Bug Fixes - Version 11.1.24 - Released 11 January 2021

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11736444 - Formatting Inconsistency When Importing Wire Payment with Auto Cash Receipts
When using the Auto Cash Receipts import tool with Macola Progression, the [reference] field that is set in the [ARCSHAPL_SQL] table when importing a Wire payment (code=W) did not match the standard format that Progression uses.
11831076 - Typo in Error Regarding "External Access" in Sage
Fixed a typo in an error message. Company was misspelled.
11831796 - Woo Commerce Orders With Line Quantities Get Changed to 0
Orders generated in Woo Commerce that were pulled down into a Sage 100 environment while using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System were writing into Sage with 0 quantities.
11833421 - Saved Ship-To on Cart Not Getting Re-Selected When Navigating Away and Back to Checkout
At Checkout, if you selected a Ship-To other than the default and then navigated away from the Checkout page and back to Checkout again, the Ship-To displayed under Shipping Information reverted back to displaying the Default Ship-To (or No Address Selected, if there is no SelectedShipTo assigned to the cart), but the system still used the Ship-To that was selected before navigating away from Checkout (i.e. freight rating is still for the selected Ship-To, even though the default Ship-To is now being displayed under Shipping Information). Now, the system keeps the Ship-To that you've selected.