Bug Fixes: Version - Released 28 July 2016

Thursday July 28 2016


This build has the following bug fixes implemented:

All bug fixes from have been integrated into this build.

7753707 - Denied Paypal Orders Going Through
Orders using Paypal that had been denied by Paypal were still going through and showing that they were paid (Balance Due = 0.00).
8230035 - Invoice.rpt Displays Incorrect Balance
This was an Enterprise for Windows issue. The Invoice report was loading the "Amount Received" as a negative amount and then subtracts it from the "Total" to get the "Balance Due". When you subtract a negative number, it's the same as adding therefore the Balance Due was showing as Total + Amount Received instead of Total - Amount Received. This requires an update to the default Invoice.rpt file.
8269819 - Order Edit Throws Error if HTML Code in Comment
If there was HTML code in the line or order comment while in Customer Service Order Edit, you received an error when you tried to exit or save out of order edit.
8281356 - Quantity Breaks Not Showing Correct UOM
The Quantity Breaks grid on the item page previously always showed "$/Ea." for that column title regardless of the actual UOM of the item. Now, item setup is reflected on this page.
8475488 - Site Crashed if Invalid Data is in Site Settings
This was occurring whenever bad data was present in site settings; for example, if a shipping method was deleted but is still in site settings, the site would crash. Now, the error is still logged but there is no crash.
8513378 - Initial Focus on Warehouse Management | Items Is Wrong
Prior to this build, when visiting the Item page, you were required to click into the Search field. Now, a user can immediately start typing when they reach this page.
8541031 - Error When Setting Customer on Cart with Bad Data
The system was not handling bad data properly. This is now fixed.