During checkout, the following logic is utilized to determine whether an Ecommerce order is automatically placed on hold in the system after it is generated:
- Check over Credit Limit
- If
- Order Entry Setup>Credit Limit Method is Both or Credit Limit and
- Order Entry Setup>Credit Limit Override is set to Warn or Prevent and
- Customer.Balance + Customer.OpenOrders > Customer.Credit Limit
- then:
- Place order on Hold
- Set Credit Hold Reason to "Customer over their credit limit"
- Check over Terms
- If
- Order Entry Setup>Credit Limit Method is Both or Terms and
- Order Entry Setup>Credit Limit Override is set to Warn or Prevent and Customer.AmountOverTerms > 0
- then:
- Place order on Hold
- Set Credit Hold Reason to "Customer over their terms"
- Check customer on account hold
- If Customer.OnAccountHold then
- Place order on Hold
- Set Credit Hold Reason to "Customer on account hold"
- Check for mail in check
- If Site Setting.MailInCheckEnabled and Cart.Terms = SiteSettings.MailInCheckTerms then:
- Place order on Hold
- Set Credit Hold Reason to "Check is in the Mail."