Upgrade Notes


As indicated with project #10123750, the following will need to be run against your database if you are already using Shipping Interface and are not a brand new customer.

The view named vShipping needs 2 changes: The residential column could be:

ISNULL(C.user_def_fld_5, 'N') AS Residential" or "CASE ISNULL(H.cus_alt_adr_cd, '') WHEN '' THEN CASE ISNULL(C.user_def_fld_5, 'N') WHEN 'Y' THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END ELSE CASE ISNULL(S.user_def_fld_5, 'N') WHEN 'Y' THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END END AS Residential

Either of these should be changed to:

CASE ISNULL(H.cus_alt_adr_cd, '') WHEN '' THEN case when isnull(cs.Residential,1)=0 then 'N' else 'Y' end ELSE case when isnull(sts.Residential,1)=0 then 'N' else 'Y' end END AS Residential 

The from clause will look like:

FROM dbo.OEORDHDR_SQL AS H INNER JOIN dbo.ARCUSFIL_SQL AS C ON H.cus_no = C.cus_no LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.SYCDEFIL_SQL AS Code ON H.ar_terms_cd = Code.sy_terms_cd AND Code.cd_type = 'A' LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ARALTADR_SQL AS S ON H.cus_no = S.cus_no AND H.cus_alt_adr_cd = S.cus_alt_adr_cd

should be replaced with

FROM dbo.OEORDHDR_SQL AS H (nolock) INNER JOIN dbo.ARCUSFIL_SQL AS C (nolock) ON H.cus_no = C.cus_no LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ARALTADR_SQL AS S ON H.cus_no = S.cus_no AND H.cus_alt_adr_cd = S.cus_alt_adr_cd LEFT OUTER JOIN BDCustomerSupport cs (nolock) on cs.Cus_No=h.cus_no LEFT OUTER JOIN BDShipToSupport sts (nolock) on sts.Cus_No=h.cus_no and sts.ShipTo_No=h.cus_alt_adr_cd LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.SYCDEFIL_SQL AS Code ON H.ar_terms_cd = Code.sy_terms_cd AND Code.cd_type = 'A'

Again, this only applies if the customer is using Shipping Interface.