Bug Fixes - 18.0.52 - Released 2 May 2022

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11835668 - Report Production Doesn't Update Average Cost Correctly
When reporting production, the average cost of the parent item should have been updated to take into account the cost of the items just produced and the unit cost of the work order should have been updated as well; neither were true. While fixing that, also discovered issues with production order release/report where the wrong location was being used for cost, and discovered an issue where if you had a POP forced demand item on a sales order and somehow the inventory transaction was deleted for that order line (which is illegal but it happened), then when you reported production, it would blow up with a horrible error. Now it just logs it and keeps going.
11846402 - QuickBooks Desktop Connector Can't Handle Duplicate Bin Names
Posting was broken in QuickBooks Desktop because of a fix in 17.0 where G/L accounts are validated during posting so we now validate G/L accounts on A/R Setup.
11847060 - QuickBooks Desktop Connector - Improve Duplicate G/L Error
Improved logging for QuickBooks Desktop systems.
11847076 - QuickBooks Desktop Connector - Error Running Module 'inventory-part' During Initial Sync
Improved logging for QuickBooks Desktop systems.
11847395 - QuickBooks Desktop Connector Not Uploading Sales Orders With Service Items
An order with an Inventory Item was syncing all the way across and writing the order and orderline to QuickBooks. An order with any other type of item (Task, Inspection, Service Tech) was downloading to BirdDog, but threw the "One or more errors occurred" error and didn't write the order into QuickBooks.
11847741 - Tax Codes Imported From Sage Not Setting Tax Rate
Tax codes were coming over from Sage 100 with a 0% tax rate.
11847902 - Cost Incorrect When Receiving a PO With a UOM Conversion
An item with a stocking UOM of LB, a purchasing UOM of BX (box), and a PO conversion ration of 5 (so 5 lb boxes) was showing the cost as $0.20 when receiving a PO instead of the expected $1.
11848066 - Invalid Windows Permissions Throws Generic Error
The Sage 100 connector threw the generic exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. We eventually determined that the issue was that the Windows domain account didn't have permissions set on the folders/files. We updated the generic message to be more useful.
11848507 - Enterprise for Windows - Remove Redundant Report Path
On EntWin | Settings | Website | Reports, there is a Report Path. It was redundant since there's already a EntWin | Settings | Paths folder.
11848744 - QuickBooks Desktop Connector Hangs on DownloadInventorySites
Fixed a scenario in QuickBooks Desktop where the downloading of Inventory Sites would go into an infinite loop
11848979 - Invalid Webcategory Code Error Message Is Not Helpful
We were observing issues when a webpage had invalid characters - e.g., question mark(?), colon(:), comma(,), apostrophe('), period(.) - in the title were the web manager was failing but was not telling you why. Adjusted the error message to be more helpful but also update code defaults for new pages which will automatically remove the invalid characters for the page code.
11848983 - Order Line Recalc Price Is Not Working Correctly
Found a bug in Order.LinePricing where the comparison to the item being a coupon was backward. Fixing this caused custom/manual prices to be reset anytime another line was added. This fixes that mess.
11849033 - M1 Connector Writing Shipping Totals Instead Of Ordered Totals For Tax And Total Fields
SalesOrders.ompOrderTaxAmountBase, ompOrderTaxAmountForeign, ompOrderTotalBase, and ompOrderTotalForeign were being written to M1 with the shipping amounts instead of the ordered amounts. This caused the values to be wrong when the quantity to ship on any of the lines did not match the quantity ordered.
11849335 - Confirm To Field In Sage100 Gets Blanked When Syncing Changes
In the course of syncing an order between BirdDog and Sage 100 and making changes on both ends, the 'Confirm To' and 'Email' fields on the Sage Order were getting blanked out.
11849538 - Need to Download Email Address and Phone From Shopify Orders
Ordered by email and phone were not being downloaded from Shopify to BirdDog sales orders.
11849596 - Email Not Syncing From BirdDog To Shopify
When creating a new customer in Shopify with no Email address, syncing that customer with no Email to the BirdDog database, then adding an email address to the customer on the BirdDog (or appropriate ERP) side and trying to sync it back up to Shopify, a NULL error was being received from Shopify. This fix also adds a warning to the report when we have validation issues so we're not blind to this going on.
11849600 - Quick Order Form Using Different Search Than Website
Our type-ahead search, which is used in multiple places like Customer Service | Order Entry and Ecommerce | Quick Order Form, was using the same search as the main site search but it was not using the search settings from Site Settings | Site Search which was causing it to return results differently.
11850131 - Some Inventory-Part Items Not Being Downloaded from QBD
This was not a case of bad data or an item type that we do not support, but rather the QuickBooks Desktop connector was simply not pulling some items down from QuickBooks until those items were manually adjusted in the system.
11850292 - PricingResult Not Verifying Anonymous User Correctly
Pricing result was returning an error when running a GraphQL query anonymously.