Bug Fixes - 22.1.24 - Released 19 February 2024

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11866320 - Macola ES Doesn't Handle G/L Account Cost Center/Unit Defaults Correctly
We encounted an issue where a new ES Ecommerce system was getting errors at checkout referencing an invalid G/L account on the freight account on the Ship Via. The real issue turned out to be that we were reporting that account as invalid because they were using the default cost center or unit and that wasn't listed in the "available" cost center/units for the G/L account. It turns out that Macola ES doesn't require the default cost center/unit to be in that list; the fact that it is the default automatically makes it valid.
11868458 - Quantity Available Is Inconsistent Across Site When In a Multi-Location Environment
In our system, you can configure how the line location of an item is set on new orders by going to Site Setting | Ecommerce | Location Determination. However, we discovered that this was not always being honored on certain pages when a customer was logged in and that customer was set to something other than default.
11869177 - Timeslips Not Selecting When Start/End Time Too Close
This fixes a issue in the date comparison in the TimeSlip functionality in BRAIN. We observed a timeslip with an EndTime of 2023-11-01 13:29:52.317 and the next timeslip had a start time of 2023-11-01 13:29:51.657. While these technically overlap, the rule is supposed to allow overlap of less than a second. Due to a precision issue in the date comparison, this was reporting "TimeSlip Has The Following Broken Rules: TimeSlips Overlap" when it shouldn't have been.
11870839 - Job Number Doesn't Sync Down From ServicePro
When the field Job Number is populated in a Service Pro Connector system on an order created via import, the Job Number failed to download into our database when the connector runs.
11871307 - Added Support Parent/Child Relationships For Region Codes
With 22.0, we added Region functionality to our Service Pro Connector system, but we failed to add support for parent/child relationships within those codes (so region 2 and 3 could have region 1 as their parent, for example.) This lack of support meant that when the SPE system linked the Service Pro Region with the one created in our environment, it overwrote whatever was set as a parent Region in Service Pro with GLOBAL. With this build, we simply stopped overwriting the hierarchy properties for those Region Codes.
11871368 - Connector Doesn't Handle Uploading New Equipment When It Is Duplicated On Service Pro
We discovered this in a scenario where there were two identical Equipment records in Service Pro Connector - same customer, same site, same equipment number. When that Equipment is created in BirdDog and the connector was run to link them up, we were returning an error decipherable only to developers. Now the system will link to one and also return a warning that the equipment is duplicated and which one we are updating.
11871670 - BirdDog Fields Of Type DateTime Should Handle Being Set To Blank
The issue of this was that Date/Time BirdDog fields didn't allow being set to blank. This had already been fixed for Date fields. Now, Date/Time fields will see blank as 1/1/0001 12am.
11871684 - Changing To A Ship-To With A Default Location On The Cart Doesn't Update Existing Cart Line Locations
While testing 11868458 above, we discovered that if a customer logged into Ecommerce and checked out using an existing Ship-To that was set to pull from a location other than default or what the customer was set to, the order was ignoring the Ship-Tos settings.