11860475 - Shipping Interface Requires Item Permissions
Related to 11833973 above, although with slight differences that are only immediately apparent under the hood. Shipping Interface can select orders for billing. In a scenario where you have the
AvaTax connector, the system must load the item to determine tax settings. Previously, if you didn't have the correct item permissions, the system could miscalculate sales tax. If you have permission to run the shipping interface command, it does not matter what your item permissions are.
11865584 - Sage Connector Not Retrying Orderline Upload After Receiving a Record Lock Error on Order in Sage
When attempting to upload new orderlines to
Sage 100, if we get a "Record Lock" error because the order is open in Sage Sales Order Entry (or for whatever other reason), we throw a warning in logging, but never attempted to re-upload those orderlines to Sage. Bumping the order or making a change to it would cause it to be reprocessed, but the missing lines never synced to Sage.
11867055 - Sage 100 External ERP Type isn't being set
When the connector is initially run against a new database, it sets which external ERP will be utilized based on what is set in the initial connector setup. This is important as the schema is frequently different according to which ERP is involved - for example, one ERP may have a character limit of 8 for customer numbers, but another may allow 16, and so on. An earlier version of the software introduced a regression bug that was preventing this value from being set for
Sage 100 and, as a result, the schema was not being updated correctly.