Bug Fixes: Version - Released 16 October 2019

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
10124410 - Bad Message for Ord_Type 3
When capturing a range of credit cards, if a credit memo is in the range you would get the error: Not Processing Order Because Order.Ord_Type=3. Now it says: Not processing order because the order type is:Credit Card
10663497 - Site Errors Out if Next Customer Number in BDSetup Empty
If BDSetup25's Next Customer Number is set to NULL and you clicked on System Management | Global Settings, the site errored out. Now, it handles that much more gracefully.
10965798 - Line Deleted in SvcPro Order Causes Download Error
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against Service Pro, if you deleted a line item on the order on the Service Pro side after it had already been downloaded, the system would ultimately add the line item back on the BirdDog side instead of also deleting the line.
11013677 - New Customer Creation Defaults to Alabama
When you created a new customer in Ecommerce, the State defaulted to Alabama. This caused problems if the new user didn't catch this and change it to their actual statem so we changed the State DDL to default to blank and then require a state be selected before the page saves.
11097235 - Issue with Transaction Time for Kits Invoiced in Birddog
We were getting different results in the item inventory transaction table during the order/invoice/post process when invoicing is done in Macola vs. Birddog for kit components. This was only for kit components as regular items invoiced fine.
11132004 - EntWin Logging Throws There is no row at position 0 Error
When using Enterprise for Windows, clicking on Help | Application Logging, then double-clicking on top log threw this error and crashed the program. Oddly enough, all of the other logging seemed to work normally.
11191199 - Getting System.Exception: Error: Not Found When Running Shopify Connector
We were not handling bad data well when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against Shopify.
11199490 - Line Deletions in Macola are Not Carrying Over to Service-Pro
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System to sync orders from Service Pro to Macola, line items removed from an order on the Macola side were repopulating on the Macola order instead of staying removed there and being removed on the Service Pro order.
11252074 - Code Length Error When Downloading Magento Customer to Macola
Revised how we handle certain data when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System to bring down extremely long customer names from Magento into Macola.
11284441 - M1 Connector Not Syncing PartUnitSalePrices
Using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against the M1 system, the process was not syncing this piece which is where the prices from the Unite Sale Price Info grid comes from.
11286479 - Changed Order Date in Sage Not Writing Properly to Service Pro
When you set the order date on a Sage 100 order to something other than today, the BirdDog Connector Sub-System did not push up to Service Pro at all. Instead, it wrote as "today."
11293339 - Linkage to Sage 100 Order Lines Using the Incorrect Field
Fixed mapping error betwen BirdDog and Sage 100 when using the Connector Sub-System.
11307304 - Countries Menu Item Grayed Out
Previously, a specific license was required to have access to the Countries menu in Enterprise for Windows. We've since revised this so it is now considered a system-level function.
11311264 - M1 v8 Connector Not Syncing Certain Pricing
Version 8 of M1 handles pricing slightly differently than version 9, which required us to adjust how the BirdDog Connector Sub-System syncs part unit sales prices.
11312580 - Sage ShipTo Codes That are 0s Not Handled Properly by BirdDog
0, 00, 000 are illegal as ship to codes in Macola so our code didn't expect to see it, but Sage 100 allows it, so we adjusted how we handle that.
11319798 - Ship-To Code Does Not Populate in Sage, But Address Info is Correct
When a ShipTo is selected in Service Pro, the order ws brought down to Sage 100 via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System with the proper address information ... but the ship-to code itself did not come down and populate on the Sage order screen.
11327448 - Shopify Error Should be a Warning
When changes are made to an order on the Macola side that was successly downloaded from Shopify via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System, the system (correctly) tried to write those changes back to Shopify ... but can't because Shopify won't let you change anything but comments on a Shopify Order. In the process of trying this, it threw an error and would not let you progress forward. Now, it just warns you.
11327576 - Tax Codes Setting Reverts to Default in Countries View If Saving After Already Set
Changing the tax code on a state in Enterprise for Windows was not saving properly; if you re-edited the state, the tax code had reverted to default.
11327658 - Only Send Transactions For Taxable States Field Does Not Maintain Selected State
Tax accounts for Avalara AvaTax that had the "Only Send Transactions for Taxable States" checkbox were not properly keeping that checkbox marked after you had saved it.
11328971 - Country Download Errors Stopping LastSuccessfulDownloadTime to Update
Rather than killing the process dead when syncing between Sage 100 and Service Pro via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System, we now log a warning instead.
11343169 - Padded Customer Numbers Throwing Errors When Uploading to Magento
Too many leading zeros for M1 customer numbers (added automatically by the BirdDog Connector Sub-System for SQL purposes) was causing errors when uploading to Magento via this system.
11343319 - Not Getting Salesperson from M1 When We Run the Connector
As indicated, the Salesperson was not being properly downloaded when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11340795 - SvcPro Connector Customer PO No Field Too Long When Downloading to Macola
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against Macola, an error is thrown if the Customer's PO_no in an order from Service Pro is too long.
11344105 - New Order Integrator Missing Option for Send to Service Pro
Orders imported into a BirdDog system that are intended to be sent to Service Pro via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System did not have an appropriate option to be marked True. This option is required for the Connector to function properly so it was added.
11347263 - M1 Connector Doesn't Like Invalid Data in PartUnitSalePrices
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against a M1 database, orphaned records for items that no longer existed in the system was causing a hard system failure.
11347438 - Typo in Instructions for Import Customer CSV
Fixed the typo.
11349804 - Orders in Sage with Send to Service Pro Field Blank Actually Sending
In 9.9.1, we stopped sending orders from Sage 100 to Service Pro using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System if they weren't marked to be Sent; in some rare instances, however, orders were still being sent because in the database, they were returning blank instead of Yes or No.
11351680 - ServicePro Does Not Accept Items Starting with White Space Error Should be Warning
While other ERP systems, such as Sage 100, do allow you to have an item number with a leading space in front of it, Service Pro does not, so when using BirdDog Connector Sub-System to sync to that, we now log a warning about this data instead of throwing an error.
11352609 - Getting CurrencyCode is required for Macola ES Error with Shopify-ES Connector
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against Shopify, the system was throwing this error every time the sync process ran.
11376235 - AvaTax Connector Not Handling Missing Country Code
An order with a country code of USA (instead of the expected US) was causing the AvaTax connector to fail badly. We added logic to look up countries by alternate names along with the existing ISO code lookup. We also added better logging for when countries or states cannot be found.
11376303 - Freight Amount Disappears From Orders Invoiced With Avatax
We updated BirdDog freight pay codes when using the Macola ES database. N becomes "Prepaid and Add," X becomes "No Freight Pay charge." We also updated the freight pay code on new sales orders to N as it was blank previously.
11391877 - Creation User Missing Blows Up TaskForm.aspx
This error happened only under specific circumstances: if you created a task with a user and then deleted that user, the site would crash when attempting to view that task later. Now, it handles this error more gracefully.
11391923 - Ship-To's From Customers Not Sent Error Each Run Causing Unwanted Database Growth
When using a query to restrict the customers being uploaded to Service Pro via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System, all of the ship-tos from customers not included in this query were still trying to upload every run. This caused errors and unwannted database growth.
11399922 - Price code Allows End Date Before Start Date
This is completely illegal and should not have been allowed.
11400472 - EntWin Caches Pricing Between Connector Runs
Enterprise for Windows was not properly recognizing pricing changes so they were not properly being uploaded to Shopify via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11405424 - Ship To Revisions Doesn't Handle Apostrophes
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against an M1 system, we weren't handling apostrophes in the ship to code gracefully.
11415513 - Subquery Returned More Than 1 Value
A customer with an unexpected SQL synonym on a table caused one of our queries to throw an error.
11428660 - Customer Fields Not Uploading Correctly
Revised how we sent some customer information to the M1 ERP via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11429042 - Quantity Ordered Cannot Be Zero
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against a Macola system, we were allowing orders with line items that quantities of 0 to come down, which is not legal in Macola. Now, it gives a warning instead and will not attempt to download that line.
11445194 - Ship-To Number is Populating Site Name, Should be Ship-To Name
When Customers and Ship-Tos were coming from Sage 100 into Service Pro via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System and Sites on SP were created from those Ship-Tos, the Site Name was not populating correctly. The Ship-To Number was populating BOTH the Site Number and Site Name, which is not correct. Now, the Ship-To Name populates the Site Name, and the Ship-To Number populate the Site Number.
11457817 - Credit Card Capture Errors Not Formatted Correctly
Some of the errors in question (but not all) were too technical and thus not very helpful when troubleshooting exactly what went wrong.
11459419 - Location Field Size Needs Adjusted to at Least 5
Previously, our database structure presumed that Location codes would be 3 characters, but the ECi M1 ERP allows for larger codes. This made uploading information from M1 with the BirdDog Connector Sub-System difficult so we revised starter database information and what our code expects.
11464057 - Errors When Downloading Shopify Orders vis Job Master
Added better NULL handling to Shopify order downloads when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.
11484198 - Improve Error Message - Line with no ID
We improved the message received when an order from ServicePro does not actually have any order lines on it, something that is illegal in many ERPs.