Bug Fixes - 23.0.26 - Released 19 February 2024

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11870692 - Cannot Import Sales Order Without Lines
When using the Import Sales Order functionality, the system would not allow you to import an order without lines.
11870878 - Order.Job Number Length Needs To Be Increased In BirdDog Engine-Type Databases
Altered field lengths in a number of tables to fit standards for supported ERPs. This is one of the reasons for the point release.
11870886 - Invalid Equipment Code For Valid Equipment On Order Downloads
We were seeing errors indicating that an order downloaded using the Service Pro connector was using invalid Equipment when that was not the case. Resolved this error.
11871893 - Add Equipment Validation Back to Order Imports
In 22.0.33, we released major enhancements to the Service Pro Exchange system which included an import to support Equipment on Service Pro. We initially removed all equipment validation to allow for historical orders to be downloaded without issue. Before, orders with equipment that had since been moved from the order's site would throw an error on download. We removed this validation, as well as validation going upwards. This project adds that validation back so an import cannot accidentally generate an order for Customer X with Customer Y's Equipment.
11871894 - Order Line Import Not Allowing For Multiple Line Imports
When using the Import Sales Order functionality, the system would allow you to import an order with a single order line, but not multiples.
11871911 - Service Pro Connector Not Reporting Warning When Not Uploading Because Order Has A Completion Date
When using the Service Pro connector, attempts to upload line items to an order that has been Completed now report a clear warning: Work order:{Order.Ord_No} exists on Service Pro and has a completed date of:{raw.Single.Item("CompletedDateTime")}, order will not be uploaded.
11872016 - Increase UOM Length To 10 For Microsoft AX
Altered field lengths in a number of tables to better support this ERP. This is one of the reasons for the point release.
11872302 - Add Culture Name Back To Site Settings
Culture setting was accidentally dropped from older versions of Site Settings. We added it back with this.
11872505 - Order Support ShipVia Length Not Long Enough
Increased this field length to better support the Service Pro connector. This is one of the reasons for the point release.
11872548 - Service Pro Connector Does Not Handle States With Spaces In The Name
While something of an outlier, we discovered that a state or province with a space in the name was messing up the city/state/zip parser in our Service Pro connector