Bug Fixes - Version 17.0.35 - Released 19 March 2022

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11826501 - Jobs Are No Longer Alphabetized
Previously, the list of jobs were in alphabetical order so, as long as you knew the name of the job, you could easily find it. However, a code regression in version 10 broke that so Jobs were in no real order. Restored to proper functionality.
11832159 - Item Page Admin Panel Visible to Customer Service Only
The Item admin panel is now visible to those with the appropriate roles if the site is licensed for Product Information Management (PIM) but not Customer Service; as before, it still shows if you're licensed for Customer Service but not PIM.
11833540 - Shopify Duplicate Customer Error Format Changed
Shopify changed their duplicate customer error format; the old logic was no longer working on it.
11836565 - Unable to Save Changes to Items When Using Country Names Instead of ISO Codes
When having the setting in Global Settings | Acct Receivable | Country Name Handling | Value to Write set to "Country Names" instead of "ISO Code", changes made to an Item in Ecommerce Edit Item would not save.
11837532 - Verify Requirements for Site Map Job to Run
Improved on-page documentation for this Job.
11840315 - Wrong Cash Account Applied to Orders With Foreign Customers
In some environments, customers are set to use the currencies of their home countries instead of the default (the British Pound or Euro, for example.) An error introduced into the code caused all cash amounts to utilize the default currency on sales orders, regardless of what they were set to.
11840842 - Enterprise Fav Icon Needs To Stay At The Web Site Fav icon
When you visit a web site, you get the web sites fav icon; however, when you login to the dashboard on that site, it switched to the BirdDog fav icon. This made it difficult to tell which Enterprise site you are on when you log into multiple Enterprise sites.
11844573 - ORE on PurchaseOrderEdit
We were getting an object reference error when trying to edit a Purchase Order.
11844574 - ORE on PurchaseOrder
We were also getting an object reference error when simply trying to view a Purchase Order.
11844576 - Item No:XXXXX at location:LOC has bins enabled, BinNo should not be blank.
PO Receiving was not handling the default bin correctly.
11845262 - Error Executing Released Purchase Order
When executing a release order on the Purchase Order page we were getting a 'par_item_no too long (Max length=15) error for environments such as Macola ES/10 that allow longer item numbers.
11845475 - Process End of Day Job Crashes When Printing Invoices
Instead of actually printing invoices, the system was throwing an unhandled exception and crashing the entire Job process.
11845544 - Adding Item Without Buy Role to Wishlist Throws Useless Error
Error when trying to add item without Buy role to a Wishlist was too technical and didn't explain to normal people not fluent in the Black Speech of Mordor what you needed to do to fix this or what was actually wrong.
11844699 - Item Import Does Not Write To BDItems25
When running Import Items to Web Categories on existing items in your ERP, the import job did not write a record for the item into a required BirdDog table. This was causing the items to not show up in search on the website.