New Features

This branch has the following features implemented:
11843693 - Support Multiple Locations in QuickBooks Desktop
This increases field lengths on several table fields (Customer.Loc, Order.Mfg_Loc, Order Audit.Mfg_Loc, and Invoice.Mfg_Loc). and requires a QuickBooks license with Advanced Inventory that has been enabled: see here to enable it.
11844586 - WMS Enhancements
This branch had 3 primary features:
  • BirdDog Engine field length increases to item number and UOM fields in PO line, PO line audit, PO line history, and the item/vendor table.
  • Added ability to set a Inventory Location to multi binned.
  • Updated Customer Service screens to include the customer # in the url so that the url can be copied and passed around. Also allows for multiple customers to be viewed in different tabs at the same time.
  • Updated Confirm Ship process to print Packing Slip, Proforma Invoice, and Package Labels if enabled. For this, added Shipping tab on the Global Settings page with these options.
  • Added ability to print package labels from EntWin\Transactions\Pick / Pack\Print Package Labels.
11845586 - Add Edit Info To Page Layouts When Logged In As An Employee
Added Created Date, Created By, Last Updated Date, and Last Updated By to a webpage at the bottom, visible only when logged in as an employee. This allows you to easily determine who screwed up your marvelous webpage so you know who to beat with a hammer.
11846296 - Increase BD Engine Field Lengths
This was mostly terms code field lengths that were extended in length for use in a BirdDog Engine database.