Bug Fixes - Version 17.0.37 - Released 23 March 2020

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11848853 - Add Customization Point For JSON Data Returned To Knockout Pages
A few versions back we converted some of our pages to use knockout as the view engine. While these pages perform well, they were more difficult to customize. This enhancement made that process much easier. Added Custom.Events.WebEvents.ItemSearch_ItemAdded to enable customizing item properties on search. Added Custom.Events.CartEvents.Line_Item_JsonProperties to enable customizing item properties on the cart. Fixed Custom.Events.CartEvents.ExtraJsonProperties example.
11845071 - 'Item_Desc_1 Too Long' Error Bombs QuickBooks Connector Run
When running the QuickBooks Desktop Connector to do the initial sync of orders from QB to BirdDog, we saw this error. It didn't tell us what order or item that the problem description is on, so we improved the logging for future runs.