Version 26





System Requirements for Version 26


Bug Fixes - 26.2.9 - Released 6 February 2025

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11883164 - SvcPro Connector Uploads Empty Tax Schedule
When creating a new Tax Schedule in Sage 100, we synced it correctly from Sage to BD, but on the upload of that new Tax Schedule to Service Pro, we created a Tax Schedule that contained no Tax Codes.
11886628 - Incorrect Information On Site Settings Cloudflare Tooltips
The tooltips on Site Settings | Website | Cloudflare for the Site and Secret Key incorrectly refered to Google instead of Cloudflare.
11886995 - Open Order Analysis Label Misplaced
The Service Pro checkbox under Order Source on the Open Order Analysis wasn't in the box like it was supposed to be.

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New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
11882914 - Add Custom Fields to Pick Ticket
Added support for displaying BirdDog custom fields on a crystal report. Documentation for use is located here. This also updates the default pick ticket report to use the Freight Pay Code description and display the freight collect account number.
11835703 - Create First Pass of Constant Contact Connector
This new connector integrates the Constant Contact marketing tool with BirdDog and allows you to push up existing contacts to their environment.
11884416 - Document Layout Add Reference Data
Significantly improved the DocumentLayout.aspx page with several new options that have on-page documentation attached to them.
11885671 - Add Support For Picking And Packing Notes To The Email Order Acknowledgement
Significantly improved this in the following ways:
  • Add order line properties that make it easy to get specific item note types: ItemNoteQuote; ItemNoteAcknowledgements; ItemNotePicking; ItemNotePacking; ItemNoteInvoice
  • Updates our stock pick ticket to only display ItemNotePicking
  • Updates our stock packing slip to only display ItemNotePacking
  • Multiple updates to the stock pick ticket/packing slip
11885878 - Update The Email Template Processor To Convert Carriage Line Breaks In String Data To HTML Line Breaks
Multi-line line string data (e.g. sales order header comments and line comments and item notes) would send with the carriage line breaks and, since the emails were being handled as HTML, the data would all bunch up on one line like "Line#1Line#2Line#3). The email template processor now swaps them for an HTML line break BR. We use enumerations all over our software like Sales Order Source (e.g. Ecommerce, CustomerService) and connector account types (e.g. Shopify, QuickBooksDesktop). We have a utility that turns these into the appropriate human-readable version (e.g. Customer Service, QuickBooks Desktop). The email template processor now swaps the Enum value for the human-readable value.
11885908 - Add BirdDog Fields to Vendors
Added BirdDog Fields to Vendors. Added a new role named Purchasing Manager that has the ability to edit vendors (but nothing else in A/P). Added a vendor link to the purchasing menu (so a purchasing manager can get to vendors even if A/P isn't licensed).

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Bug Fixes - 26.1.21 - Released 6 February 2025

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11885069 - Clean Up Unused Pages From Builds
Over the many years of updates and upgrades, our web software has accumulated a number of files in the build that have been deprecated or were actually never needed. This project begins the process of cleaning up some of those files.
11886129 - Projects By Type Report Isn't Returning Projects Without A Due Date When A Due Date Start Date Is Not Specified And A Due Date End Date Is
As of this build, if you create a project in BRAIN without a due date, that project will be returning on a Projects By Type with an ending due date, but will not appear on a Projects by Type run with a starting due date.
11886261 - Posting Invoice For Lot Item Blanks eff_dt And exp_dt In imlsmst_sql
This is for Macola ES environments only. When posting an invoice in Enterprise for a lotted item, the system incorrectly NULLed the effective date, the expiration date, and the serial lot date in the I/M Serial/Lot Master File. It did not do this when the End-Of-Day process was done in Macola.

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Bug Fixes - 26.1.7 - Released 31 December 2024

This build has no version specific bugs that need to be reported, but has cumulative fixes from prior versions merged into it.

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New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
11832999 - Create Initial Pass Of The QuickBooks Online Connector
Added support for QuickBooks Online connector as a supported ERP/Accounting System - this is a level 1 integration.
11856758 - Add Support Pages To Site Settings
On site settings, we have the Site Content tab which defaults to a great number of banners for the appropriate pages. Prior to this build, the pages in question were hardcoded to only use the default banners so if changed on site settings, that change was not being recognized.
11884354 - Add Advanced Item Search To Order Entry
Added a link to the Advanced Item Search next to the item no entry field on the order entry screen.

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Bug Fixes - 26.0.25 - Released 6 February 2025

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11885435 - Logging Is Noisy But No Errors
Despite having no actual errors in the logging, the Spire ERP connector run was constantly throwing a bunch of warnings that should only be recurring if errors were popping up.
11884869 - Logging Improvements Required For Typo And Clarity
Logging in the Spire ERP connector was reported Unhandle Error instead of Unhandled. We also improved the actual logging to make it more understandable to non-developers.
11884872 - Changing Item Numbers On A Component Is Not Allowed Error
Resolved some download issues with the Spire ERP connector.
11885192 - UOM Value Needs To Be Increased
The UOM code length in Spire ERP is 10 characters, but we were only allowing 4.
11885197 - Customer Download Error With Input String Not Correct Format
Resolved some download issues with the Spire ERP connector.
11885559 - Process End Of Period Doesn't Handle Invoices Without Lines
If you posted a sales order header without any lines on it and then ran the Process End of Period job, the job blew up with a positively ugly error that was quite difficult to decipher.

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Bug Fixes - 26.0.21 - Released 31 December 2024

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11884877 - Items With Apostrophe Causing Error During Spire Connector Run
While using the Spire ERP Connector, we were getting an unhandled exception for items with apostrophes in the item number.
11884882 - An Item Cannot Be A Component Of Itself
Normally, we do not allow this kind of data, but the Spire ERP does allow this. With this build, we changed this to a warning that we are ignoring that issue.
11884966 - Getting Unsupported Item Type:K With Spire Connector Run
Observed while using the Spire ERP Connector. Fixed this error.

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Bug Fixes - 26.0.19 - Released 16 December 2024

This build has the following bug fixes implemented: 
11881896 - Order Rules Tracking Long Ord Nos
This updates the Order Number field on our BDOrderRuleTracking table to match the ERP length. We discovered that some ERPs have wildly different tracking number lengths and this was causing some ugly error messages.
11883577 - Invoice Multiple Emails With Comma Broken
In customer service, when emailing multiple emails on an invoice, the tool tip states that you can use a comma to separate the multiple emails but doing so resulted in an error.
11884260 - Field Names Must Be Unique
The system was allowing a user to create two fields with the same name. At some point, the unique index on the Field Group and Name got dropped. This adds it back ... and is one of the reasons for the point release.

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New Features

This branch has the following features implemented: 
11868943 - Add Ability To Disable Sales Order Upload To The Epicor Connector
Prior to this build, sales orders were simply presumed to be uploaded with our Epicor Connector. This adds the functionality to set the Sales Order Upload to either All or None that work exactly as advertised. This has a schema update and is one of the reasons for the point release.
11876651 - Add Support For Drop Ship Availability
This was very old functionality that accidentally got partially removed. With this build, we added it back, though utilizing it does require some setup.
11878160 - Spire Systems ERP Connector
This enhancement updated the BirdDOg Connector Sub-System to integrate the Spire Systems ERP with our ecommerce platform. This is a level two integration with sales order data being synchronized both ways.
11881255 - Add Sales Order Line Discount Support To Sage 100
This adds Sales Order Line.Discount Percent mapping to the Sage 100 connector. For this to function properly, you have to enable Sales Order | Setup | Sales Order Options | Line Entry | Allow Discount Rate by Detail Line. This project was one of the reasons for the point release. To avoid data loss, if Allow Discount Rate by Detail Line was not enabled when the connector was originally run, then you will need to remove the Invoices and SalesOrders lines on the BDConnectorGreatestSeenTimes table, which will force all sales orders to be re-downloaded the next time connectors runs.
11881566 - Add Exclude Zero Dollar Transaction Setting To AvaTax Connector
On the AvaTax connector setup, we added a new setting: Only send non-zero transactions. If checked, a document that has a total of $0 isn't sent to AvaTax.
11881629 - Add ConvertingToOrder and ConvertedToOrder events
This added two new WebEvents, CheckOut_ConvertingToOrder and CheckOut_ConvertedToOrder, to Web\CustomExamples\Events\Ecommerce\WebEvents.vb. These two events allow for customizations immediately before and after a shopping cart is converted to an order.
11881705 - Add Support For Downloading Tracking Numbers From Epicor
This adds support for using the BAQ BirdDog_TrackingInfo (API endpoint of BaqSvc/BirdDog_TrackingInfo to download tracking numbers from Epicor. BirdDog_TrackingInfo must have the following fields and they cannot be NULL or empty:
  • OrderHed_OrderNum - Sales order number the tracking number is for
  • ShipHead_ChangeDate - Activity date used to filter new records
  • ShipHead_TrackingNumber - The tracking number to assign to the order
  • ShipHead_ShipDate - The date the order was shipped
After successfully applying a tracking number to an order, the order will be marked as selected and then invoiced to allow other connectors (e.g. Shopify or Amazon) to upload the tracking number.
11883915 - Remove WebPart Filter From Epicor Item Download
Updated the Epicor Connector item download to work like our other ERP integrations and download all items.

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Reason For Point Release

This point increased (v25 to v26) was primarily caused by two projects:

  • 11868943 - Add Ability To Disable Sales Order Upload To The Epicor Connector. This included a schema change to one of our BDConnector tables.
  • 11881255 - Add Sales Order Line Discount Support To Sage 100. There was some fairly significant alterations to the underlying code on Sage 100 orders.
  • 11884260 - Field Names Must Be Unique. If your database has multiple Field Definitions with the same name, you will get an error when launching the software alerting you to the offending field name. You will then need to manually delete the offending duplicate from BDFieldDefinitions. You may run the below query against your database to see if you have any problems. If this does not return any records, then you are good to go:
    • select
      from bdfielddefinitions
      group by FieldGroup,Name
      having count(*)>1

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System Requirements for Version 26

Server Requirements

Software Requirements

BirdDog Software can be deployed on a dedicated or virtual server that meets the following requirements:

Minimum hardware required:
  • Windows 2012 R2 Server - a good rule of thumb to follow for Windows versions: if Microsoft is no longer supporting it, we probably aren't either.
  • Minimum: 8 GB of RAM, recommended: 16 GB of RAM
  • Minimum .Net Framework 4.7.2
  • 300-500 MB of available hard disk space per installed instance of BirdDog
BirdDog software can be installed on x64 (64-bit) versions of the following:
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2016
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2019
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2022
  • Microsoft Windows Server 2025

ImageMagick must be installed on your web server.

Database Server Requirements

Hardware requirements:
  • Minimum: 8 GB of RAM, recommended: 16 GB of RAM
  • 200 MB of available hard disk space. Depending on the number of transactions, additional hard disk space may be required to store large number of transactions.
  • Document Management, additional hard disk space depending on the amount of documents. 5GB of documents will require 5GB of additional storage. Consider this, Using an estimate of 2,500 pages per file drawer and four file drawers per file cabinet, one can estimate that scanning two four-drawer file cabinets full of documents (ten thousand single-sided pages) will require 1 GB.
The BirdDog database can be hosted by:
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012, any edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014, any edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016, any edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017, any edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019, any edition
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2022, any edition

Full-Text Search needs to be installed on your SQL Server for our software to function correctly. And as with the Windows note above, a good rule of thumb to follow for MS SQL Server versions: if Microsoft is no longer supporting it, we probably aren't either.

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Work Station Requirements

  • 2gb of RAM
  • 2GHZ or better CPU
  • High-speed internet
  • Windows 10 or later - a good rule of thumb to follow for Windows versions: if Microsoft is no longer supporting it, we're probably not either.
  • If using Avatax, 64-bit is required

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Web Browser Requirements

Web-browser Requirements for Ecommerce

Our publicly facing system can be accessed by any device with the latest version of one of the following browsers:

  • MS Edge; as IE was deprecated by Microsoft, we no longer support it.
  • Mozilla Firefox (still our favorite!)
  • Apple Safari
  • Google Chrome
Web-browser Requirements for Enterprise
Our ERP system can be accessed by any device with the latest version of one of the following browsers::
  • MS Edge; as IE was deprecated by Microsoft, we no longer support it.
  • Mozilla Firefox (still our favorite!)
  • Apple Safari
  • Google Chrome

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