
Setting Up The Connector In Enterprise For Windows

Setup the E-Automate Connector

To configure Enterprise for Windows to use Service Pro, you need:

  1. Go to Maintain > Setup > Connector Accounts
  2. Click Add
  3. Enter your E-Automate Credentials
    • Description: Name this connector something that's easy to remember.
    • Type: E Automate should be selected in this dropdown list.
    • Notify Email: Email address to receive activity reports from the connector.
    • EAutomate URL: Input the URL provided to you by E-Automate.
    • EAutomate UserName: Self-explanatory.
    • EAutomate Password: Self-explanatory.
    • Test Connect: After plugging in the above information, click on this button to ensure your system has a good connection to your E-Automate system.
    • Enabled checkbox: The connector will not function properly without this box checked.
  4. Once you are satisfied with your setup, click Save and then Close.

Run the E-Automate Connector Manually

During initial configuration and anytime you want to force the process after that you can run the connector manually:

  1. Enterprise for Windows > Processes > Run Connectors

Create the Job

To ensure BirdDog keeps the data flowing between your ERP and Service Pro automatically you will need to:

  1. Go to Maintain > Jobs
  2. Click on the Schedule New Job button
  3. Select Run Connectors in the Job dropdown list
  4. Schedule the job according to how frequently you want it to run (for example, every hour or at a certain time each day.)
  5. Save.