
Setting Up The Connector In Enterprise For Windows

Configuration Guide

To get the Amazon Connector setup and running properly, you will need to perform the following actions:

  1. Setup App with Amazon
  2. Setup the Amazon Connector
  3. Run Connectors to push initial data from your ERP up to Amazon
  4. Setup a job to automate pushing subsequent your ERP changes up to Amazon and downloading orders from Amazon to your ERP.

Setup App with Amazon

You will need to do some setup with Amazon for this this function correctly as there are several IDs that they provide which are necessary.

  1. Login to your Seller Central account (https://sellercentral.amazon.com)
  2. Go to Appstore | Manage Your Apps
  3. Click Authorize new developer
    • Developer's Name: BirdDog Software
    • Developer ID: 462509701960
    • Click Next
    • Click I understand
    • Click Next
    • Amazon will supply you a Seller ID, Marketplace IDs, and an MWS Auth Token. These will need to be populated on the Amazon connector setup screen below.

Setup the Amazon Connector

To configure Enterprise for Windows to use Amazon, you need:

  1. Go to Maintain > Setup > Connector Accounts
  2. Click Add
  3. Enter your Amazon Credentials
    • Type: Amazon should be selected in this dropdown list.
    • Notify Email: Email address to receive activity reports from the connector.
    • Notify Verbosity: Use this dropdown list to setup how frequently you want to receive notifications:
      • All - receive email alerts every time the connector runs, regardless of activity
      • Activity - receive email alerts when something is uploaded to or downloaded from Amazon
      • Errors - only receive alerts when the connector encounters errors
      • None - receive no email alerts ever
    • Seller ID: This ID will be provided by Amazon as noted in the 'Setup App with Amazon' section above.
    • Marketplace IDs: This ID will be provided by Amazon as noted in the 'Setup App with Amazon' section above.
    • MWS Auth Token: This ID will be provided by Amazon as noted in the 'Setup App with Amazon' section above.
    • Order Type: Use this dropdown list to select how new orders downloaded from Amazon are generated in your ERP. This should normally be set to Order unless you are testing, in which case you could use Quote.
      • Order - new orders downloaded from Amazon will be generated as a regular Order in your ERP.
      • Invoice - new orders downloaded from Amazon will be generated as an Invoice-type order in your ERP.
      • Quote - new orders downloaded from Amazon will be generated as a Quote in your ERP.
    • Terms Code: Select a terms code if you want it to be different from your Amazon customers' terms code.
    • Sales Person: Select a salesperson if you want it to be different from your Amazon customers' salesperson.
    • Ship Via: Select a ship via if you want it to be different from your Amazon customers' ship via.
    • Tax Schedule or Tax Code: Select an appropriate code if you want it to be different from your Amazon customers' tax code or schedule. These are mutually exclusive so you can assign a tax schedule or a tax code to the Amazon customer, but not both.
      • You will need to pay attention to your ERP's settings in the event they have some limitations, like only allowing tax schedules (like Sage 100, for example.) Set these accordingly.
    • Location: Select an appropriate location code if you want it to be different from your Amazon customers' location.
    • Items To Upload: Select the appropriate options from this dropdown list. This will determine what items are uploaded from your ERP to Amazon. The options are:
      • None - self-explanatory
      • All - also self-explanatory. Note that when we say All, we mean it so if you have a lot of items, be prepared for a wait when you run the Connector.
      • Webcategory - selecting this unhides a Root Category field. This limits the upload of structure and items, and allows you to upload only items on the specific webcat page to Amazon. If blank, all items and customers in the database will be used. You can plug in either the page's GUID or a functional Code which is set when editing the page.
      • Query - selecting this unhides a Query for Items dropdown. On it, you can select queries saved in the system (System Management | System | Queries). There are two important factors to keep in mind when constructing this query. First, it should return the results of only one table column (that is, so no SELECT *), and second, that column will need to be named appropriately. If you are uploading items, it should be item_no or the equivalent, and cus_no if uploading customers.
    • Amazon Customer: Input the customer number you've assigned to Amazon in your ERP.
    • Site Settings: Required if you are uploading items to Amazon. Used to determine the currency for prices uploaded and the URL for images sent to Amazon.
    • Brand: Default brand for items uploaded, will be used if brand is not set on the item.
    • Manufacturer: Default manufacturer for items uploaded, will be used if manufacturer is not set on the item.
    • Item Type: Default Item Type for items uploaded, will be used if Item Type is not set on the item.
    • Item Sub Type: Default Item Sub Type for items uploaded, will be used if Item Sub Type is not set on the item.
    • Amazon Product Classification: Default Amazon Product Classification for items uploaded, will be used if Amazon Product Classification is not set on the item.
    • Last Successful Run Time: This field is read-only and is only present so you can see when your connector has run most recently. It is used principally for troubleshooting connector sync issues.
    • Enabled: If this checkbox is left unmarked, the connector is not active so the run connector process will not even try to sync any data.
  4. Once you are satisfied with your setup, click Save and then Close.

Run the Amazon Connector Manually

During initial configuration and anytime you want to force the process after that you can run the connector manually:

  1. Enterprise for Windows > Processes > Run Connectors

Create the Job

To ensure BirdDog keeps the data flowing between your ERP and Amazon automatically you will need to:

  1. Go to Maintain > Jobs
  2. Click on the Schedule New Job button
  3. Select Run Connectors in the Job dropdown list
  4. Schedule the job according to how frequently you want it to run (for example, every hour or at a certain time each day.)
  5. Save.