Bug Fixes: Version - Released 17 December 2019

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11099656 - Getting 'Could not get line id for invoice' Error When Uploading Invoice to Magento
Every time the BirdDog Connector Sub-System was run against a Magento environment, the system was throwing this error for invoices that needed to be uploaded.
11373131 - Ship Tos Aren't Actually Being Selected on Customer Service Enter Orders
When ordering using a Ship To, the actual Ship-To was not being properly selected and the order was defaulting to the bill-to address instead.
11404071 - MVC Order Entry Not Recognizing UOM change
Changes made to the unit-of-measure on a MVC order entry page were not being correctly recognized when made.
11507308 - Error For Insufficient JobMaster Read/Write Permissions is Too Technical
When the user for the Job Master service didn't have the correct read/write permissions during an automated import, the system threw a very technical error ... which was useless to a non-developer. We revised it to be more clear to a regular software user.
11507562 - License Issues Preventing Imports in 3rd Party Ecommerce Connector
Certain required links were not available when using this license. We've changed that.
11518868 - Service Data for Export Query Results(CSV) Unclear
The Service Data for this query job referenced File Name when it should have referenced File Destination.
11518893 - Error on Export Query Results Job Needs to Be More Clear
Improved this error message for clarity.