Allows for the creation of menus that are tied to a Web Category.
Use the following syntax:
CSSClassPrefix (String) - Name to prefix in front of each levels CSS Class name. Default is Menu. Gives CSS Class names like MenuLevel1, MenuLevel1Link, MenuLevel2, MenuLevel2Link
ShowSourceCategory (Boolean) - If set to True, puts the Source Category at the bottom of the list as a link
SourceCategory (Guid) - Web Category ID you wish to bind to. If blank, uses the MainMenuCategory out of the Web.Config. If both are blank, binds the control to the Root Categories.
DividerImage (String) - path to Image to use as a Divider between Categories
LevelsToShow (Integer) - Number of levels to include in the menu. Supports up to 3.
RedirectFromSecure (Boolean) - If true (the default), sets the path up one directory level when the menu is displayed in the _Secure folder