Set Up an Order Rule using Coupon Codes


Instead of using a coupon, you can use an Order Rule using a Coupon Code. There are actually two ways to set up an Order Rule to use a Coupon Code. You can enter an Item Number in the "Item Number:" text box or leave it blank. The difference:

  • With Item Number 
    • NOTE: This type only works if Result gives money off (i.e. Percentage Off or Dollar Amount Off)
    • A line will be added to order showing the amount discounted
    • This item number will be part of the inventory and, therefore, have a Product category for Accounting purposes
    • The discounted amount will be applied to that Product Category for Accounting purposes
    • The discounted amount will not show on the individual item lines
  • Without Item Number
    • The discounted amount will show on each individual item line (if appropriate)
    • The Product Category for each individual item will reflect the discount for Accounting purposes
    • The total discounted amount will not show on the order.

To set up a Coupon Code in Order Rules using an Item Number, do the following:

  1. Set up an item using Warehouse Management | Items  (Macola ES users will need to first create the item in Macola.) 
    • Item Number: Do not use the same name as your Coupon Code.
    • Description: This will be displayed on the order line. Make it something meaningful to your customer.
    • Stocked: Unchecked (You don't want this item in stock in the warehouse.)
    • Product Category: Set the PC to apply to the correct account for Accounting purposes
    • Price: 0.00
    • Roles: Make sure "Buy" permission is turned on for the Default & Anon roles
    • Roles: Make sure "View" & "Search" permissions are turned off Default & Anon roles
  2. Go to Dashboard | System Management | Order Rules
  3. Click Add
  4. Enter a Description and Start & End Dates
  5. Eval Method: Cart Changes
  6. Item Number: Enter the item number from step #1 above
  7. Click Add Trigger
    • Description: "Coupon Code"
    • Criteria: Enter a name for the Coupon Code.  DO NOT use the item number from above.
    • Save
    • NOTE: You can add other Triggers (i.e. Amount Total - $50, this would only apply the order rule if order was >= $50)
  8. Click Add Result
    • Description: Select either "Percentage Off" or "Dollar Amount Off"
    • Criteria: Enter the percentage off or dollar amount off
    • Save
  9. Save

When the customer enters the Coupon Code in the coupon text box (for Customer Service | Order Entry, enter the Coupon Code in the "View Special Codes" section), the coupon will appear as a line item (if all triggers are true) with the amount off listed on that line. The other items on the order will still show their full price.

To set up a Coupon Code in Order Rules without using an Item Number, do the following:

  1. Go to Dashboard | System Management | Order Rules
  2. Click Add
  3. Enter a Description and Start & End Dates
  4. Eval Method: Cart Changes
  5. Item Number: Leave blank
  6. Click Add Trigger
    • Description: "Coupon Code"
    • Criteria: Enter a name for the Coupon Code.
    • Save
    • NOTE: You can add other Triggers (i.e. Amount Total - $50, this would only apply the order rule if order was >= $50)
  7. Click Add Result
    • Description: Select desired Result from the drop down list
    • Criteria: Enter the appropriate Criteria if needed
    • Save
  8. Save

When the customer enters the Coupon Code in the coupon text box (for Customer Service | Order Entry, enter the Coupon Code in the "View Special Codes" section), the Result (from step# 7) will be applied to the order.