Bug Fixes - 19.2.21 - Released 7 February 2023

This build has the following bug fixes implemented:
11854162 - Obsolete Item Flag Not Being Synced To SvcPro
When an item is set to Inactive/Obsolete, we were not sending that flag up to Service Pro. This was allowing that Inactive item to added to an orderline in Service Pro. If we manually set the Obsolete flag on the item in Service Pro, the next time we sync that item up to Service pro, we blanked the flag and unchecked the Obsolete box on the item in Service Pro.
11856005 - BirdDog Pushing Changes to New M1 Ship Tos
  • We now write Country Code to M1 Customer/Ship To country and countryCode fields. Prior to this, we wrote country name to country and country code to countrycode.
  • We also updated to the latest change tracking to remove an upload back to M1 after the initial download (frequently referred to as a "bounce") of a ship-to. Ship-To values that come from the customer (cmlCustomerCreditLimit, cmlCreditHold, cmlCustomerTaxable, cmlTaxExemptNumber, and cmlCurrencyRateID) are only written on inserts (not updates).
  • Finally, we added two new M1 Events: ShipToInserted_Before and ShipToUpdated_Before.
11858401 - Add Sales People To Sales Order Upload
Fixed the mapping of the sales person in the Sage 100 connector.