Setup the E-Automate Connector
To configure Enterprise for Windows to use Service Pro, you need:
- Go to Maintain > Setup > Connector Accounts
- Click Add
- Enter your E-Automate Credentials
- Description: Name this connector something that's easy to remember.
- Type: E Automate should be selected in this dropdown list.
- Notify Email: Email address to receive activity reports from the connector.
- EAutomate URL: Input the URL provided to you by E-Automate.
- EAutomate UserName: Self-explanatory.
- EAutomate Password: Self-explanatory.
- Test Connect: After plugging in the above information, click on this button to ensure your system has a good connection to your E-Automate system.
- Enabled checkbox: The connector will not function properly without this box checked.
- Once you are satisfied with your setup, click Save and then Close.
Run the E-Automate Connector Manually
During initial configuration and anytime you want to force the process after that you can run the connector manually:
- Enterprise for Windows > Processes > Run Connectors
Create the Job
To ensure BirdDog keeps the data flowing between your ERP and Service Pro automatically you will need to:
- Go to Maintain > Jobs
- Click on the Schedule New Job button
- Select Run Connectors in the Job dropdown list
- Schedule the job according to how frequently you want it to run (for example, every hour or at a certain time each day.)
- Save.