Customer Service

This section allows you to setup the default customer service information as necessary. There are numerous options here:
  • Customer Service
    • Next Order No: Here, you can input the next order number that you wish to use for Customer Service orders.
    • Next Quote No: Here, you can input the next order number that you wish to use for Customer Service quotes.
    • Profit Center Usage: This dropdown allows you to select the profit center, providing they are already set up.
    • PO Creation Settings: This dropdown has three options: Not in Use, Create Released and Create Unreleased. Purchase Orders that are created will use this default setting.
    • Posting Cost: There are two options on this dropdown, Actual and Line.
  • Picking
    • Status to set when Picking: This dropdown has two options and determines what status a order will be once it is picked. The options are Confirm Picked and Picked.
  • Price Calculation
    • Price Code Use: There are three options here: None, Best, Priority. Price Codes will default to this when created.
      • None: Price Codes will not be used.
      • Best: All active Price Codes will be checked and the lowest Price returned.
      • Priority: Start at the first Active Price Code and return the Price of the first valid Price Code found.
    • Price Code Cost Type: This controls the cost of the Item to use when the Price Code has a type of Markup. In that case you mark up from cost...need to know which cost to use...Average, Last or Standard.
    • Active Price Code Types: This field will show all active price codes.
      • To add a price code to this field, you will need to use the Available Price Code Types dropdown.
      • To delete a price code, you will need to select the code you don't want to be available and then click the delete button.
      • The order of these price codes in this field only matter if the Price Code Use is set as Priority.
    • Available Price Code Types: This dropdown should have all available price codes. To add a new one to the above field, find it in the dropdown and click Add.
  • Warnings Group
    • Credit Limit Overrides: This controls how the system warns when the Customer is over their Credit Limit or the current Order will take the Customer over their Credit Limit.
      • Neither: Order is placed on Hold.
      • Warn: Warning is displayed and Order is placed on Hold
      • Prevent: Warning is displayed and Order is not allowed to be placed.
    • Price Less Than Cost: This dropdown will allow you to determine how changes to the price of an item in customer service is handled if that price is below item cost.
      • Neither: Changes are allowed.
      • Warn: A warning is displayed but prices below cost are allowed.
      • Prevent: A warning is displayed and prices below cost are not allowed. The price will immediately revert to what it was before the change was attempted.
    • Price Overrides: This dropdown will allow you to determine how changes to the price of an item in customer service are handled.
      • Neither: Changes are allowed.
      • Warn: A warning is displayed but price changes are allowed.
      • Prevent: A warning is displayed and price changes are not allowed. The price will immediately revert to what it was before the change was attempted.
    • Inactive Item Entry: This dropdown will all you how this system reacts if an Inactive Item is added to the cart.
      • Prevent Inactive: The customer or CSR is simply not allowed to do this.
      • Warn Inactive: The customer or CSR is warned about this abut allowed to add this item to the cart.
      • Warn Inactive Prevent Non-Inventory
      • Prevent Inactive Prevent Non-Inventory