New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
8634080 - Add Support for Google Tag Manager
We added the choice for Google Tracking Code to the SEO tab on Site Settings and updated the site to properly honor the choice. This added support for Google Analytics funnel tracking.
9842473 - Add Ability to Hide Fields From Search
Added a "Hide from Search" checkbox on the Field Maintenance page.
10463917 - Development for "Search by PO# Functionality"
Added the ability for a customer to login to their account and search for a specific PO number in their existing orders.
10768397 - Support Updating Entities with the Entity Import
With this build, we added the ability to import an entity, and then do another import updating that entity.
10793762 - Update Import Contacts to Latest Import Format
In previous builds of the web software, Import Contacts required the BRAIN license and could only be accessed in BRAIN. Now, it is located in System Management with all other Imports and uses the newer import format. We have also increased the field length of Company Name and Title. Finally, if ID, login or a unique field is included in the import, we update instead of create to avoid having duplicate contacts in the system.
11707060 - Two Way Price Transfer
As of this build, we now transfer cost both ways between the Sage 100 ERP and Service Pro when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System; we have also added a switch on the connector that, when enabled, transfers price both ways as well.