New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
  • 1559895 - Sales Rep Email Address Not Required
    • Prior to this enhancement, the email address was a required field in order to create a new sales rep on the website. Now, you can skip that if necessary.
  • 6052273 - Have DHL Throw Error if Zero Quote Returned
    • With this enhancement, the system now rejects a DHL quote out of hand if it returns as $0.00. This was an issue if using our Best Way freight option that selects the lowest freight price from various shipping methods.
  • 6416015 - New Gallery Layout
    • This feature added a new categories page, Categories14b, which works like Categories14, but organizes sub-category or item "thumbnail" images in a grid that resizes oversized images to fit, allowing for a consistent look without having to manually resize thumbnail images.
  • 6537838 - Complete integration of 3rd Party Freight Accounts and Order Entry
    • 3rd Party freight accounts were added to Customers in a prior version, however the integration with Order Entry was never completed. With this enhancement when a Freight Pay Code that has its Charge Method set to "Freight charged to customer's account" is selected it will display a drop down displaying all of the Customer's freight accounts for the shipper of the currently selected ship via code.
  • 6606880 - Add List to Customer Service So CSRs Can Easily Find Unfinished Orders
    • Added the Unfinished Orders report to Customer Service which allows a CSR to easily pull up orders they were working on that have not been placed.
  • 6751013 - Add PO Number to Purchase Order Search Screen
    • Added Purchase Order number to the existing filters on the Purchase Order search screen.
  • 6799781 - Order Rules Trigger: Order Weight
    • This build adds a new trigger to the order rules system and allows you to tailor your rule according to order weight. Do you provide free freight if an order exceeds a certain weight? This makes that easy.
  • 6805462 - Import Tool Support for Reference Designators
    • Using our import software, we have now added the ability to quickly mass import reference designators onto the Bill of Material.