and four file drawers per file cabinet, one can estimate that scanning two four drawer file cabinets full of documents (ten thousand single sided pages) will require 1 GB.
The BirdDog database can be hosted by:
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012, any edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014, any edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016, any edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017, any edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019, any edition

Full-Text Search needs to be installed on your SQL Server for our software to function correctly.

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Work Station Requirements

  • 2gb of RAM
  • 2GHZ or better CPU
  • High speed internet
  • Windows 7 or later
  • If using Avatax, 64-bit is required

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Web Browser Requirements

Web-browser Requirements for Ecommerce
Our publicly facing system can be accessed by any device with one of the following browsers:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 9.0 or later
  • Mozilla Firefox version 10 or later
  • Apple Safari version 6 or later
  • Google Chrome version 17 or later
Web-browser Requirements for Enterprise
Our ERP system can be accessed by any device with one of the following browsers:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11
  • Mozilla Firefox version 10 or later
  • Apple Safari version 5 or later
  • Google Chrome version 17 or later

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