Version 17




System Requirements Version 17


Bug Fixes - Version 17.1.10 - Released 2 May 2022

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11845729 - Clicking On Links on Categories26b Page Doesn't Work Correctly
When logged into a website and visiting a page with Categories26b layout, the actual page is hidden behind a blacked out label.
11846636 - Special Items Info In Wrong Location on Site Settings
To enable Special Order Items, you must navigate to the Order Settings sub-tab on Site Settings. However, Order Settings is for both Ecommerce and Service Pro, and Special Order Items is only for Customer Service. Need to move that to the Customer Service tab.
11848914 - Add Mapping For Sales Order Ship Date
Prior to this enhancement the connector allowed Sage 100 to calculate the Sales Order Ship Date, we now set it explicitly to the value in the BirdDog Sales Order.
11849990 - Sort Sub-Projects By Start Date
When using our BRAIN system, on the Incident Form page, open sub-projects sorted correctly, but Complete and Both were not.

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Bug Fixes - Version 17.1.7 - Released 23 March 2022

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11841880 - Ship To country not selected when case doesn't match
This was an unusual fringe case where the country name value in the database had been altered (Germany vs GERMANY, for example) which was resulting the country in question not being selectable for new orders. Resolved.
11844671 - Inconsistency for Formatting Percentages on Order Rules Results Criteria
When setting up an Order Rule using the 'Percentage Off Order' Result, the system allowed you to use % format in the Criteria (10%), but when setting up an Order Rule using the 'Line Discount' Result, it did not allow you to use the % format in the Criteria. This is inconsistent between results. Updated 'Line Discount' to allow a % in the criteria (ie. 10.5%). Also updated the criteria help of 'Percentage Off Order' Result and 'Line Discount' Result to be more clear on how to enter the value and what the result actually does.

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New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
11836155 - Send Keywords When Uploading Items to Amazon
Updated the Amazon connector item upload to map Item Meta Keywords to Keywords > Search Terms
11836401 - USPS Web Tools Notice: Unsecure HTTP Endpoint Retirement
USPS announced plans to retire the URL that our system utilized for freight rating, so we updated the software to use the new URL that they provided. We also added support for the testing flag on the freight account for USPS to use their testing URL.
11841489 - Add Currency Literal to the Email
Added support to cart, order, and invoice emails to be able to reference currency literal and description with the syntax %Currency.Literal% or %Currency.Description%.
11841817 - Update Sage 100 Connector to Require Sales/COGS Account Before Downloading Customers and Sales Orders
Prior to this change, the Sage 100 connector sub-system would sync customers/sales orders without the sales/COGS account set on the connector. If we ran into a situation where these were required, we would throw an error on order upload. With this change, we require these to be set before even trying to keep those kinds of errors from occurring.

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Bug Fixes - Version 17.0.37 - Released 23 March 2020

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11848853 - Add Customization Point For JSON Data Returned To Knockout Pages
A few versions back we converted some of our pages to use knockout as the view engine. While these pages perform well, they were more difficult to customize. This enhancement made that process much easier. Added Custom.Events.WebEvents.ItemSearch_ItemAdded to enable customizing item properties on search. Added Custom.Events.CartEvents.Line_Item_JsonProperties to enable customizing item properties on the cart. Fixed Custom.Events.CartEvents.ExtraJsonProperties example.
11845071 - 'Item_Desc_1 Too Long' Error Bombs QuickBooks Connector Run
When running the QuickBooks Desktop Connector to do the initial sync of orders from QB to BirdDog, we saw this error. It didn't tell us what order or item that the problem description is on, so we improved the logging for future runs.

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Bug Fixes - Version 17.0.35 - Released 19 March 2022

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11826501 - Jobs Are No Longer Alphabetized
Previously, the list of jobs were in alphabetical order so, as long as you knew the name of the job, you could easily find it. However, a code regression in version 10 broke that so Jobs were in no real order. Restored to proper functionality.
11832159 - Item Page Admin Panel Visible to Customer Service Only
The Item admin panel is now visible to those with the appropriate roles if the site is licensed for Product Information Management (PIM) but not Customer Service; as before, it still shows if you're licensed for Customer Service but not PIM.
11833540 - Shopify Duplicate Customer Error Format Changed
Shopify changed their duplicate customer error format; the old logic was no longer working on it.
11836565 - Unable to Save Changes to Items When Using Country Names Instead of ISO Codes
When having the setting in Global Settings | Acct Receivable | Country Name Handling | Value to Write set to "Country Names" instead of "ISO Code", changes made to an Item in Ecommerce Edit Item would not save.
11837532 - Verify Requirements for Site Map Job to Run
Improved on-page documentation for this Job.
11840315 - Wrong Cash Account Applied to Orders With Foreign Customers
In some environments, customers are set to use the currencies of their home countries instead of the default (the British Pound or Euro, for example.) An error introduced into the code caused all cash amounts to utilize the default currency on sales orders, regardless of what they were set to.
11840842 - Enterprise Fav Icon Needs To Stay At The Web Site Fav icon
When you visit a web site, you get the web sites fav icon; however, when you login to the dashboard on that site, it switched to the BirdDog fav icon. This made it difficult to tell which Enterprise site you are on when you log into multiple Enterprise sites.
11844573 - ORE on PurchaseOrderEdit
We were getting an object reference error when trying to edit a Purchase Order.
11844574 - ORE on PurchaseOrder
We were also getting an object reference error when simply trying to view a Purchase Order.
11844576 - Item No:XXXXX at location:LOC has bins enabled, BinNo should not be blank.
PO Receiving was not handling the default bin correctly.
11845262 - Error Executing Released Purchase Order
When executing a release order on the Purchase Order page we were getting a 'par_item_no too long (Max length=15) error for environments such as Macola ES/10 that allow longer item numbers.
11845475 - Process End of Day Job Crashes When Printing Invoices
Instead of actually printing invoices, the system was throwing an unhandled exception and crashing the entire Job process.
11845544 - Adding Item Without Buy Role to Wishlist Throws Useless Error
Error when trying to add item without Buy role to a Wishlist was too technical and didn't explain to normal people not fluent in the Black Speech of Mordor what you needed to do to fix this or what was actually wrong.
11844699 - Item Import Does Not Write To BDItems25
When running Import Items to Web Categories on existing items in your ERP, the import job did not write a record for the item into a required BirdDog table. This was causing the items to not show up in search on the website.

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New Features

This branch has the following features implemented:
11843693 - Support Multiple Locations in QuickBooks Desktop
This increases field lengths on several table fields (Customer.Loc, Order.Mfg_Loc, Order Audit.Mfg_Loc, and Invoice.Mfg_Loc). and requires a QuickBooks license with Advanced Inventory that has been enabled: see here to enable it.
11844586 - WMS Enhancements
This branch had 3 primary features:
  • BirdDog Engine field length increases to item number and UOM fields in PO line, PO line audit, PO line history, and the item/vendor table.
  • Added ability to set a Inventory Location to multi binned.
  • Updated Customer Service screens to include the customer # in the url so that the url can be copied and passed around. Also allows for multiple customers to be viewed in different tabs at the same time.
  • Updated Confirm Ship process to print Packing Slip, Proforma Invoice, and Package Labels if enabled. For this, added Shipping tab on the Global Settings page with these options.
  • Added ability to print package labels from EntWin\Transactions\Pick / Pack\Print Package Labels.
11845586 - Add Edit Info To Page Layouts When Logged In As An Employee
Added Created Date, Created By, Last Updated Date, and Last Updated By to a webpage at the bottom, visible only when logged in as an employee. This allows you to easily determine who screwed up your marvelous webpage so you know who to beat with a hammer.
11846296 - Increase BD Engine Field Lengths
This was mostly terms code field lengths that were extended in length for use in a BirdDog Engine database.

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Upgrade Notes - Confirm Ship Users

Confirm Ship customers will need to create Warehouse Stations. These stations are reached by navigating to System Management | Inventory | Warehouse Stations. You will need to add a station for each packing location in your warehouse.

With regards to the printers, you will need to ensure that the server your website is hosted on has the appropriate printer(s) mapped and can print to them.

Once the warehouse station(s) are setup, when you step through the Confirm Ship process (accessible on Warehouse Management | Shipping | Confirm Ship), the Warehouse Stations are access via a dropdown list on the orders that you wish to confirm ship.

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Reason for Point Release

This point increase (v16 to v17) was caused by an increase in field lengths on several tables as well as extensive enhancements to the warehouse management system.

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System Requirements Version 17

Server Requirements

Software Requirements
BirdDog Software can be deployed on a dedicated or virtual server that meets the following requirements:

Minimum hardware required:
  • Windows 2008 R2 Server
  • Minimum: 8 GB of RAM, recommended: 16 GB of RAM
  • Minimum .Net Framework 4.7.2
  • 300-500 MB of available hard disk space per installed instance of BirdDog
BirdDog software can be installed on both x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit) versions of the following:
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019
Database Server Requirements
Hardware requirements:
  • Minimum: 8 GB of RAM, recommended: 16 GB of RAM
  • 200 MB of available hard disk space. Depending on the number of transactions, additional hard disk space may be required to store large number of transactions.
  • Document Management, additional hard disk space depending on the amount of documents. 5GB of documents will require 5GB of additional storage. Consider this, Using an estimate of 2,500 pages per file drawer and four file drawers per file cabinet, one can estimate that scanning two four drawer file cabinets full of documents (ten thousand single sided pages) will require 1 GB.
The BirdDog database can be hosted by:
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012, any edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014, any edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016, any edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017, any edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019, any edition

Full-Text Search needs to be installed on your SQL Server for our software to function correctly.

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Work Station Requirements

  • 2gb of RAM
  • 2GHZ or better CPU
  • High speed internet
  • Windows 7 or later
  • If using Avatax, 64-bit is required

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Web Browser Requirements

Web-browser Requirements for Ecommerce
Our publicly facing system can be accessed by any device with one of the following browsers:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 9.0 or later
  • Mozilla Firefox version 10 or later
  • Apple Safari version 6 or later
  • Google Chrome version 17 or later
Web-browser Requirements for Enterprise
Our ERP system can be accessed by any device with one of the following browsers:
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer version 11
  • Mozilla Firefox version 10 or later
  • Apple Safari version 5 or later
  • Google Chrome version 17 or later

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