Bug Fixes - 19.1.49 - Released 7 February 2023

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11833495 - Remove References to Ship To From The Address Book
When a customer was logged into the site and navigated to their account's address book, we erroneously made multiple references to "Ship-Tos" instead of addresses.
11836975 - Add Support For Schema Fields URL, Review, SKU, PriceValidUntil, and Brand
Improved the item page for Google Search validation purposes. Customized itemform pages will need these fixes applied to their page.
11841417 - Clicking on Back to Top on What's New Page Goes to Main Web Page
When going to a page using CATEGORIES layout, like our What's New page, clicking on the Back to Top took you to the main page of the website instead of the top of the page.
11846225 - Web Order History Status and Order Form Status Data Doesn't Match
When viewing Order History on the web, the "Status" field on the Order History page didn't match the "Status" field on the Order Form page. While troubleshooting this, we later discovered that it appears that the Order History page was pulling "Status" from OrderTypeMSG. The Order Form page was pulling "Status" from Order.Status.
11848769 - Contact With Long Name Won't Create Customer
When adding a contact in BRAIN, if the contact was set to Organization and had more than 40 characters in the name, Enteprrise was choking when you tried to create a customer.
11851956 - Amazon Connector Not Pulling Down Shipping Charges on Orders
When using the Amazon Connector Sub-System, freight generated on an order on Amazon was incorrectly coming down to BirdDog as blank.
11854001 - Categories Page Using Search Permission Instead Of View
An item with only View permission was not showing up on the Categories.aspx page but did show up on other Categories pages. It also did not show up if the Search permission was enabled. While troubleshooting, we determined the Categories.aspx page was using incorrect permissions when determing what was visible and what wasn't.
11854929 - Ship To Code Too Long Errors
Ship-To codes are different lengths in different ERPs. This project updates Ecommerce to honor the ship-to code length of the ERP it is running against.
11855090 - Enterprise for Windows Could Not Load Invoice Report Pointing to Deprecated Location
While trying to invoice an order, Enterprise for Windows was throwing a 'could not load invoice report' and then referenced a path to change it in the software that no longer exists.
11855102 - Error On Email Confirmation Window On Order View
When trying to send an email confirmation email in order view in Enterprise and using Macola ES, the system was throwing a 'Property Ord_No Is Ambiguous On Type BirdDogES.Order' error.
11855884 - Price at UOM Ratio Is Outside The Allowed Range
This error was caused by some old price error handling that set the price to 999999999.9999 when there were invalid item locations. Update to set the price to a valid/in rage value of 9999999.999999. As a result of this fix, there are some changes to how we download/upload orders to ServicePro. When we download an order, we check the following and if either is true, we mark the order to uploaded back to ServicePro:
  • Is Sync Order Line Unit Price not set and the unit price downloaded from Service Pro doesn't match BirdDog OR
  • Is Sales Tax Connector licensed AND (the order is new OR sales tax changed for the BirdDog order based on the changes we just downloaded from Service Pro).
11855596 - Site Crash When Changing Time Slips
When changing timeslips in BRAIN using the dropdown list or by starting a new one, the site crashed with a broken rule concerning TaskID.
11856362 - Error on Site Load
Resolved an object reference not set to an instance of an object error.
11856449 - Sales Order Doesn't Allow 0 Percent Split When Sales Person Set
When we fixed 11847238 in 16.1.25, we added rules requiring that the salesperson split must be set when the salesperson is set. This is not true. This removes that rule. So now it is legal to set sales person #1 to 100, the split for salesperson 1 to 0, sales person #2 to 200, and the split for sales person 2 to 100. The 3 splits must still add up to 100%.
11856914 - Errors on Collect Account No Info on Order Entry Screen
When using 'Collect' as the Freight Pay Method on the Order Entry Screen in Enterprise, if you loaded a 'Collect Account No.', then selected a different Shipping method you got an 'Invalid Customer Freight Account' error on the dropdown list. Also when selecting a Collect Account No, there were duplicates on that same DDL.
11856942 - Weird Behavior on Add/Edit Freight Account Window in Order Entry
When adding/editing freight accounts on the order entry screen, a window pops up. When you clicked on the top of the window to move it, it shifted down. This was just plain irritating.
11857201 - CC Expiry Limitation
When entering a credit card on checkout page our dropdown list for the card, the expiration date only went ten years. Extended this to eleven years.
11857171 - Zero Qty Ord Line Changes to One After Syncing in Sage
When we originally implemented Sage 100, we did not support quantity ordered of 0 so the Sage connector updated zero to 1 when syncing orders. This adds support for adding lines with qty ordered = 0 in Customer Service when running against Sage 100 or QuickBooks Desktop (since they also allow this). Other ERPs will still display an error message.
11858194 - WooCommerce Orders With Variant Items Not Syncing Down With Proper Item Numbers in ERP Order
When an order that has a variant item on it was generated in WooCommerce and connectors were run, the order was incorrectly bringing down the master item instead of the variant. This presumes that the variant items have been correctly mapped.