Version 14





System Requirements Version 14


Bug Fixes - Version 14.2.17 - Released 10 December 2021

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11839748 - New User Connected to Existing Contact in WooCommerce Changing Email Address of the Parent Customer
When using the WooCommerce connector against Macola ES, the following scenario was happening: created a customer in Macola with an email and a contact with a different email; on WooCommerce, place a new order with a new user with the second email; when the order is downloaded, the second email was overwriting the primary email in Macola, which it should not have.
11841650 - Freight From Woo Order Not Writing to Sales Order
Orders with shipping brought down from WooCommerce to your local ERP using the connector sub-system were coming into the latter without any freight.
11842287 - WooCommerce Doesn't Handle Unknown Customer Values From Macola 10/ES
Macola 10 and ES allow Unknown values (code 0) for certain values such as Sales Person and Ship Via. The WooCommerce connector should have pulled these values from the connector when they weren't set on the customer, but prior to this build, did not.
11843069 - Improve QBD Connector Logging on Customer Sync Errors
Fixed an issue with the wrong exception being logged with the QuickBooks Desktop connector.
11843086 - Tax Generated on WooCommerce Not Coming Down to BirdDog
When generating an order in WooCommerce that has tax set up, the order synced down without any tax and there was nothing in the logging indicating an issue even existed. NOTE: This requires the use of Tax Code, not Tax Schedule.

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New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
11840646 - Automate the Closing of a QuickBooks Desktop Sales Order
This functionality is really two different enhancements that work together: ServicePro work orders that are closed now auto invoice and post on the BirdDog side, and thus when synced down to QuickBooks Desktop, the system invoices the order in QBD.
11842215 - Import SalesPerson Data from QuickBooks
We missed a couple of things with our initial QuickBooks Desktop release: Fixed handling of terms and sales person on customers and sales orders, and added handling for ship vias on sales orders.

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Bug Fixes - Version 14.1.31 - Released 10 December 2021

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11842477 - Add Setting to Default to Web-Next
This is not relevant for most customers as Web-Next is currently only used in rare instances. We changed how we handle our config file so Web-Next is only brought up is explicitly requested.
11843349 - Orderlines Not Syncing To Sage When All Lines Deleted
When creating an order in Service Pro that contains Service Techs that were only set up in SP (they don't exist in BirdDog or Sage 100), and then making changes to the orderlines in SP, some lines don't get synced from BD to Sage.
11844766 - Missing Ship To Stops Order From Downloading From Shopify
This scenario happened when a ship-to that had a linkage to a customer on Shopify was deleted. In the process of fixing this, we also observed an issue where a customer created on Shopify did not have a first name, last name or email and thus could not be properly downloaded.
11844970 - Item Price Change Not Updating Total in Wishlist
When an item is added to a wishlist and then the item price gets changed, the item price does get updated to reflect the new price, but the price total for the item in the wishlist page still showed the old price.
11844985 - Browser Autofilling Email When Adding / Editing a Contact
Observed errors when following this scenario in BRAIN: add a contact for yourself with your email; setup your browser to auto-fill your email address for the appropriate URL you are using; go to an existing contact that doesn't have an email; attempting to save that contact errors out because the email address is already in use.

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Bug Fixes - Version 14.1.27 - Released 26 October 2021

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11839806 - Error Downloading Orders From Amazon
Object reference error noted on downloading specific orders using the Amazon connector.
11841793 - Sage Connector Sets Warehouse on Miscellaneous Item on Orderline
When an order was created in Service Pro and synced down to Sage 100, the connector was setting a Warehouse (Location) on the item in the orderline, even though Sage doesn't actually consider a Misc Item to have a warehouse attached to it, and setting this location wasn't necessary for the item/order to be valid in Sage.
11841836 - Woocommerce Doesn't Handle Downloading An Order For An Item That Doesn't Exist At The Connector Location
This covers a fairly specific scenario: your WooCommerce connector is set to pull from Location A, but the Item in your ERP is at Location B. An order placed on Woo for the Item was erroring out when syncing down to the ERP because the Item wasn't stocked at Location A. Now, it just sets sets the sales order line to Location B.

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New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
11833029 - Create First Pass of CommerceHub Connector
Level 1 support for the CommerceHub ERP. We handle Orders, Invoices, and Shipment Notices.
11836800 - Add Partial Support For Variations And Variant Items
A number of enhancements to the WooCommerce Connector: Prior to this build, regular price on Woo was always the Default Location instead of the Connector Location; Prior to this, we weren't sending Taxable, Backorderable, Weight, or Dimensions; This enhances the WooCom connector to download linkages for Variant items; If a linkage exists for a variant, we will upload updates to that variant item.
11839446 - Support Sales Order Lines With A Quantity of Zero
Sage 100 supports lines with zero quantities, but Macola does not. We were only supporting the Macola way and needed to update the system to allow lines with a quantity of zero coming from Sage 100 and from Service Pro when running against Sage 100, but not Macola.
11840013 - Add Ability to Disable Shipment Notifications to Amazon
New setting added to disable uploading shipment notifications when using the Amazon connector.
11840547 - Control What Item Data Is Uploaded to WooCommerce
Added the ability to control what individual item properties get uploaded to the WooCommerce Connector.
11841422 - Hide Obsolete Items From Search
Updated the full text search to sort obsolete items to the bottom.

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Bug Fixes - Version 14.0.55 - Released 10 December 2021

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11835094 - If Item Is In My Favorites, the ItemForm Page Looks Odd With Regards to Add to My Favorites
The "Add to My Favorites" section on ItemForm didn't really update properly if an item was already in a customer's Favorite List.
11837181 - Price Code DDL on Global Settings in Wrong Place
Needed to relocate this dropdown list on Global Settings, because it is the most important part and should be at the top.
11837953 - Stop Creating Canadian Tax Schedule and Codes Automatically
Previous versions of our software created the tax schedule SVCCA, and tax codes GST, HST and PST in the database the first time it was touched. This build change now requires these to be manually setup when using the AvaTax sales tax connector in Canada
11838597 - Need Tooltip for Package As Components
A desperately needed tooltip was missing on the Item Edit page to explain how Package As Components works.

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Bug Fixes - Version 14.0.54 - Released 15 September 2021

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
6852190 - Item Copy Also Copies Quantities
The Warehouse Management | Item Edit | Copy function was also copying locations and quantities (i.e. QOH, Allocated, B/O) before this build.
11836216 - Updated the Shopify Connector to Use API Version 2021-07
Shopify only supports APIs for a year, so as of this build, we updated the BirdDog Connector Sub-System for Shopify to use the Shopify API 2021-07.
11837831 - Updating Freight Code Consistency
This branch has a change to Freight Code N and X to make them consistent across platforms. Prior to this, Macola Progression and BirdDog engine databases had code N that meant "No Charge" and Macola ES and Macole 10 had N that meant "Normal" with X that meant "No Charge". As of this build, all new installs will have N as "Normal" and "X" as "No Charge". Existing customers should update freight codes to match to prevent confusion going forward.
11839451 - Getting 'Sequence contains more than one element' on Order Download from SvcPro
The system was not handling bad data coming from Service Pro well.
11840575 - Amt User only showing System User as User Who Authorized Transaction
When logged into Enterprise for Windows with a user other than admin, Authorizing or Capturing a CC transaction 'Amt User' showed 'System User' instead of user that is currently logged into EntWin.

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New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
11833440 - Create Initial Pass of the QuickBooks Desktop Connector
Added support for QuickBooks Deskop connector as a supported ERP/Accounting System - this is a level 2 integration which includes 2-way sync of Customers and Sales Orders along with one way sync of items and G/L accounts.
11835879 - Remove Duplicate Column Types Such As Sage_User and AvalaraSalesTaxCertificate_UserName
Generalized how we handle some column types for connectors. This change requires a data conversion that is completely automatic and currently backwards compatible.
11836755 - Convert Shopify Events From Functions With Boolean Returns to Subs With Cancellable Event Args
Updated Shopify events to bring them up to the current connector events standard. Added new events OrderApplyPayments_Before and PushFulfilments_Before.
11839487 - Add Ability to Run Connectors Continously from EntWin
Prior to this build, the Run Connectors process in Enterprise for Windows would only run a single time. Now, we've added the option to run once or to run continuously with the latter displaying a status of running and the count of how many times it has run.
11840954 - Add GraphiQL To The GraphQL Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
We are super excited about the addition of GraphiQL ( We have been working to move our public API to use GraphQL ( for a while now and have been silently releasing new endpoints and functionality as we go. GraphQL is a performant API that allows developers to request exactly what they want in a simple to use query language. This is the foundation of all of the work we are doing in our web-next project and will allow our customers to use the exact same APIs that our developers use. The addition of GraphiQL completely exposes what is available to our customers. Instructions for use can be found here.

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Upgrade Notes

Due to 11833440, customers already running Enterprise for Windows and Job Master should remove everything but the config files in the existing folders as this build eliminates the need for several of the old folders. Keeping some of those folders could result in software conflicts.

Further, due to 11837831, we have changed how we handle Freight Codes to make them consistent across platforms. Prior to this, Macola Progression and BirdDog engine databases had code N that meant "No Charge" and Macola ES and Macole 10 had N that meant "Normal" with X that meant "No Charge". As of this build, all new installs will have N as "Normal" and "X" as "No Charge". Existing customers should update freight codes to match to prevent confusion going forward.

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Reason for Point Release

This point increase (v13 to v14) was caused by the increase of several database fields:

  • Increases the BirdDog Engine cus_alt_adr_cd tolength to 20
  • increases the BirdDog Engine Cus_No length to 24


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System Requirements Version 14

Server Requirements

Software Requirements
BirdDog Software can be deployed on a dedicated or virtual server that meets the following requirements:

Minimum hardware required:
  • Windows 2008 R2 Server
  • Minimum: 8 GB of RAM, recommended: 16 GB of RAM
  • Minimum .Net Framework 4.7.2
  • 300-500 MB of available hard disk space per installed instance of BirdDog
BirdDog software can be installed on both x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) versions of the following:
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019
Database Server Requirements
Hardware requirements:
  • Minimum: 8 GB of RAM, recommended: 16 GB of RAM
  • 200 MB of available hard disk space. Depending on the number of transactions, additional hard disk space may be required to store large number of transactions.
  • Document Management, additional hard disk space depending on the amount of documents. 5GB of documents will require 5GB of additional storage. Consider this, Using an estimate of 2,500 pages per file drawer and four file drawers per file cabinet, one can estimate that scanning two four drawer file cabinets full of documents (ten thousand single sided pages) will require 1 GB.
The BirdDog database can be hosted by:
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012, any edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014, any edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016, any edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017, any edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019, any edition

Full-Text Search needs to be installed on your SQL Server for our software to function correctly.

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Work Station Requirements

  • 2gb of RAM
  • 2GHZ or better CPU
  • High speed internet
  • Windows 7 or later
  • If using Avatax, 64-bit is required

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Web Browser Requirements

Web-browser Requirements for Ecommerce
Our publicly facing system can be accessed by any device with one of the following browsers:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 9.0 or later
  • Mozilla Firefox version 10 or later
  • Apple Safari version 6 or later
  • Google Chrome version 17 or later
Web-browser Requirements for Enterprise
Our ERP system can be accessed by any device with one of the following browsers:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11
  • Mozilla Firefox version 10 or later
  • Apple Safari version 5 or later
  • Google Chrome version 17 or later

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