Bug Fixes: Version - Released 14 December 2019

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
10663497 - BDSetup25 Next Customer Number NULL Error
If the Customer Number field in the BDSetup25 table was empty, the web site was throwing a site crash error when you attempted to navigate to System Management | Global Settings ... which meant you couldn't actually set that field outside of direct manipulation of the database.
11091465 - De-Activate Sync Triggers Not Working
In Enterprise for Windows, when clicking on Maintain | Sync | De-Activate Sync Triggers, the software was throwing a "Couldn't update website" error instead of removing these triggers.
11497096 - SvcPro Order Changed After Order Posted Locally Error Should Be Warning
When using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System against Service Pro, invoiced orders were being repeatedly logged as having been posted instead of the system reporting a single warning about this invoice and then moving on.
11514538 - Cannot Run Entwin Without Explicit Run As Administrator
Running Enterprise for Windows was requiring you to 'Run As Adminstrator,' even when the Windows user had complete admin rights (for Trusted Connection) or the SA user had complete SQL rights (when using the sa user and password.)
11519020 - Site Settings Background Image Doesn't Actually Work
On the Look & Feel tab of Site Settings, the Background Image field did not actually pull the contents of that field when called by the website.
11520735 - Run Connectors Not Properly Updating Site Name
When uploading Sage 100 Customer Ship-To information via the BirdDog Connector Sub-System to Service Pro, we were not overwriting existing Site Name information on the Service Pro side. The system correctly uploaded the initial information, but any changes made on the Sage side were not being pushed up.
11524091 - Error Running EntWin Calling For DB Compatability Setting to 110 or higher when DB SET to higher
Inexplicably, when a database's compatibility setting was set to higher than 110 (so greater than SQL Server 2012), the system was alerting you and stating it needed to be set to 110. This was originally observed when the database in question was using SQL Server 2016.
11606627 - Incompatibility Message Need Changed
The existing message that was popping up when running 9.9.2 versus a database set to a compatibility mode earlier than 110 (SQL Server 2012) had information in it that caused some confusion with customers. We adjusted it for clarity.
11620951 - Database Cus_No Length Set to 20, but Engine is Cus_No 23
Older versions of BirdDog only customers have a customer number length of 20, versus the current length of 23. The system was not handling that correctly.
11621946 - Payment Not Coming Down From Shopify
Shopify made a change to their code, which resulted in payments no longer being pulled down properly when using the BirdDog Connector Sub-System.